Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 63 - 63. Outrageous

Halloween had come. The whole school and the common rooms were decorated with a Halloween theme. But Magnus did not go out of his room for the whole day as Summer was there, still injured.

Snape and Ragnar also stayed and made potions for the little owl to nurture her back to full health. She was now much better than yesterday though as she could hop around his room. Looking at various things with interest through her big round eyes. ​​

Magnus caressed the good girl, "Calm down, nobody is going to hurt you now. You are going to stay here from now on."

He looked at Duck and Chad. "You two, from now on, she will be your sister. You must protect her at all times."

Chad and Duck were playing together when they were called. So, the two nodded at the same time in an uncomfortable position. It was obvious that Duck was growing at a speed so fast that he would get bigger than Chad soon.

"Good, now play with Summer, but do not hurt her wounds." He warned the two goofballs. Soon, they started playing together. Making the room have a happy air. Magnus had made lots of toys for them. From balls to small seesaws. They also love to annoy Snape and Ragnar when they study but nobody gets angry at them as their presence was a big stress reliever for them. Now, Summer was also added to the group.

"Let\'s go to the dinner, Mag," Ragnar called him. He had worn the normal uniform. But, during the non-class time, one only needed to wear black robes and under them, one could wear anything.

Magnus didn\'t change and went out in his jeans and sweater. He was still a bit frustrated about what the Lucius gang had done.

"Calm down, Magnus. Your face looks like you are constipated." Ragnar jokingly said.

Magnus let out a loud breath, "I can\'t wait to see how my curse takes effect. Let\'s go now. We will eat at the Gryffindor table today, I don\'t want to hear those racists or I might just burst into flames."

Hearing this, Snape was happy as he would get to spend time with Lily. Though Magnus\' little therapies were working and now he didn\'t seem so lovestruck with her all the time.

Ragnar though was happy with anything. He would even sit with Hufflepufs as long as he could talk about potions.

They arrived at the overly decorated grand hall and straight-up walked to the Gryffindor table. In fact, Magnus even dragged a random kid named Kaleb from the Slytherin table to not make it look like he preferred Gryffindor. Seeing him, two of his friends followed.

Sirius saw him coming and already made space to sit.

"I heard what they did. Such animals, hurting a creature who can\'t speak." Sirius barked.

"You know, when I first heard about the magical world from you, I never expected it to be so messed up. I was literally imagining sunflowers and rainbows as I thought that because we had magic, we must have solved all problems in a normal muggle society. But look, the problems are 10 times worse here." Magnus talked lengthily.

Remus nodded after hearing him. He was sitting opposite to Magnus, beside James. "Magic is a path to many powers, but that doesn\'t mean people with ill intentions aren\'t born on this side of the world."

Ragnar chuckled and started, "And sometimes we get blokes like Sirius, who by the record should have been in Slytherin, but is now a Gryffindor and hates his family. Your family must be disappointed in their ability to brainwash."

"HAHA... disappointed they are. Just yesterday I got a letter from my mother. She wants me homeschooled. But I refused and she can not force me to stay at home as I have given a letter to Professor McGonagall saying that if I didn\'t come back then it was my family." Sirius laughingly said.

James snorted, "I told you to come to my place. My parents would treat you like their own."

"I know, but I don\'t want to leave Regulus in that pit," Sirius said with a saddened face.

*Pat Pat*

"Don\'t worry, if he comes to Slytherin, I will take care of him," Magnus assured.

"I know that already. You are my knight in the shining armour after all. Come, let me give you a maiden kiss." Sirius mumbled and started making exaggerated and ugly faces trying to kiss Magnus, but he was just spitting saliva.

"UGH... " Magnus in disgust waved his wand and cast a charm to seal Sirius\' lips.

"UMMMM..." That was only what he could say now.

Soon, it was time for dinner. Dumbledore gave a speech on the podium. He seemed tired for some reason.

"There have been many instances of violence in the school in the past few days. I must remind you, if you break any rules by hurting a student or any animal on the school premises, you will be immediately expelled.

"Now, today is a very joyous feast of Halloween, So let\'s enjoy it together." He waved his hand and lots of food appeared on the tables.


"Fine, you can eat it." Magnus fixed Sirius\' mouth.

"MEOW..." Suddenly Sirius meowed. It shocked him and others around him.

Magnus smirked, "I didn\'t say you can speak."

Sirius just ignored him now and ate food like no tomorrow.

After dinner, Magnus sent his letter to the minister via a random owl, though as always, he did give some treats for their hard work.

"Hey hey, keep looking at those Slytherin scums." Sirius excitedly told him.

"What did you do?" Magnus asked.

"Just wait." Sirius didn\'t reveal and just giggled.

Magnus kept on watching the Lucius gang. Soon, they were done with their dinner and got up to head to their dorms.

But, as soon as they got up, their clothes changed. And it was outrageous what their new clothes were.

Bikinis, for all the boys of the Slytherin gang. Red coloured upper and lower cloth. It was also on the shorter side, making it more outrageous.

"Just smile and wave boys," Sirius said as he laughed. In an instant, the whole hall erupted in loud laughter.

The Slytherin gang was busy trying to cover their bodies. The bulges on their bottom were clear as day. Lucius was looking the most girl-like because of his long hair and clean-shaven face.

Magnus also laughed heartily.


All of a sudden, a camera flash came. A boy from Gryffindor photography club had clicked the picture.

Magnus quickly called for him, "Give me a copy of it later. The Daily Prophet will love it."

Lucius gritted his teeth in anger, shame and frustration. He had no idea how this happened to him and how he fell for this prank. All he knew was that Magnus, Sirius and others from Gryffindor were involved. But, he had no proof.

He immediately ran away to dorms, followed by his lackeys.

"Sister, go after him, he must be frightened. Might need a change of diapers." Sirius shouted towards Narcissa.

Magnus chuckled, "When did you plan this?"

"When I heard what had happened. However, the prank is not over yet." Sirius smirked.

Magnus was alerted. "What did you d..."

"I sound like a girl, right?" Magnus asked.

"HAHAHA..." Everyone around them chuckled.

"Not just that, you are wearing a unicorn outfit now," Sirius replied.

Magnus, in an instant, felt a change over his body. His robes had turned into soft unicorn costumes.

"Are you sure this is the end?" Magnus asked back with a smirk.

This time, Sirius was shocked and also felt a change in his dress. It turned into a Slytherin uniform with his hair turned green too.

"GAH... I hate this." He muttered.

Magnus then looked at all his friends. Even Lily. "What are you all laughing at? Get ready..."

Soon, Magnus heard lots of verbal curses coming towards him as some clothes changed. Snape became a Dracula, Lily got a sunflower dress, James got a costume of a broom, Remus got a costume of a Shiba Inu and Peter got a costume of a snake at random.

[You can see Halloween Hall on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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