Aether Beasts

Chapter 58 - 58

Chapter 58 - 58

Sandra wove through the city like she\'d lived there for the entirety of her life, which was true in a way. She hadn\'t told me much about her days as a thief and beggar, but Orton had been the city she\'d spent the most time in. That time had clearly paid off. She knew exactly where to go and where to avoid and despite it seeming like we were going in random directions and taking the long way, I quickly realized the reason why when I noticed a few small figures darting in between people. That path seemed like it would be quicker, but now I realized it was also the hunting ground for the pickpockets, though I still wondered how they\'d get my ring. I\'d asked her again and all she\'d mentioned was a distraction and a knife, which did not paint a pretty picture, especially considering most of the pickpockets were children and urchins.

As we walked through the city I looked around, getting a feel of everything. The lower area or lower market district as it was called was one of the busiest places in the city and tons of things were sold there, from essence cores to herbs, to meat, and other things. There was an upper market district where rich and true arcanists went to shop, and the city even had a pleasure district, which Sandra had said we did not want to go anywhere near. In her own words, it was a cesspit of violence, drugs, and sex. She also reminded me that Orton was a lower-end city, which was shocking and made me wonder what a higher-end city would look like.

Zirani just laughed at my musings and demonstrated something new that we could do with our bond. She sent a faint mental image of a city beyond the great scar and I understood why she found my thoughts funny. The city she showed me looked like something out of a dream and Orton might as well be a town compared to it.

We quickly made our way through the lower market district and towards the gate to the upper districts. The city was set out in a very simple way, with each district having paths to the others, and the lower districts were divided from the upper districts by large gates. The requirements to get in were simple, have enough money or power, and luckily for us we did, though it was also a problem.

The guards at the gate didn\'t show any outward reaction when we showed that we were members of the steel heart, but perhaps that was because he was trying to seem as though he didn\'t know anything. As Sandra had said, they could be on the twin horns payroll.

So, when we passed through the gate, Sandra increased her pace, and I barely got to look around as we moved. From what I did see, the upper district was definitely better kept than the lower areas and there were fewer people around and crowds. There were a few places that I would have loved to check out, but we had a job to do.

"Oh fuck," Sandra muttered and quickly glanced around.

I looked around in confusion and then I saw them. A group of twin horn disciples a few dozen feet away. They hadn\'t seen us yet, but they were headed right towards us and they were glancing around, clearly looking for someone. When we went to one of the gates we\'d taken our clocks off and then put them back on once we were through so they couldn\'t be used to identify us. It also helped that there were quite a few people with clocks and umbrellas since it was still raining lightly.

"Come on,"

I felt Sandra\'s hand pull me and suddenly I was pressed up against a store wall with her lips on my own. I heard a gasp from beside me and was able to barely make out the figure of Misty looking on with wide eyes.

The kiss was only lip until I opened my mouth. I was going to ask a question, but she took the opportunity to shove her tongue into my mouth, and the kiss deepened. I don\'t know how long we were in that position, but when she finally pulled away, her face was flushed as I imagined my owe must have been.

"There, I think they\'re gone."

I just stared at her for a long moment as she pulled her hood up closer over her head and turned.

"What?" I muttered and I looked over a Misty who looked on, confused, and there was another emotion I couldn\'t recognize. Meanwhile, Zirani was laughing her ass off in my head.

"That\'s one way to do it," She said with a chuckle.

"Come one," Sandra called back as she walked away. "We need to hurry."

I followed her and touched my lips as I did, remembering the feeling of her lips on my own. Damn, she could kiss. Her lips had tasted sweet, had she had lipstick on?

My thoughts traveled round and round as I followed her. The twin horn disciples were nowhere to be seen, but had she really had to do that? I mean I wasn\'t complaining, but she could have warned me, and I didn\'t think she\'d ever thought of me in that way.

"Gods you can be dense at times," Zirani said.

"Dense?" I replied in confusion. "About what."

"Just forget it for now."

We continued through the upper market district until we arrived in an area that was full of what I could only guess were official buildings. There was one that looked like a letter service and another that I guessed was the merchants guild and closest to that was the tallest and largest building which looks like a small cathedral.

"Is that it?"

Sandra nodded and glanced at me. She blushed then coughed once before she walked up to the building.

"Come on, let\'s get in and gets this job done with."

We entered the building and into a reception area. There were a few comfy-looking seats on one side of the room and a set of straits while the other had two hallways and a door. At the back center of the room was a desk and next to that was a set of large double doors.

Sandra immediately headed over to the desk and after a few words with the woman behind the desk, she walked back over with a smile.

"He\'s in and agreed to see us," She said with a relieved sigh. "I was worried there for a second."


"Because he might not have been in and there\'s always a chance of being turned away.," She replied. "Luckily the fact we have a letter that is from the second-highest-ranking elder in the steel heart sect means we can\'t just be blown off. There\'s also the fact that the steel heart has a much better relationship with the city officials and the people. We\'re better liked since we\'re not assholes who go around like we\'re entitled to everything."

We sat down in the comfy chairs as we waited to be called up. As we aired I couldn\'t help but glance over to Sandra who was pointedly ignoring me and had taken a seat a few down from mine. Misty looked to be deep in thought about something, and I might have made conversation with her if my mind hadn\'t kept going back to my kiss with Sandra. It was still fresh in my mind and I couldn\'t help but wonder if it meant anything. Maybe I was just overthinking things, but that had seemed like an odd thing to do. I could think of a few other ways we could have hidden that didn\'t involve her shoving her tongue down my throat, though those ways certainly wouldn\'t have been as fun.

Zirani had said I was dense. Did she mean dense as to Sandra\'s feelings? or perhaps her…

I was snapped out of my musing by the sound of the door banging open. I turned and I let out a sigh as I saw twin horn disciples enter the room.

He looked around until he saw us and then he marched over with a sneer on his face. I was up in an instant and Sandra was by my side a moment later.

"Well, well, well," The disciples said. "So they were right. Two pieces of filth have wandered up to where they don\'t belong."

"You shouldn\'t talk about yourself that way," Sandra shot back. "Then again, piece of filth is too nice of an insult for you. Scumbag? Now that\'s better."

The disciple\'s face grew red and he took a step towards Sandra but before he could do anything the receptionist\'s voice rang out.

"No fighting!"

The disciples froze and shot a glare at the woman. "I\'m just taking out the trash and cleaning up."

"The only trash here is you," I said.

"Do not make me have to call the guards," The receptionist said. "These three have an appointment, do you?"

"No," The disciple growled.

"Then you will leave."

The diples turned around to face the receptionist. "I will n—"

"Then I will call the guards!

His words were interrupted by her shout, and the disciple shot her a glare before he stormed off. "Don\'t think this is over. I\'ll be waiting outside."

With that said he left and the receptionist let out a sigh. "Damn twin horn fools."

She stood and turned to us with a smile. "The mayor is ready to see you."

She led us up a few sets of stairs and through a long hallway until we finally arrived at a door with a plaque that read, \'Orton City Mayor\'s office\'

"Go right on it."

She gave us a smile then left back down the hallway, leaving us alone.

"Well, I guess this is it," I muttered.

We all glanced at each other before we took a deep breath and entered the room.

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