The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 205


Translated by Raizu

I felt great waking up.

It’s like the stresses had been splendidly washed away along when the sludge-like semen that had accumulated was ejected. It’s been a while since I felt this kind of exhilaration.

Sex is good. It enriches your life.

When I opened the window, I was greeted by a clear morning sky with no clouds.

In the high sky mixed with white brilliance, there is something that foretells a bright future.

Did the First King Levios once see the same sky?

[Uh…? So bright…]

I heard a voice behind me, so I turned around.

On the bed I was in until just now, there was a thick swelling under the blanket.

The swell slowly began to move up, down, left, and right, and at last, a young girl raised her upper body up.

[…..Y, Young Master!?]

[At ease.]

She is the local maid who showed me to Eve’s room last night.

[Last night was really good.]

[…..That’s…well… Pardon me. Yes…]

When I approached the bed, I sat next to her and lightly kissed her cheek and forehead.

Being able to touch a woman’s body like this right after waking up is the real pleasure of sexual intercourse.

About last night, I ordered this maid to clean up after I finished eating Eve and making a mess as a result.

Eve ended up sleeping until the end, so she shouldn’t have been aware that I had violated her.

But if she wakes up with her whole body covered in saliva and semen, she’d figure out what happened. So, sending her to a bath again to erase the traces was naturally my next action.

Afterall, only by going that far, the sleep rape scenario will finally be completed. I couldn’t really help it.

For some reason the maid smiled and followed my instructions.

Does calm thinking after ejaculation sharpen intuition? I had strong doubts about her attitude, and asked her why she was happy with a somewhat strong tone, in a half-blaming way.

Then she cried and explained, confessing that she intended to reuse the semen. It seems that she thought it was a perfect chance to give birth to a Lord-class child while she was on a business trip to the Royal Capital.

It might seem like an action of a female stalker in various ways, but thinking about it by the standards of a knight family’s daughter, her action will probably be evaluated as [very well done!].

But, I shouldn’t have found out about this act. As a sexually sensitive Noble boy, one may end up becoming an impotent because of this. If I make a fuss, it will be a big blunder on the level where not only her, but also her family will have to bear the blame..

Of course, I have no intention of making a fuss about it. For the most part, it would be fine if the knight came to apologize for my sperm. Perhaps wondering what kind of face he would greet me with. Rather, the knight may go impotent after coming to apologize.

Well, maybe it’s because the local maid knew about my personality and my disordered lower body that she honestly confessed, thinking that I wouldn’t mind.

I ignored the matter and ordered her to accompany me instead.

After having sex, I wanted to sleep while hugging a female body. However, I couldn’t sleep while holding Eve, so I needed a replacement.

That’s why I left Eve’s aftermath to another maid, and brought this semen recycling maid, also known as the local maid, into my room as a hug pillow…but when I went to bed, my crotch, which should have been exhausted and withered, was full of motivation.

Anyway, it’s a win-win for both sides.

[I’m going to change clothes now.]

[P, Please wait.]

She’s a dutiful girl. Even though we’re still in bed, she’s already acting like a maid.

From her point of view, she may feel that last night’s affair was due to my mercy.

[Because I could only do it once last night.]

Her breast was lacking, but her butts were quite plump and fleshy, which was nice. From her appearance, I thought she was a poor looking girl with nothing to be proud of in the breast and butt department, but it turned out I unexpectedly misjudged her measurements. I was on the verge of not wanting to touch her, let alone sleep with her. From now on, if there’s a maid, I will at least try to touch her even if her looks aren’t up to par.

I took a position so that she could see my erect cock in the morning. My silhouette should look like the katakana [ト] turned upside down.


It’s nice to show off my male genitalia and get a reaction from it.

This is the only pleasure that can’t be obtained just from sex.

Even though I already did it several times last night, I was able to ejaculate twice in the morning. This youthful resilience sometimes scares me.

I even felt like my balls were getting stronger every time we had sex, just like my muscles grow when I hurt my body during training.

What should I do if I end up with a life where the production of semen doesn’t stop and I’m constantly dripping?

Leaving the local maid in the room, I proceed down the corridor.

A senior civil officer of the Quordenze family led the way.

[Here we are.]

[…Already prepared this early in the morning?]

[We are always starting early in the morning. Early birds get the worms after all.]

While we were talking, we arrived at the innermost room of the Quordenze mansion.

The three military officers who acted as security stood up from their chairs and silently greeted me.

[I’m going inside.]


The door was opened by the military officer, and I proceeded into the room with the senior civil officer.

The moment when I entered, I could feel the damp and stagnant air on my face. This room does not face the outside, and there are no windows. That’s probably why it becomes such an environment.

