The Player's System

Chapter 195 - Refuge House 3

Refuge house 3

Jake washed vegetables. He did his task and sat to see the meal preparation. The specific cook focused at the kid. He might have added poison in the meal plate of the snatcher but he was limited in his sources.

In fact he was doubtful about the kid. Today the boss came in hurry and told the appearances of the snatchers. The man was unsure how this kid could be dangerous and snatch the card from them.

However he did not want to neglect the warning of the boss. If he came especially to inform then there must be something strange about the snatchers.

Jake did not directly look at the man. Now he was more than sure that the cook was enemy. The meal prepared. All people in the refuge house ate dinner. The man brought his meal plate and sat in front of the kid.

Jake sat alert. He was ready for any type of situation.

"What is your name kid?" The man asked question. Jake thought for a while. He was thinking why this man wanted to know his name.

"I am just a refugee with no name." He answered vaguely. The man creased his brows. In his eyes the kid was no more kid instead real snatcher. None of the kids would answer in such a way.

"Your parents died in the war?" The man asked another question. He wanted to know about the kid then decide the method how he could get rid him.

Jake stopped eating. He was triggered with this question. The man noticed changed expressions of the kid. "I killed them because they were useless in my life." Jake answered in the grim tone. He didn\'t want his enemy find him vulnerable.

The man heard and turned silent. He took deep breath and focused on his meal thinking how to kill this enemy. Jake saw him silent. From his actions one could tell that the man was not some friendly person.

There was no doubt that enemy was planning something crude. Soon most of them finished meal. Those with the tasks went to clean the mess created by cooks during meal preparation. Later half of the refugees settled on their assigned beds.

Some of them talked to each other. Slowly they fell asleep. Only single night lamp kept spreading light and the rest of lights turned off. Jake was sitting on his bed. He noticed that the enemy was pretending asleep at the fourth bed from his left.

Two people at the near beds were fast asleep. Jake fell flat as if ready to slumber.

He put his hand on the dagger for any surprise attack. The man sneaked through the arms and confirmed the kid was no more moving. He silently stood up and went toward his bed dagger in his hand.

For him it was perfect time to kill the kid. Jake saw the shadow of the man. He did not move because he wanted to suddenly attack. The man reached near the bed. He bent on the kid to pierce the dagger without creating big ruckus when everyone was sleeping.

Jake hastily moved. The dagger met the neck of the enemy. The enemy fell on his bed and the person sleeping on the next bed woken up he saw the dagger in the hands of the kid and started shouting.

All refugees woke up with the screams. Jake did not show concern on his face. It was fate whatever would unfold and he was ready. He kicked the dead man and he fell down from the bed. Meanwhile a civilian came running.

These refugees always create headache for the civilians. He saw the kid with the dagger and glared. "Little kid I will punish you by throwing the dangerous refuge house." He gestured Jake to move immediately.

Jake did not mind. He was glad that one of the enemies was killed. The civilian brought him in another refuge house. Most of the bulky men were snoring. Junan and Albert were sitting on their beds. They did not sleep because of danger.

The door of the refuge house opened and the civilian pushed a kid inside. Junan immediately recognized the kid and side smiled. Dagger was still in his hand dripping blood.

Junan gestured kid to sit on the assigned bed. There was only one bed empty, Jake walked and sat there. He was amazed that two team members were already here.

They did not speak anything.


Things were not favorable for Ahram. Two enemies were keeping eyes at his movements.

Others were sleeping yet Ahram was wide awake. Unfortunately both enemies were sitting at his left and right side of bed.

The situation was tense.


Sashi picked a tattered clothing piece of some woman and folded it in case he needed weapon for attack. The folded piece of cloth could give helping hand.

The women were no more interested to bother this aggressive girl. Sashi created her strong impact on the refugee\'s women. They did not gang up against her because they did not want to help each other. The earlier fight made them angry so they separately gritted teeth.

Sashi was glad that they did not initiated another fight. Those hiding in the corners finally got tattered clothing to cover themselves.

Sashi did not sleep because she was not here to sleep. She was thinking about the team members and what was happening with them in other refuge house.

There was no gesture from the team head. She was ready in case someone came to inform her. The refuge houses were not secured with locks.

Clark and Orin were in much better situation. Initially they faced some annoyance of other but now things seemed fine apparently.

Well it was apparent peace. Clark barely closed his eyes when someone kicked him from the bed. He woke and looked at the stupid enemy. That man was trying to mock him by his foolish actions. It seemed he got succeeded this once.

Few people started laughing when they saw him falling on the ground.

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