Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 102 - 102. SOLD! SOLD! SOLD!

Magnus felt nothing after drinking the potion and just hoped it would work.

"If this potion doesn\'t work I\'m going to call Sev the best potioneer and not you," Magnus told Ragnar. ​​

Ragnar shrugged, "Well, I hope your luck today is not so godly bad that even this potion can\'t help you."

"Don\'t put the blame on god if the potion is bad," Magnus argued.

"You\'d be dead if the potion was bad," Ragnar replied, shutting Magnus up.

"OUR NEXT ITEM IS ANOTHER CAR. 1964 Ferrari 275 GTB/C Speciale. There are only 3 of these in the world. The bids for this start at four hundred thousand dollars."

Magnus was ready this time. He planned to overwhelm all by directly bidding for the double.

"Eight hundred THOUSAND... Look at this beauty, last chance to have it. Eight hundred thousand one. Eight hundred though TWO. Eight hundred THOUSAND 3. SOLD." The auctioneer had a disappointed face.

But none knew that there was indeed a person in the crowd looking to bid, but his bidding plaque fell under his seat and by the time he picked it up it was sold.

Meanwhile, in the box, Magnus was cheering. He had caught Ragnar\'s shoulder and was swaying him left and right. "HAHAHAA... YOUR POTION WORKED."

Ragnar was feeling pride in his chest, "Of course, I will one day be called Prince of Potioneers someday."

"Nah, MasterChef of Potions sounds better," Magnus said, making Ragnar scowl after hearing it.

"Pfft..." Behind them, Grace started laughing after hearing their silly discussion. In her eyes, Ragnar was like a sibling Magnus never had.

"Don\'t bully him, Mag. You both are princesses to me and Adam." She jokingly said.

Ragnar proudly lifted his face and looked at Magnus, "Huh, see I\'m also a princ... WAIT!"

"Mum, stop calling me a princess now, I\'m too old for that." Magnus protested.

Grace innocently looked at him, "BUT... you used to enjoy being dressed as a princess when you were small."

"Because I didn\'t even know what was happening to me," Magnus said.

"HAHAHA... Aunty Grace, you must show me pictures of him then." Ragnar requested and looked at Magnus smugly while adding.

"And you be careful with your love for money. What if people start calling you, Prince of scammers? Of even better, King of scammers."

Magnus later bought another car. It was a beautiful old 1939 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider. He was going to use this in the future as his royal ride.

Magnus by the end spent 3 million dollars. He was expecting to get at least 30 times return from these three in the future, all in all, it was a good deal.

After that, a few more items were auctioned. The 10th-century coin was bought by someone for 50,000 dollars. Magnus was laughing at that the whole time because he had a vault full of them.

Soon, the end of the auction came near and it was time for the main course. Many rich people had come to either buy it or just admire it.

The Auctioneer although was tired by now, suddenly gained energy. The owner of the auction, Ahmad, himself, came on stage with the diamond on a trolley. It was covered with a golden silk cloth.

"THE FINAL ITEM OF THE DAY. THE ONLY BLUE DIAMOND IN THE WORLD. THAT IS AS BIG AS THIS, AS CLEAR AS THIS. For this beautiful diamond, words aren\'t enough." He lifted the silk cover from it, showcasing its beauty.

"BID START AT SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS." The auctioneer announced and waited.

Magnus honestly felt slightly nervous even though he had bigger and more precious diamonds in the vaults. Just the sheer unpredictability of the auction made him nervous, also excited.

~Is this what gamblers feel like?~ he wondered and focused.

The bids were now mainly coming from the VIP boxes.

"100 Million"

"200 Million"

"300 Million"

There weren\'t many people in the world who had this kind of money. Magnus had also at most anticipated 250 million and he had already crossed that mark. He was happy. Also, by now, all the excited bidders had surrendered.

But then, from another VIP box, a bid came.

"350 Million..."

Magnus\' eyes widened, this diamond was not at all worth this much. Maybe if it was the red diamond he would have understood, but for this? He wondered if this was the effect of the liquid luck or something else.

But maybe it was a mix of both. Magnus didn\'t know that Ahmad had secretly sent the word to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran.

Now, Saudi Arabia and Iran didn\'t do so well with each other. They hated each other.

So, when it came to owning such a precious diamond. Of course, they wouldn\'t let the Saudis take it.

Hence, it was now a fight between the two to have the diamond, in the end, only Magnus was profiting.