The door was closed by the military officer when the senior civil officer activated the lighting magic.

[I have been waiting for you.]

A woman appeared out of the dim darkness and greeted us politely.

My purpose for coming here was to meet her.

[Don’t put yourself in a cramped room like this, Cynthia.]

[No, it’s enough to receive such consideration.]

One of the diplomatic cards prepared by the Quordenze family for socializing in the Royal Capital was Cynthia, a former low-ranking priest of the Zeth Holy High Society

Her existence was top secret, and she was placed under house arrest in a place like this in case she escaped. After all, this is Levios, the Royal Capital of Levios, which should be called the center of anti-priests. There is nothing to be gained from being known to have brought in a priest.

I heard that she was masquerading as a female civil officer while she was traveling, but I don’t know where she was, since I never saw her.

It was my father’s idea to bring Cynthia here.

The invasion of St. Navempos has been rumored for some time, but my father says that the Levios family has recently become quite motivated. He frequently meets with Nobles close to the Royal family after all.

Of course, the Quordenze family has a war against Spierzeig, so it is a major premise that we do not want to get involved in other things.

However, not knowing what will happen is the norm in Noble diplomacy. That is still the same no matter the place

In the unlikely event that the St. Navempos invasion theory became overheated, a final stop was needed.

――I see, there is a point in the invasion of the Holy City. Last year, in our Quordenze, agents of the Holy High Order of Zeth nearly attacked our home city of Newnelly. I never dreamed that they would go as far as raising a blessed child with anti-Noble thoughts inside the Field. Luckily, I was nearby so it was dealt with right away. As the Levios family says, the priests will need to be sanctioned in the not too distant future—

If it comes down to it, my father would say something like this.

The Royal Nobles basically act with the safety of their territory as the top priority.

Hearing my father’s remarks, everyone would be worried that the priests might be carrying out terrorist activities under their feet, and the mood for the expedition would be blown away in one shot.

Since each Noble will use the army to investigate Fields near their territory, it is possible to postpone the invasion plan for several years. My father is thinking of a short-term decisive battle with the Spierzeig family, so it’s enough to earn that much.

My father told me not to touch Cynthia, but that was a natural consideration. If a girl with a swollen belly comes out as a witness, it won’t be very persuasive.

Of course, Cynthia is a trump card, and it would be better if we could keep it until the end. If it needs to be, we can definitely bring it to force the postponement, but that will cause the Levios family’s mental image to worsen.

[So, what can I do for you today?]

I sat down at the desk that had been prepared for me and told her straight to the point.

[Nobody here is more knowledgeable about Zeth than you.]

[What can I help you with?]

I need information about Progenitor, which is related to the foundation of the Zeth religion.

There is no other reliable expert on the origins of the Zeth religion. She majored in history of Zeth at the academic institution in the holy city after all.

[Do you think the Progenitor will ever reappear in this world?]

[Are we talking about the manifestation of Spirit Zeth? Or a human who inherits the characteristic of a Progenitor?]

I’m not interested in the phony spirit Zeth, so it’s the latter.

Then, Cynthia answered without thinking.

[That is quite possible. How many thousands of years will pass is beyond the reach of human wisdom, but with the guidance of the spirits, the supreme blessing may once again be bestowed upon humanity.]

That answer was a little surprising.

I was under the impression that they considered Zeth as the one and only Progenitor, and the others were to be considered as fakes and swiftly eliminated. As a religious organization, rather than recognizing a Progenitor who appeared out of nowhere and risking to disrupt the order of the organization, it would be less damaging to just completely deny their claim and move to eliminate them.

At first I thought asking something like that straight would be rude.

She admonished me in a gentle tone without showing an unpleasant expression.

[Spirits are beings who freely give their blessings. Just like the coincidence of how a Highlord can be born from serf parents. The same goes for a Progenitor. Even if a Progenitor child were to be born tomorrow, they will not inherit the great mission the Founding Father had. Therefore, there is no need for us to ruthlessly exclude them or to stubbornly deny that they are the Progenitors.]

[Is that Cynthia’s personal interpretation?]

[Official opinion. It’s hard to read from the scriptures, but it’s clearly stated in one of the apocryphal documents left behind by Founding Father Zeth. It is currently being edited as a book, so if you have the chance, I would like to ask Wilk-sama to read it as well. This view is academically called the missionless birth theory, and it is a theory established by the Founding Father Zeth Himself…]

Just like how a blessed child born out of coincidence, being born a Progenitor does not automatically make them a revered being by the church… If Zeth himself said that on purpose, there must be some kind of speculation there.

