Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 179 - 179. Surprise

"Severus, come to my home later, I have a potion book I took from Merlin\'s vault earlier. It had some kind of a plan for making a magic enhancing potion, which makes one\'s magic more potent. It was based on the fact that some wizards\' magic release a stronger intensity for the same spells as performed by others. It said that the reason behind this was the potency of one\'s magic. Let\'s study it together later." Magnus suggested to his friend. He also wanted to make himself and his Round Table stronger... now Emma was there too. She was not a part of the Round Table but she was in danger as she stayed around them.

Severus glanced at Ragnar first and asked, "Why not ask him? He\'s a slightly better potioneer than me." ​​

Ragnar didn\'t reply and just scoffed. Of course, angry for a reason.

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, he\'s careless. He might burn down the house if I let him experiment on such a dangerous potion."

Severus chuckled, "Yes, he might do that. I will come to your home later then."

Later, Hogwarts Express slowly stopped at platform 9¾. The platform was filled with parents waiting for their children.

But Magnus had noticed one thing. That the parents who came to get their children mostly included Muggle-born or half-blood parents. The pureblood parents rarely came.

He guessed that the family system of the pureblood side was too broken and less importance was given to bonds, love and relationship and more to power, money and influence.

But, his family was different. As soon as Magnus was out of his train, he saw his Dad waiting for him there. But there was no Grace.

"Where is mum?" He asked him.

Adam ruffled his hair and hugged him first, as well as Ragnar, "She had an important surgery so she couldn\'t come. Come, the car is waiting for us."

As soon as they went out of the train station, Magnus saw a Rolls Royce waiting there. What was even strange was that there were two black Range Rovers, one in the front of the Rolls Royce and one back, both had 3 men in suits inside.

"What\'s this?" Ragnar asked.

Adam scratched his head, "Even I don\'t know. They just showed up a few days ago, with orders from Buckingham Palace. They are meant to be my security."

Ragnar excitedly jumped in the car, "Woaaah... I feel so important... So pampered. Feed me some fruits now."

But Magnus wondered, ~I hope I don\'t get this worthless security, or else I\'ll have to save my security team in case of a wizard attack.~

"Granny Liz sure seems excited," Magnus muttered.

"How was your time at school? I heard from George that you caught some kind of a snake?" Adam asked.

Magnus sweated, "Hehe... Yes, it was just a snake. Not harmful at all. He\'s very friendly."

Ragnar agreed, "Yes, even his name is Cuddles."

"What a cute and terrifying name for a snake. Well, on my part, I\'ve built the full prototype of the new car. The fuel engine works well, now only Battery one is left. I\'m very close to developing a liquid lithium-ion battery." Adam revealed.

Magnus and Ragnar didn\'t reply, they were just waiting to shock him now.

Later, as soon as they reached home, Summer and Chad started making noises in their cages. As if saying, "Let us out and inspect our territory." So they let them roam free.

"Grace left food for you two. George went with her today, so Abe should be around. He\'s into gardening these days. Go and freshen up now." Adam told them.

Magnus and Ragnar went to their rooms and bathed. After that, they regrouped and planned when to give the batteries.

"Mag, what are you going to do about all the people following us later? We are wizards, we can\'t be photographed continuously." Ragnar asked him as he remembered what had happened today.

The guards to escort their vehicle were just the beginning. They were present even outside their house, securing the gate.

Magnus, too, was having a headache, "I don\'t know. Most of the news channels can be tamed and told not to record us, but I don\'t know about the Paparazzi. I think I need to create a charming item that somehow makes photographs blurry."

"Hmm, it\'s gonna be hard to not interfere with normal electronics. Anyway, let\'s go and surprise dad." Ragnar put on a sweater and headed out.

Magnus took the suitcase from his room and arrived at the underground workshop. It was beaming with activity and a lot of instrument noises were coming.

"DAD!" Magnus shouted, to make Adam stop working.

Soon the noise stopped and Adam lifted his Welding Shield and looked at them.

"Come here, don\'t you wanna see the car your dad made? I\'m going to be honest, I\'m proud of how it turned out to be." Adam proudly said and took them to another part of the workshop, it looked clean and there was a car, covered with a sheet.

From the shape of it, it looked decently big. But the design was still a mystery.

Ragnar was also excited, he had started to like cars, since he hated brooms, "Show us, dad."

"Okay, behold, my prototype. I have named this Ultron Alpha. Ultron being the company name."

*Woosh* He lifted the sheets.


"WOAH!" Magnus\' eyes shined. He felt his body shake, his heart beat faster. Was it love at first sight?

"This looks so futuristic and outright cool, dad. How did you even make this?" Magnus blurted the questions.

"Easy... I made it by taking the frame of an old muscle car. It needed a lot of work but Abe and George were great help with their magic. The end result was this. I have even fitted the engine motor in it. It works on Petrol, for now, the place for batteries has also been made. I just need to make them and put them here." Adam started to enthusiastically explain everything about the car. He also blurted many technical details that Ragnar and Magnus did not understand but they just nodded.

Because no matter what, this was one hell of a beauty. Just then, they decided to drop the bomb... the gift. They couldn\'t bring themselves to look at the tired face of Adam, with dark circles under his eyes. He must have been working a lot for the battery.

"Dad, I want you to come here and take a seat. Then close your eyes, Ragnar has a gift for you." Magnus dragged him to the side.

Adam stopped speaking and looked at his sons confusedly. He chuckled and asked, "What gift? My birthday was months ago."

"Just take a seat and don\'t peek." He pushed him on the seat.

Ragnar quickly took out a battery from the case and placed it in front of Adam. It was not small, at least the size of a floor tile.

"Dad, remember I wasn\'t able to help you last time?" Ragnar said.

Adam replied with eyes closed, "That\'s okay, son. Life is full of failures, instead of getting depressed, you should learn from them and work harder."

Ragnar smiled, "Hehe, I did just that. Open your eyes."

Adam did and noticed a thin black cuboid item. It was black in colour, covered with some substance. There were two wires coming out of one end.

His heart beat faster, as the idea of a possibility rose in his mind. "I-Is this... Lithium-ion battery?"

Magnus nodded and said, "Even better, dad. Ragnar is a genius. He went one step further and created a Solid-State Battery. This thing is so safe and effective that no one can say anything bad about it."

Adam felt so proud of Ragnar. The boy was indeed a genius of the highest order. ~I\'m so blessed to have these two as my sons.~

He went to Ragnar and lifted him with a hug, "Haha... Marvellous, son. As a Wizard, you might not know but you have changed the whole world with this invention.

This is the future of mankind."

Ragnar felt embarrassed, he was not as well-built as Magnus and weighed very little.

Magnus felt he needed to save his brother from embarrassment so he asked, "Dad, has mom seen the car yet?"

He denied, "No, I was planning on surprising her."

"Then let\'s attach the batteries and go to pick her up from the hospital," Magnus suggested.

"Yes! Let\'s eat dinner outside." Ragnar added.

Adam nodded and looked at the car, "Yeah... It\'s time to take this beauty outside on real roads. Let me test the batteries first."

[A/N: A solid-state battery has a higher energy density than a Li-ion battery that uses a liquid electrolyte solution. A solid-state battery doesn\'t have a risk of explosion or fire, so there is no need to have components for safety, thus saving more space.]

[You can see the car on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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