While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 381 - Easy Victory

Adam wanted to see what the three family heads were capable of and retracted his Devouring Death Daggers into his arms, amazing the onlookers who couldn\'t understand how exactly he was able to make weapons appear and disappear as he pleased.

The Dale Family Head formed a large wall behind Adam, supposedly blocking off his path of retreat, giving the Lin Family Head the chance to land a Dragon Fist on Adam, then followed up by a sword strike from the Ford Family Head, also called New York\'s swordmaster.

However, despite their great plan and execution of it, Adam was still too nimble, calm and skilled in combat to allow himself to be struck by such attacks.

They didn\'t land a single attack on Adam the entire time they fought and despite all their intelligent strategies and power, all their attempts to wound Adam ended in failure and they were beginning to look for a way to retreat.

It was clear that his speed surpassed theirs and the Lin Family Head, despite being prideful, arrogant and angry, still knew when it was time to retreat and save his own life.

Adam could see their intentions and their attacks all clearly used a lot of energy and the three of them made a great team that would have been able to take on an army of ordinary Advanced Cultivators.

However, unfortunately for them, they were facing Adam, who was calling himself Death, and they had no chance of getting away.

Initially, those watching believed that the family heads had the upper hand and that Adam had no chance against them, however, when they looked closer, Adam was able to take on all of their attacks and was unscathed. 

He was also unarmed and also didn\'t seem to be trying to take them down, making it apparent that he was merely toying with them.

It was extremely frustrating for the family heads who felt as though they were facing an invincible being that they couldn\'t land an attack on and also seemed to be enjoying himself.

The three family heads looked at each other and each of them understood the others\' intention, as they all unleashed a ranged attack aimed at Adam, before dashing in the other direction.

As soon as they saw their three leaders turn back to run away, the rest of the cultivators also turned to run away without any hesitation, knowing that they had no chance against the monster calling himself Death.

Adam was amused by their desperate attempt to get away and those watching were shocked by the turn in events, not ever expecting that a single man would be able to face so many powerful cultivators and cause them all to turn tail and run away.

Within a second, Adam closed the gap between them and took out his Death Devouring Daggers.

They had a spirit and life of their own and Adam flung each of them at the back of the Dale and For Family Heads, stabbing deeply into their backs and taking them down with ease.

The Death Devouring Daggers were not only consuming and decaying the bodies of the two family heads that they were embedded into, but were also storing it within the daggers, which Adam could then absorb into his body or keep within the daggers.

Adam also had the ability to call them back to his hands using some sort of magnetic connection, but left the daggers to kill the two family heads.

He then grabbed the back of the Lin Family Head\'s neck and lifted him up into the air and all those that were watching were amazed by how easily he caught up to them and took them all down.

"Hear me cultivators that are fleeing. You may all join the Sentinels Faction if you please, and if you do not wish to do so, you better not stop running as our faction will continue to spread throughout the country. New York belongs to my faction and if you trespass, there is only one possible consequence, death. Spread my name and make sure that cultivators around the country and world know of Death and the Sentinels Faction" called out Adam.

His voice resounded throughout the area and was clearly heard by all as he allowed the other cultivators to flee, which would benefit him as they would spread rumours of his power.

They would either leave the city or join their faction anyway, and Adam had already demonstrated his power to them enough, so that wasn\'t an issue and he walked back over to the cultivators behind him, while tightly holding onto the back of the Lin Family Head\'s neck.

The Lin Family Head\'s body was unable to resist and submitted to Adam\'s power as he was dragged along and Adam threw his body over to Angela, who was trying to stay strong, but was clearly saddened by the death of her grandfather.

He was no longer a threat and also wouldn\'t dare to even think about attacking them, as Adam could easily stop and kill him, so all that was left was for him to resign to his fate and beg for them to show him mercy.

"Please, I will join you and be loyal, just spare my life" 

The Lin Family Head endlessly begged and the cultivators began to cheer for Adam and their leaders and were amazed by the turn of events and the humiliating state that the Lin Family Head was in.

His body was weakened greatly after using a lot of energy and a technique that would push his body too much, and he also knew that he had no chance of escape, so all he could do was beg.

It seemed as though it was an easy victory for Adam and those that watched him battle couldn\'t help but wonder whether that was his true power, how old he was, where he was from and many other questions.

Meanwhile, Angela didn\'t know what to feel with all the emotions she was feeling all at once and as she looked up at Adam\'s red eyes, then down at the pathetic Lin Family Head, she didn\'t know what she wanted to do with him.

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