[The birth is just a coincidence…and it doesn’t make them the prophet of spirits…huh?]

I can see why they’re wary of any Progenitor who will be born in the future.

Zeth must have anticipated that another Progenitor like himself would be born in the future. Thus he felt the need to leave a will so that it would not harm Zeth Holy High Society.

What would happen if Zeth himself was worshiped too much and even the lineage of the Progenitor was deified? A Progenitor child who happens to be born in the future may be supported unconditionally.

In the Eruo continent, it’s easy to affirm a powerful existence. As a result, there will be times when the faction will be divided between priests who celebrate it and priests who deny it.

That’s a problem that should be avoided in order to maintain a huge organization.

[Then, what would Cynthia do if a Progenitor child were to appear now?]

[I believe that we should teach this new Progenitor and help them walk the right path. To give meaning to an otherwise missionless soul, that’s what Founding Father Zeth said. It is the role that we have been given, and if we are to be involved in the guidance of a child who has received the supreme blessing, there is no greater honor for us as followers.]

A Progenitor is not an object of worship, but an object of guidance…is that Zeth’s true intention?

[If they’re an existence with no mission when they’re born, then isn’t that no different from being a Highlord or serf? Yet, the followers take honor in guiding them?]

[Of course. Having obtained a supreme body that ranks above all through the guidance of the Spirit, one must have a supreme soul that matches it.]

A supreme body and a supreme soul.

A Progenitor is certainly a supreme existence, but not one to be venerated.

They acknowledged that a Progenitor is more powerful than others, but that doesn’t mean they’ll blindly put their faith in that person.

…..The superior body doesn’t always translate to a good personality. That’s the gist of it.

A stopper to prevent the occurrence of priests who unconditionally believe in the Progenitor, that may be the real truth behind the missionless birth theory.

It’s but weak evidence on Zeth’s wariness on the new Progenitor. However, I felt that I was able to accept the existence of the lineage called the Progenitor.

Through my contact with Orshian, I understood how powerful a Progenitor could get. But at least it’s still at a [somehow manageable] level.

Even though it was a quibble, I think I finally understood it because I was able to explain it in words.

[I understand now.]

Also, even if the existence of the Progenitor is found, there was room for the priesthood to allow it.

This information might be of importance when considering future plans for dealing with Orshian.

[By the way, this is a question, but is there a way to identify a Progenitor?]

[Pardon me?]

[For example, maybe they have the same hair color or eyes as Zeth…?]

[Such theories exist. However, since there is no basis for that theory, I don’t think it’s a good idea to refer to it.]

After Zeth, there has been no confirmed birth of a Progenitor. That’s why the research on how to identify the progenitors seems to revolve around [trust me bro].

Besides, she continued.

[There is no judgment method, but it is written in common in the diary of the priest who lived in the era of Founding Father Zeth. If you meet one, you will understand.]

In other words, [don’t think, you need to feel it] kind of thing.

But surprisingly, it was the right thing to do. Because when I confronted Orshian at close range, I could sense that the quality of the magic power was not that of a normal Highlord.

If she were to quietly appear in social circles and chat around, many Nobles will doubt whether she’s indeed a normal Highlord. It goes without saying that the destination of that thought is the legendary lineage of Progenitor.

[…..Wait a minute there. Does the Holy City have that much freedom in the academic part? A priest’s diary from that era would be a very old and valuable material, right? Has it been disclosed to low-ranking priests, albeit for research?]

[No, I just asked the Holy Maiden, and I didn’t confirm the actual thing. In particular, most of the priest’s personal diary is handed down from generation to generation in the old family, so it’s not open to the public.]

Of course. Aside from public documents, personal diaries and the like are likely to remain at home.

[The current Holy Maiden’s family is the Cattlearch family, so there’s no shortage of old materials. They’re after all, the original Holy Cattlearch family.]

The Cattlearch family originated from Zeth’s real daughter, and is one of the most prestigious families in St. Navempos.

With a history of about 700 years, it is no exaggeration to say that the family lineage has produced many high priests and holy maidens, and they know all about the history of the Zeth Holy High Society.

Although there are quite a few branch families, the current Holy Maiden Rona’s family is a direct descendant from the first generation.

[Yes. I am very hesitant to say such a thing, but… the Holy Maiden of the present day has a very benevolent and Noble spirit, and her reverent attitude toward scriptures is already the same as that of the first Holy Maiden, Saintess Cattlearch…]

There she goes again.

I’ve experienced it several times since Cynthia started to teach me about the scriptures. When the conversation somehow veers into the topic of Holy Maiden, she would almost immediately go off on her own tangent.

