Aether Beasts

Chapter 54 - 54

Chapter 54 - 54

Misty was sleeping when we arrived back at the tent, and after a quick confirmation that everything would be fine, Zirani headed back into her core to get some rest. Adding to the array had clearly taken a lot. It was a good thing that she had a plan to increase the rate at which her core produced aether and how much it could hold. I\'d heard of elixirs and ancient relics from aether labyrinths that could do such things, but here in the plains, they were all very rare, but once again, not below the great scar.

She also had to plan for Sandra. If Sanda wanted to travel with us and eventually cross the great scar with us then she would need to be sufficiently strong. Zirani had also mentioned that having a member of their family would grant us a lot of privileges in the lands beyond the great scar although there was the matter of her missing memories. Zirani hadn\'t told Sandra yet, but she had me. Someone had hidden some of Sandra\'s memories clearly on purpose. Her having been lost hadn\'t been an accident which meant she had an enemy, and when she reappeared that enemy probably wouldn\'t be too happy.

I was about to head to sleep as well when Kara appeared with a message.

"Elder Hyphen wants to see you two," She said.

Sandra and I glanced at each other with expressions of curiosity and worry before we nodded to Kara and followed her to the tent we\'d first met the elder at. I really hoped this wasnt another mission, but somehow I doubted my wish would be granted.

"Are you like a messenger for the elders?" I asked Kara as we walked.

"Sort of," She said. "I\'ve been taking a back seat to combat in the past few weeks and honestly I don\'t mind being a messenger. There is also the fact that you\'re already familiar with me so it\'s better I do this than someone else. By the way, the story of you two and that blonde taking down the troll has been spreading."

"By who?"

"Who do you think," She replied. "The receptionist tells someone and they tell someone else and on and on it goes until everybody knows."

"I see," I said, not really knowing what to think of that.

Elder Hyphen was going over what looked to be a map when we entered, and after a quick wave to dismiss Kara, he motioned us forward.

"So both of you are probably wondering why you\'ve been called?"

We both nodded.

He sighed and placed both hands on the table in front of him. "That information you gave us, we\'ve been trying to get it to Orton, but so far everyone we\'ve sent has been killed along the way and we can\'t afford to send a large force out right now. We don\'t need supplies due to the raid you two were a part of so the caravans we usually send are pointless."

"What does this have to do with us?" I asked, already having a sneaking suspicion of what he was about to say.

"I\'ve been hearing a lot about you Aiden. Good things, impressive things. The truth which you\'ve already guessed from the look on your face is that I need the two of you to go to Orton."

I sighed. "Why us? We\'re only first core arcanists, and you said everyone you\'ve sent has died. What makes you think we won\'t be the same?"

"Everyone we sent was known for their speed not combat. I need someone with both, and Sandra\'s track record speaks for itself, not to mention the two of you along with that blonde took down a moss troll, which has been making the rounds."

I winced internally. That sure had come to bite us in the back. I know Kara had said it had been spreading but I hadn\'t expected this.

"It\'s a simple job, take this letter."

Elder Hyphen held out a sealed envelope which I took.

"And deliver it to the mayor of Orton, he will do the rest," Elder Hyphen said. "I\'m not going to force you two to do it, but we are at war and as much as it pains me to say this, we\'re losing. Yes, our recent victories have been good but all they\'ve brought us are time. We need help. If you two accomplish this task both of you will be greatly rewarded, not just by me, but by the entire sect."

I looked over at Sandra who had a guilty expression on her face, no doubt thinking about her blunder with the moss troll and blaming herself for the situation we were currently in. I reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder before turning to the elder.

"We\'ll take the job," I said.

Despite the way he put it, this wasn\'t something we could turn down. As he\'d just said, we were losing, and losing meant West Vale in the hands of the twin horn and death or slavery. As if I could say no.

The elder smiled and handed over another piece of paper, which I opened up to see a map with a ton of markings and lines.

"This is a map of all the paths that have been taken so far. Use it to your advantage. I don\'t think I have to tell you how important this is."

I shook my head. "I understand."

"Good to hear, you can leave in the morning."

We left the tent and Sandra immediately turned to me, but I raised a hand to cover her mouth before she could speak.

"Not your fault," I whispered extremely quietly. "And be careful what you say. He\'s probably at the fourth level of infusion, which means he has enhanced senses."

Sandra nodded, her face going slightly pale. I removed my hand and then we quickly and quietly made our way back to the tent. Zirani had been resting, but she had still been listening, and there had been no protests from her.

"Are we really doing this?" Sandra asked.

"We are," I said. "I don\'t really have much of a choice. I\'m not going to let West Vale fall under the control of a sect like the twin horn. The kinds of things they\'d do, I don\'t even want to imagine it."

"This isn\'t going to be easy," She mused and I laughed.

"Nothing in the past two weeks has been easy for me, not really. It\'s just been one thing after another, and it seems that\'s not going to end until this war is over. I\'m just hoping once this war is done we can have plenty of time to train and check out the aether towers. I\'ve never actually been in one."

"Neither have I."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? You\'ve been with the sect for far longer than I have, and you\'ve spent time in Orton. You never once wanted to?"

"I did, but it\'s always recommended that you go in there with at least a group of three. I may have one now, but back then it was just me, myself, and I. I had Lucas but… well you know how that turned out."

"Nobody ever propositioned you?" I asked. "You are a good fighter and from what both elders have said, you have a good track record."

"I value friendship highly," She replied with a shrug. "If I ever go into one of them it will be by my side."

"Are you calling Misty a friend?" I asked in a teasing voice.

Sandra rolled her eyes. "I don\'t hate her, you know. I\'m just a bit weirded out by her. She seems like a nice person stuck in a shitty situation, and it\'s clear Zirani has plans for her."

"Indeed," I said. "I think we should head to sleep. We\'re going to need some rest for what\'s to come tomorrow."

Almost as if my words had triggered something, she yawned loudly. "I second that. I\'ll see you tomorrow, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Sandra."

She left the tent and I leaned back, careful not to get too close to Misty. I really wished Zirani and taken the blonde to her own bed, but then again it\'s like she could walk out.

"She seems far more relaxed now," Zirani commented.

"Listening in were we?"

I felt Zirani do the equivalent of a mental shrug. "I\'m always listening in. Well, most of the time. I guess that job means no training."

I sighed. "Yeah. I think we\'re going to have to put it off until this war is over."

"I agree," She replied. "But when it is done, expect training to be ten times harder. We need to have you ready by the end of the year, not to mention Sandra and Misty."

"You gonna explain what you\'re doing with Misty?" I asked.

"If you want, but I ask that you wait."

"Then wait I shall," I said jokingly. "Goodnight Zirani."

"Goodnight Aiden."

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