Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 61 - 61. New Lawyer

"WHERE WERE YOU?" Ragnar and Snape returned from the class and asked him.

"Can\'t tell, just know that I was stuck with a very dangerous creature," Magnus replied as he woke up. ​​

"Woah, look at that scar. Can you still see?" Ragnar inquired.

Magnus smiled confidently, "Heh, don\'t I look cool now?"

"No, you look stupid," Snape replied, making Magnus\' shoulders fall.

He sneered at him, "You guys never say anything nice, I gotta talk to Bobby more, he was always saying good things. Ah, I\'m hungry. Let\'s go and eat lunch."


"I will bring food for you two. Stay in the room and keep an eye on Duck." Magnus told his two pets and left.


"So, anything new happened in the class today?" He inquired.

"Nothing, as always, Astronomy was boring and Transfiguration was okay. Surprisingly, you are very famous and most students asked for you, but even we did not know." Ragnar said.

"Yeah, I had not planned for the disappearance. By the way, I will show you a nice place today. It will be our secret base and the biggest secret." Magnus excitedly said.

During lunch, Magnus saw Remus back with his friends, laughing. It was good he was not very much affected by last night\'s events.

"OH MY GOD, what happened to your eye?" suddenly a girlish voice came.

Magnus turned to his side and saw Emma, "Oh. hello. \'Tis nothin but a scratch."

"Haha, you sound like Hagrid." She laughed.

"Well, I just came to tell you that we will be having a practice session for the coming Quidditch match. You better come as you\'ve taken the seat of the main seeker." She sternly said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Yeah yeah, I will come. Go now, don\'t disturb my peaceful lunchtime." He shooed her.

"YOU... was Merlin like this too?" She wondered loudly.

"I\'m pretty sure he was worse. So, you got it better." Magnus nonchalantly replied.

Some distance away, on the wall, Arthur was hearing everything, he started laughing, "BWAHAHA... yes yes, he was very bastard."

It was Friday and there were only 2 classes that day. After lunch, he went to quidditch practice and caught the golden snitch without much trouble. It was easier when there was nobody trying to compete with you. Lucius for some reason had calmed down now and was not trying to make problems for him.

After the practice, he took Ragnar and Snape and went to the 7th floor.

"Where are we going, I needed to read a book." Snape was displeased.

"Once you see where I\'m taking you, you will forget everything and start singing songs in my praise," Magnus replied, though his two friends stayed sceptical.

Magnus brought them to a dead-end and walked in front of it three times.

"That\'s it... He\'s gone mad now. Something happened yesterday..." Ragnar exclaimed.

"Look, something\'s appearing on the wall." Snape pointed.

Soon, the door appeared and Magnus opened it. "Follow me,"

Once they had entered, the door vanished.

"BEHOLD... ROOM OF REQUIREMENT. Merlin made it, this room can make up anything you want, except food. And this is where you two can practice your potions with no worries." He announced with wide-open arms. He had envisioned the room to look like a potions lab on one side and a library on the other.

"I was practising my spells and some other stuff here for a while now, only now that I have understood all its uses, did I tell you two. What do you think?" Magnus asked.

Both Ragnar and Snape had their jaws touching the floor. Their eyes looking around the whole room, their mouths nearly salivating.

"THIS... is a goldmine," Snape commented.

"NO... this is a diamond mine," Ragnar interjected.

"HAHA, this is just one of the uses. You can make this room look like anything you want. I tried to make it look like a giant aquarium with all kinds of fishes and it did." Magnus started showing them around.

But Ragnar and Snape\'s eyes were fixed on the potions lab.

"Okay, you two can go and check it out. I\'m going to go and read some books." he let them check the equipment out to their heart\'s content.

Magnus meanwhile started deciphering the rune book of Merlin. He slowly started making a guide book to make the translation of each character into alphabets.

In reality, he had hoped to make use of a computer but after really thinking about the speed of advancements, he guessed it would take him years, and he could just decipher it before that.