From her point of view, she probably intends to preach to the Noble of how wonderful Zethism and the Holy Maiden are. I don’t know, unlike the preaching in the scriptures, this is strange because it’s not interesting at all as a story, probably because Cynthia’s emotions are mixed in.

It’s like an otaku who enthusiastically talks about what they like. Haa, cough, it’s not like I have the right to speak here.

Aiming for the moment when the Holy Maiden talk is a little interrupted, I slide in another topic. I don’t want to waste my time talking about this all morning.

[Is that so? So the key to a low-ranking priest’s life as a researcher seems to be the selection of a high-ranking priest who will be the backing. It is important to be backed by a house that has a lot of materials.]

[…..Y, yes, indeed. In fact, after working under the Holy Maiden, I have been asked many times if I could introduce materials to my peers who also work as researchers. The Cattlearch family also keeps many books written by the Manipulators in ancient times, so they must have been very attractive to those who wanted to learn languages and history.]

That’s a really nice house. If the invasion of St. Navenpos becomes a reality and we have no choice but to participate in the war, the Quordenze army will do our best mainly to protect these cultural properties rather than looting.

Perhaps we could ask Cynthia to act as our guide when we launch our attack on the Cattlearch family estate.

[I guess researchers on that topic have difficulties in connecting with the old families. Therefore they have to rely on even the slightest connection.]

It’s kind of like winning the lottery and gaining more relatives.

When I asked her about it, she said that most of the people who approached her were people who had never spoken to her when she was a student.

[…that’s why I haven’t accepted many of those requests. I’ve talked to a few friends who went to the judiciary.]

[The Judiciary Bureau? Is it an administrative agency that enacts laws?]

[Yes, that’s right. The law of the Holy City is strongly influenced by the legal system of the ancient Manipulators, so it seems that past materials are sometimes requested in order to touch on the underlying ideas.]

[Oh, that’s new to me.]

[Because it’s a story that only those who are involved can know about it. When I was a student, I was asked several times by my fellow students who were studying law to give me advice on issues related to the creation of laws. At that time, I ended up learning about the legal system of the Holy City.]

Cynthia’s major is research on Zethism. In Japan, it would be like a law student asking a theology student for advice on an assignment.

[Why do they need Cynthia’s advice on legal issues?]

[That’s because we need to make sure the law doesn’t go against scriptures.]

Oh, I had also thought that that was the case.

It seems that the law of the Holy City is located under the Scriptures.

First of all, the scriptures are the major principles, and the law must be enacted so as not to go against them. In a sense, I think it is close to the relationship between the constitution and the law.

I see, so it’s only natural for a student aspiring to study law to go to Cynthia for advice on an assignment. After all, she is a hardcore saint and a reliable honor student for her fellow students.

While cooperating on the assignment, Cynthia seems to have become more knowledgeable about the law of the Eruo continent in general.

After listening to some stories, I found that the Holy City’s judicial system is relatively serious.

[Law, huh…]

Compared to the Quordenze territory, the Holy City seems to have stricter laws. Perhaps because there is an absolute pillar called scriptures, there are few contradictions in the law and there is a sense of unity. It may be said that it is a law-abiding city.

On the other hand, in the case of the Quordenze territory…or rather, in the case of the Noble’s territory, the individual Noble who is the head of the family is in charge of the part corresponding to the Scriptures. As a result, over time, inconsistencies arise in the details, and ambiguous parts inevitably occur.

To make matters worse, if you leave the territory to the knights, the pillars will be split in two: the Nobles and the knights. Although the principles still follow the pillar of the master, the knight’s peculiar doctrine of governance may distort the law even further.

Although it is an expression that has no body or lid, the laws enacted by the Nobles are determined by glue.

In surviving the harsh times of war, quick decisions and force might have been required through human rule. However, considering the possibility that the continent will become more stable in the future, I feel that continuing the current Quordenze family legal system would not be efficient.


However, it would be better not to force this change. The knights will have something to say, and I don’t think there’s any need to rush reform.

In the first place, I don’t have the courage or guts to twist things that are currently working well. Long live the carelessness.

For this kind of thing, it would be safe to experiment in Nambonan City while consulting with the people around me, and introduce it little by little after seeing the reaction.

[…..I was thinking a little.]

After that, I tried to ask Cynthia about the Progenitor for a while, but I couldn’t get any new information.

Finally, I took a good look at the colossal breasts that were asserting their existence under her clothes and said goodbye.

I was thinking as I left the room and walked down the corridor.

Those are some amazing tits.

