The Player's System

Chapter 9 - Weapons


There were two daily tasks enlisted; first exercise and the proper meal. Jake completed the task and thought it seriously. There were some savings with him. Jake took some money and ordered packed food. His intentions were to keep the icebox filled with food in case there was little time and if he could not go out for buying it then he might fail the task. 

Later he cleaned the play area setting everything in order. He seemed fueled by unknown inducement. His interaction with the other team members was not good because they had been suspicious about his identity all the time. Once or twice they heard about each other during various missions in the game however none of them had met the seventh player. Jake did not talk in VC despite them insisting. 

The day finally came and the fabulous opening ceremony held with the corporate smile of the media manager bragging things which actually did not exist. The eagerness of the players died down while the enthusiasm of the spectators increased with the time after they came to know that they will get several surprises with every level in the game. Three teams were already selected. Three portals were meant for three entrance in the game and three teams has only one task, \'Find the Hidden python and kill\' 

It was similar of the recent notification of the system. The system wanted him to reach the den of the Hidden Python and kill it. Failing in the task meant that he will be thrown for the \'hard\' punishment. 

Whichever team did this task will win the level one. If they crossed paths; they could combat; could scheme, create tricks for others or whatever they could do for winning the level. The announcement was clear. Now the officials were smiling internally; they fortunately selected the smartest players that they could kill their own brother for winning the level. Teams were responsible for caring their team members. Whoever got seriously injured in the game will be eliminated even if his rest of team members crossed the level successfully. 

Jake could understand why the players were standing with fallen faces. Many took notice of his right arm hung supported with the strip. The live streams opened up and the three entrances opened. Three teams consisting twenty one players entered in the portals. Only then they get the idea of how oddly it created. \'Welcome in the first abandoned district\' the game opened up. 

There was nothing specific in the skills corner or the levels corner; a clear indication that they were supposed to reach level one. Other than the basic controls they cannot use any skill. As for concern the weapons; there were seventy five weapon ranges along with sub categories. Jake looked at the presented options in front of his game screen. There were number of weapons with all possible characteristics. \'You can only collect five for each level; please select\' the guideline floated. 

Jake sneaked at the other team members; they were also going through the opening options. It seemed that the developers want them to wander in the game and get lost with zero clue of mapping. 

This was thought out idea and really the developers wanted the players lost in the game. The intentions of the developers might have been apparent if the things were not complex for everyone. For Jake it was fine as long as he was not forced to run errands and use controls madly. The game was customized with the virtual reality so using weapons depended on the players. 

Jake clicked the normal pistol and hide in the side pocket. It was easy to carry and easy to use. He could halt the basic controls and use it in no time. Second weapon he clicked on the explosive substance RDX. Five pouches of the explosive substance were available. Jake grabbed all. Fairly asking he was not sure about his choice but following some of the hints of the system. Using sword normally require experience in the game so Jake picked Pike which was more similar of rod. Taking dagger and shield he was done in making choice for the weapons in the level one journey. His team members were looking at the required time and nodded. 

They have plenty of time while Jake was done. There was nothing else that the developers designed for the players. The effects of the game were realistic and even Jake could hear his breathing. The slow wind was moving the leaves around. There was some sort of change in the air. Jake could tell that the air was not pure. 

The big shot in the team was probably leading this team and he did not bat an eye at the kid. He was even anticipating that because of this kiddo they would loss this level and loss the game forever. His suiting of the character and the choice of weapons were much similar. He was among the top players of the \'Sovereign Rulers\' for hiding the identity he was covering his face with the black mask. This was one of most frightening aspect that none of the player was allowed to expose their identity. 

His deep green eyes were fixed at Jake Lin and his choice of the weapons. He wanted to laugh instead tears came out. "It is such a pity that the organizer really hated me to his core giving me lead of this pathetic team." Junan pointed toward the kid. All they looked toward Jake Lin and then noticed what weapon he took from the options. They agreed to some extent. 

Jake did not mind because none of them was given clue about the possible enemy and how they could find or kill it. The developers kept it to themselves and decided to announce it at the end of every level about what task was given. It was such a crude decision easily misleading players. They were asked to clear the first abandoned district. Team head looked toward the silent district and twitched. Since they were asked to clear it means many hidden dangers were waiting for them; thinking this he gestured them to listen him carefully. They all had their classes visible with the specific sign on their chests. There was no restriction using weapons according to the class except one or two weapons.. For example thief class can only break in locks with the help of sub category weapon pin.                                     

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