"Okay, so this one sounds like \'ah\'. How many characters are there in this language?" he wondered. It was a real headache job to do.


Suddenly an alarm clock started sounding. Magnus had set the alarm for 5 PM as he had a meeting with Ted Tonks in his new office.

"Guys, I have a meeting with my lawyer. I have created a one-way wall on the door, before going out of here, you can look around and make sure nobody catches you. REMEMBER... This is our big secret." He sternly warned them. The two were originally not listening to his words but in the end, they seriously nodded.

They looked at him and nodded, Ragnar replied in affirmation, "We understand the importance of this place, Magnus. Don\'t worry."

"Good, see you in the dorms then." Magnus left them.


He quickly went to his office in the teacher\'s living quarters building. He waited there for a while.

Soon, a knock sounded on the door. He opened it and saw an old house-elf, "Master Pendragon, the guest."

"Thank you, Giddy," Magnus greeted the house-elf and let the man in.

"Thank you for coming, Mr Tonks. Please come in, Headmaster was gracious enough to let me have this room as my office, but of course, it\'s a secret." Magnus greeted.

~Isn\'t he related to you?~ Ted wondered internally.

Ted was muggle-born, born to two loving muggle parents who were proud of his magical abilities. He looked tall, well build and had brown hair. He was sorted in Hufflepuff and had was a good student.

Ted was slightly surprised by how well Magnus behaved and he felt as if he was meeting a client from some professional background.

He was offered a seat. He took it but was still trying to assess Magnus.

"Your letter was enough to pique my interest. Though I do not know what this meeting is about, not every day you get to meet the future king and Merlin\'s descendant." Ted said.

Magnus chuckled, "I guess my background will be helping me in some circumstances."

"It will, but not everyone will come with good intentions," Ted replied, but he regretted it instantly as he felt he was not close enough to give such advice.

But Magnus was not a petty person. "True, I\'ve already experienced it. Now, the reason I asked you to come here is to help me with some investments in the muggle world.

"As a fellow muggle, you must already know that the magical world is ignorant about the advancements of the muggle world. But, I am not. I want to invest in the future of the muggle world. because I believe, it can make me supremely rich and also help me get the influence to help this world."

Ted was taken aback. He did not expect in his wildest dreams that an 11-year-old would be saying such things. ~I wish my and Andromeda\'s child will also be this smart.~

"What do you have in mind... your majesty." He asked.

"You can call me Mr Pendragon for official work. And I am interested in lots of things and I got too much money. But we will start slow and capitalise on the market.

"The future of this world and a few huge industries that I want to invest in. One, technology, everything from computers to rocket science. Two, in the health sector, as the world gets richer, people will become lazy and develop many more ailments that will need treatment. Then finally, the entertainment industry, it is still exponentially rising as the world becomes wealthy, If I can have a big share in these three fields, I can change the world. I call this THE(Tech Health and Entertainment) plan.

"And you will also be very rich if you stay with me. The future of this world will stand on technology, and whoever invests it in right now, will live a life of extravagance for years to come." Magnus spoke at length, explaining everything he could.

In all honesty, Magnus had prepared this little speech by writing it for a whole night. He wanted his lawyer to be in awe of him. For this, he even had to look up the dictionary to learn words like exponentially, extravagance and whatnot.

~YES...~ Magnus secretly cheered seeing the shocked face of Ted. He was obviously sold on his dream plan.

Ted Tonks had his mouth open as he digested all the words coming out of a kid\'s mouth. He did know about the technologies and how it was progressing but he did not give too much mind to it as it did not affect him in the slightest. To him, it was just a dream of the future that who knows how long it would take to turn into reality.

But now, it was a different case. Magnus had the money to invest, to let him get into the technological side of the world. Also, the three industries Magnus talked about, it for some reason, got stuck in his mind.

~What a boy, when he becomes the king, I\'m sure he can change things so much.~ he thought.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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