"400 Million..." The Iranians bid.

Wanting to put an end to it, the Saudis bid like crazy. "500 Million..."

The Shah of Iran didn\'t bid further. He had a lot of money but not this much. Also, he was facing a possible revolution against him back in his country and needed to be a little conscious about his spending.

"Five hundred Million, ONE!"

"Five hundred Million, TWO!"


So, in the end, the King of Saudi Arabia won the diamond.

Magnus though was feeling numb. "Where do they get so much money?"

"It\'s all OIL Money," Ted spoke from a seat beside him.

"Hmm, crazy how Earth gifts some countries while destroying others with no resources and constant droughts," Magnus muttered.

"That\'s just how the world is made, dear. You can\'t do anything about it." Grace patted his head from the seat behind.

"Hmm, maybe not now, but someday, I will surely be able to do something about it." Magnus confidently replied.

After the auction, there was a grand party for the New Year and in all honesty, Magnus wanted to enjoy it with his family as he would need to return to Hogwarts in a day. So, they went to the lawn outside the building. It was nicely decorated and a lot of food was going around. Ragnar and Magnus ran towards the food station to eat.

Eating after just making 490 Million dollars makes the food even more tasty and satisfying. Magnus and Ragnar were in the midst of devouring the tasty shawarma.

"God, I have never tasted something so spicy yet so tasty. This is amazing." Ragnar praised the food.

Magnus nodded with his mouth stuffed with food, "Yeah... I\'m going to buy a book about Saudi cuisine for Abe and George. Then we can eat this tasty food whenever we want."

"You should tell Grandma Martha, she seems to know everything and loves to cook for us," Ragnar suggested.

Magnus\' eye shined, "A bright idea indeed. AH, I\'m going to take another serving."

Magnus headed to the food stalls again. However, just as he reached there, he was greeted by someone. The man was in Saudi traditional clothes and had a clean-shaven smart face. Then Magnus\' eyes fell on the gold Rolex on his wrist, it was made of fine gold and he knew it. He can never go wrong in recognising gold.

"It was a fine diamond, your excellency." the man greeted him.

Magnus\' mouth opened slightly in shock that someone knew of his identity and not just that he was the seller of the diamond. But, he played it cool.

"Thank you, Mr...?"

"Ah, forgive my manners. I am Prince Abdullah bin Faisal Al Saud, eldest son of the king, the governor of Hejaz, the minister of health, and the minister of interior." Prince Abdullah introduced himself.

"Those are a lot of titles. So you\'re a man of power in this country. How did this little boy attract your attention?" Magnus asked back frankly.

Prince laughed, "Haha, I still have fewer titles than his excellency. Also, you are a point of attraction for many powerful people here. A powerful king, from a long old bloodline and also a powerful wizard from the ancient line of one of the most powerful wizards in history, you are worth countless blue diamonds that just got sold."

Magnus was taken aback, ~Is he also a wizard?~ he wondered.

But, the prince continued, "I know what you must be thinking. Let me explain. You see, there is nothing like the Ministry of Magic in this country. The Royal family controls everything, even though we are not Wizards. We employ lots of wizards among our ranks. They are an integral part of this country\'s administration. The moment you arrived in the country, we knew about it."

Magnus actually liked it, "So you don\'t have pureblood racists?"

"... We do, not many, but enough to pose a threat. They are mostly old families who want to take the throne. That is one of the reasons we employ so many wizards, as they create a safety net around us." Prince Abdullah explained.

Magnus nodded, "Hmm, so it\'s a global problem. I would very much like to see a day when all Wizards and non-magicals can get along."

"My family would too, as it benefits no one and only weakens us. Well, I actually came to invite you. The King would like to meet you, as a respected fellow monarch." The Prince offered.

Magnus looked around himself. He then saw Ragnar looking his way with a questioning gaze. Magnus nodded towards him. Ragnar understood the meaning immediately and called Ted. They were going to keep an eye on Magnus and his surroundings.

Magnus was taking precautions since he knew there were wizards around him.

He then looked at the prince, "Sure, let\'s go and meet him. I hope he\'s not a stiff person."

"HAHA... absolutely not. He was delighted to meet you actually. To be honest, he said he wanted to show you something, but I don\'t know what." The prince sounded confused and that alerted Magnus.

[You can see the 1964 Ferrari 275 GTB/C and 1939 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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