The Player's System

Chapter 227 - Eysera Bridge 9

Eysera Bridge 9

Tenth quest

"It would not take us much time." Albert spoke to release the tension. He was pointing the fact that Jake has learned much how he could use the modern weapon in the game against the monsters.

Junan looked at the confident experienced player and nodded. He could understand. Jake has potential to use the ammunition pouches however some of them should necessarily worry.

The boss would not happily open its mouth and let them attack at the fullest. It would not hug the blast with its all willingness. They should work harder to let it happen or else the big burly body might crush them all of sudden.

The tail was moving in the muddy pool and it created some ripples.. It was nearly impossible to create ripples in the mud. They could imagine the strength behind the tail of the boss alligator.

"So we need to give perfect opportunity to the younger player so that he could use his weapon." Albert concluded.

They were not going to battle at the plain ground instead the muddy pool. The difficulty level would render them at the hard terms with the boss.

"I am thinking about the formation. Also according to the weapon state Jake would not be able to use ammunition pouch. Ammunition pouch needed bullet fire for blast. He might use grenades instead. The cumulative length of the chain weapon is not enough to capture the tail however Clark, Ahram and Orin could take the responsibility to distract the boss." Junan thought critically about the method and formation.

Junan moved in front to divide the responsibilities. He sent trio to distract the boss. Later he talked with Jake, "You will use all five grenades at once. Make sure all five fall in the big jaw of the boss."

After talking with Jake he looked at Sashi.

Currently he was working with the feasibility of the weapons and achievability of the formation. "Sashi you will keep an eye at the rare and make sure none of the smart alligator show at our back."

Junan was done ordering the formation in haste.

Simple weapons could only give itching to the boss. They might not be able to prolong the shot. Or the strategy might disclose for the boss.

The bosses were usually sharper than the normal npc. They could understand the strategy of the team members.

Only one grand attempt should clear the trouble so the formation and the orders of the team head meant a lot. Clark and others were waiting for the gesture of the team head.

Junan did not want them to immediately start attacking at the tail instead he wanted to capture the attention of the boss first. Junan and Albert sprinted ahead directly.

They intended to poke the boss from two sides from the front. Albert sprinted from the left. He did not need to attack but use the spear for retreat in case the boss tried to attack.

Junan had the same thoughts. They wanted to test the way the boss would react. It would let them understand how fast they could follow their plan for the showdown.

The muddy pool was favorite place of the boss so it naturally reacted lazy. They could follow their plan but they need to do it faster before the boss become active.

The big eyes of the alligator looked at the left then right. The mouth remained closed while the big head shook. The boss wanted to scare the human.

Junan gestured Albert to come forward again pretending the attack. The boss should take them potential threat so that he should attack them. It was necessary for the sake of fulfilling reason action pace of the boss.

If the present slow reaction remained then they might be forced to use weapons and open the big mouth of the boss. It would be similar of nightmare.

Killing the alligator with the help of normal weapons would be another headache if not grenades.

Albert used his spear to wake up the lazy alligator. The mouth slightly opened and moved toward Albert. It seemed the alligator wanted to take bite of his favorite meal without much effort.

Albert retreated. Junan followed and poked with the sword. He repeated his actions until the boss got seriously annoyed. The big wide mouth attacked at Junan. At the same time Junan gestured to the trio to take action. All of them attacked.

It was necessary that the attack should be aggressive. Since the alligator got annoyed and started moving it could bring damage for Junan, Albert and Jake.

They were standing in front not on much distance.

With just two steps it could reach at their heads. Albert and Junan retreated and stood near Jake.

Jake held the grenades ready for immediate action. This was the reason that they calculated perfect distance for the immediate attack. Jake did not want any grenade to miss the mouth of the alligator.

As soon as trio attacked at the tail the alligator could no more contain its anger. The blade chain captured it and the thorny mace attacked. It was like the humans were here with real intentions of giving defeat. The tail shook and the body of the alligator moved.

It meant to keep away the next attack but the hammer slammed. The chain rolled on the skin leaving injuries. The alligator opened its big mouth and waded to swallow these three humans.

This was best opportunity for Jake. He ran forward near the alligator. Albert followed by the side to provide cover. Jake threw the grenades. When he did this the attention of the alligator reverted back to the first team.

It could have moved ahead and crushed however the grenades started blasting. Albert spread his shield. They were very close to the alligator. The early blasts reduced the chances for retreat so there was nothing they could do other than using shield.

The shield spread. At the same time splashes of the mud and the skin of the alligator rammed against the shield. Albert learned much about his profession as Shieldman so he was quite familiar the type of challenges he could face.

Jake bent to avoid the impact. They were in the muddy pool. The blast swayed the shield strongly however Albert firmly held it. He knew that the shield could fairly go through the impact and it would not get any damage in return.

Junan retreated because he was not at much distance. "Sashi save yourself." Junan sprinted back and reminded Sashi not remain in the impact area.

They intentionally picked this distance to end the boss earlier with first and final attempt.

The alligator lost life soon. The muddy pool resumed its tranquility. "We are done with the boss. Let\'s get the card." Junan spoke and walked toward the end point of the muddy pool.

He was unbothered with his present appearance. The utterly muddy and bloody gown on his body made him look like the brutal survivor.

His sword and the appearance resembled epic heroes. It was another matter that he would not like to take the title of hero.

Rest of the team members followed him. The ninth card finally brought them toward the Eysera Bridge and they reached under the bridge.

The card was there emitting the light.

"Are we going to transfer in this same appearance? I mean look at my gown. It is muddy and bloody." Clark asked worried. He was concerned as to how he was looking in the eyes of the spectators.

"No as the team head I am going to prepare some shower treatment for you." The sarcastic tone of the team head stopped others who were ready to ask same question.

Clark closed his mouth. He was no more concerned.

Junan was also feeling disgust to see his gown. The mud was still dripping reminding him the battle in the mud.

It was already wondrous that they killed the alligator in the first attempt. Most of the time the first attempt got ruined because of sudden attack of the boss.

Jake did not mind his present condition. He always dreamed to battle like the one who was much invested in the game to win it at any cost. There were few gamers those create many epic examples during their play.

Those types of players were rare however they were considered as the role model for other players. They created examples by defeating stronger bosses by singlehandedly.

Jake dreamed to become one of them. However he was always restricted with his circumstances. Now the fate gave him blunt chance.

He was no more hesitant. In fact he was enthusiastic to appear as the strongest player. This was just level three however he was quite familiar with the in-game life that he always watched through the screen of the play station.

Junan collected the card and team got transferred in the next quest area. Only four cards were left to collect and claim the Rewards of Theola.

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