She has big breasts that are beyond the scope of my expectations, standing out from other women I’ve met so far. Speaking in terms of mature demon beasts, Cynthia is the number one threat class, no, this might be the real gigaboob class.

I wonder when I can somehow feel those breasts.

I should have stopped thinking here, but the next moment I realized. I just noticed.

Perhaps, if yesterday, Cynthia also fainted from Orshian’s threatening magic release, I could’ve touched her body as much as I wanted. Of course, I can’t cum inside her vagina, but I would’ve at least gotten away scot free even if I sucked on her tits raw.

What the hell, me?


[Is there anything wrong, Young Master?]

[It’s nothing…]

Breaking down with regret and despair, I entered the hall, where breakfast had already been prepared.

The room was slightly warmed by the sun, probably because the talk with Cynthia took a while.

I took my seat as the servant guided me.

[What about father?]

Looking at the dishes lined up, my father’s portions weren’t done. I will be eating alone.

What I asked was whether or not my father came home last night.

[Master came back late last night.]

And he’s still sleeping. Judging from what the servant said, it felt like he came back early this morning rather than late at night.

From the perspective of people from the Eruo continent who basically end their activities when the sun goes down, my father’s overtime work is a big deal.

According to the servant, there will be no meeting of the Quordenze faction today. It seems that I can calmly talk with my father today.

[Oh, sea bream in the morning?]

The breakfast menu consisted of black bread, bean soup, root vegetable salad, and salt-grilled sea bream.

Well, just because it looks and tastes like a sea bream doesn’t mean it’s exactly the same fish as the sea bream on Earth. As usual, I’m just translating it into Japanese.

[It was just delivered by the Levios family. Young master was particularly fond of that sea fish, so they must have prepared it in a hurry.]

The servant said that he thought that I was not impressed with the Levios family because of yesterday’s attack by Orshian, and thus they sent this to cheer me up.

The northeastern part of the Levios territory faces the sea, so there is an abundance of seafood.

I wondered if the ocean was polluted because the opposite shore was covered in fog, but perhaps because of the currents, the coast of Levios territory was less affected by demonic beasts than the coast of Milendorva territory.

Considering that, the Levios territory is quite blessed. Although it is adjacent to the Mist Land by land, it is not as attacked by mature demon beasts as often as the Adellahan territory, and the coast is not as polluted as in Milendorva territory. It was only natural that they had power as a powerful Noble family.

As a result of owning a large city on the coast, the roads were well-maintained and it was possible to cool some foods down with magic, so upper class people became able to enjoy fresh seafood while staying inland.

Whether it’s a fish I remember seeing on Earth or a fish that clearly looks suspicious, I was able to fully enjoy what I could eat during my stay in Callahanasso.

[Certainly, I told everyone in the Levios family that the sea bream grilled with salt was the most delicious… I could have enjoyed the sashimi more if I had some soy sauce.]

It seems that there is a culture of eating raw fish in the bay area of the Levios territory. During my stay in Callahanasso, I had raw fish on the table just once.

Unfortunately, there was no soy sauce, so it was served with salt, vegetable oil, and grated vegetables. It was fresh and delicious, but after all, sashimi feels incomplete without soy sauce.

In the past, there was a plan to make soy sauce with a pioneering society, but it ended up rotting soybeans. Where exactly is koji mold? I was able to make natto from straw without any problems, so I have a feeling that koji mold is somewhere.

I can’t eat natto without soy sauce, so I haven’t made natto even once. The evaluation from the employee who tasted it was also not that good.

[To be able to make sashimi delicious, It’s like a magical seasoning.]

Neither the civil officer who said that nor my father ate sashimi.

The Quordenze territory is inland, and the fish they eat is grilled river fish. Raw fish seems to be a food that the native Quordenzes refrain from eating.

[…..Yeah, it is. After all, fresh fish is good.]

Continuing the strange breakfast of eating bread with the white of sea bream, I heard a banging noise from the back of the mansion.

[What’s that?]

[Ah, it seems that Miss Eve has woken up.]

The escort who was standing behind said so briefly. I guess they were looking for it with detection magic.

Right now, I can’t find out because I’ve stopped the detection magic that I normally kept activated all the time. Right now, I want to save even a little and fill my internal magic. You never know when that Orshian idiot will come again.

I can’t help but laugh at myself because I think I’m a little too frightened, but it’s scary since I can’t say for certain that she won’t come to visit again.

[Eve, huh?]

I wonder if she’s been in a panic since last night’s sleep rape came out. If that’s the case, I have to think about how to be so stupid.

As I was chewing on the bread while thinking of an excuse, the door to the hall was violently opened, and Eve appeared, slightly out of breath.

Her thic

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