Aether Beasts

Chapter 147

I smiled. "Well, we can change what we eat every day. It\'s not like it took that long to make."

I\'d ended up making simple beast steak wraps filled with rice, beans, my aunt\'s special sauce, some spices, and a few vegetables. I\'d been worried how it would come out since I\'d never cooked with so many ingredients before, but considering how they\'d all scarfed theirs down and then asked for seconds proved it had been a success.

"Now, that we\'re done with that." Zirani turned to me. "You wanted to talk?"

The worry was clear on her face as was the understanding. Unlike the others who had a harder time reading my thoughts and emotions through the bond, Zirani had no such problems and already knew what I wanted to talk about and the emotions that had been plaguing me since the incident with the hag.

"I do." I nodded. "It… well…"

I sighed and tried to get my thoughts in order as Sandra and Misty turned their attention knot, cursory clear in their gazes and some worry. They might not have been able to read me as clearly as Zirani but they could sense the emotions I was feeling. It wasn\'t like I was trying to hide them.

"Ever since the fight with the twin horn elder I\'ve been feeling sort of inadequate."

Both Misty and Sandra opened their mouths but Zirani raised a hand. "Let him speak and finish first."

"Thank you." I nodded gratefully. "I understand that it\'s pointless to feel that way, and it wasnt too bad until we reached the hag. It was after that whole debacle that I realized that I\'ve been too lax, and wasting time I could be using training. We could have all died if not for the fact my divine bloodline saved us and broke Allana\'s charm or whatever she did, but even without that, the fact that I couldn\'t function properly when I was away from Zirani put things into perspective. Zirani and I are bonded, we are all bonded and i would never want any of you away, but I have become too reliant, too relaxed with the speed at which things are gone when I could be moving faster"

I stood and began pacing, unable to sit still. "You said it yourself Zirani, here we may be powerful but in your lands, we\'ll be above average at best, and don\'t bring up my unique gifts."

Sandra, who had just been about to speak, shut her mouth.

"I can\'t use my divine bloodline nor can I use my ki." I took a deep breath. "Think about it. We\'ve stopped with the baths when we could be doing it and we\'re not training as hard as we could be. I know I said I wanted a break before with some training, but I\'m regretting that decision"

The next part was hard to say, but I continued before I could stop myself. "Zirani, I understand that it took you hundreds of years to get to where you are and that patience is important, but I don\'t want to have to wait a hundred years to have the strength to hold my own against people that would threaten me or any of you. I don\'t want to waste any more time, I want to push myself harder and harder because I\'ve realized that it doesn\'t matter how strong I am here if my goal lies beyond the great scar."

"So what then?" Misty asked slowly.

"I just said what," I replied more snappily than I meant to. "I want to push myself harder no matter how much pain I feel because honestly. I-I—"

My emotions began to rise, but I pushed them down and took another deep breath to stop and push away the flood of memories that wanted to overwhelm me.

"Nothing will ever compare to the pain, she, put me through. Zirani, I want you to hit me with everything you\'ve got, the hardest training and exercises and practice you can imagine no matter how much damage or pain it will inflict, so long as it\'s temporary because such pain will fade and I will be better after."

Zirani hadn\'t shown much of a reaction to my words, but finally, she smiled sadly and walked over to me.


"I won\'t let you change my mind ZInrai." I took a step back. "I want this."

"Aiden, your hands are shaking."

I glanced down to see that she was right. I let loose a shaky breath and pressed them together. When I looked back up, ZIrnai had closed the distance and her hands came to cup my face. "I understand Aiden, I do."

She sighed. "I… haven\'t been perfect and—"

She pressed a finger to my lips when I opened my to protest that I didn\'t expect her to be perfect.

"have been training you in a way I think best, and I assumed I was pushing you hard enough. After all, your growth is outstanding, but if you wish for more then I will help you."

"So will we," Sandra said, and Misty echoed her a moment later.

"I\'m not keen on the pain," Sandra began as she walked over.

"But we\'re willing to go through it," Misty finished

The three ladies placed their hands around me, and I let myself give in to everything, the emotions, the pain, the memories, everything. I\'d been holding things back ever since the tower thinning I could just keep it inside and that it would fade, but how was a wound meant to heal and fade if I did not allow it to heal. It wasn\'t weak to show emotion or to open up to those around me, and I needed to remember that because I wasn\'t the only part of this group. I\'d been there when Sandra and Misty had opened up and I was a fool to have thought that they wouldn\'t do the same for me.

"It\'s ok, Aiden." Zirani placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. "We will get through this and I\'ll set up the most grueling training I can so you\'d better be prepared because I don\'t want to hear any complaining, not after a speech like that."

I shook my head. "I won\'t, I promise, but you guys don\'t have to push yourselves just because I am. I would never have you two be in pain just for me."

Sandra pulled back and rolled her eyes. "You know I really like the way you care for us sometimes and want to protect us, but remember, I am my own person and this is my decision. I want to stand beside not, not behind you."

"I agree," Misty added. "We are a team, and I don\'t want to be left behind while the two of you charge on ahead. I never thought this would be my life, and I still find it hard to believe that it\'s only been a few months since I first left West Vale and became a vampire, but I\'m accepting things. My old life is gone, my…"

She trailed off and I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "My father is dead as is my mother. She died in childbirth, and I thought I would be alone, either becoming a monster or… ending it myself."

The words were a shock, but considering how she\'d been back then I could understand.

Her sadness turned to joy though. "But then I met you three, and I found out that I could control what I was, and well, I found friendship, love, and family. I\'m not alone anymore."

To my surprise, Sandra seemed to be on the verge of crying. "My family isn\'t gone, but they might as well have been. I\'ve been alone for a very long time and I\'d lost all hope of ever returning to my family or my home, but just like blondie over here, I met you, Aiden, and Zirani. Not only did you accept me and also give me love, but you\'re helping me return home."

Their words hit me like a charging beast and at that moment I understood just how lucky I was and just how far we\'d all come.

We all turned to Zirani who had a faraway look in her eyes. She snapped out of it when she noticed out gazing at her. She smiled. "You already know about me. Aiden saved my life after an unfortunate incident and well, I found love, which is something I\'d sort of given up on. Living for four hundred years you\'d expect to at least find someone, but it turns out I just needed to get into an accident and end up in the northern plains."

I chuckled. "You saved my life just as much as I saved yours."

"You might regret that come morning." Zirani smiled wickedly. "I don\'t think you realize just how hard training is going to be."

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