Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 195 - 195. Evasive Maneuvers

"Dobby, you can take the makeup off now. You look very bad with that on, I think I will have nightmares of you for a few nights." Magnus instructed him.

"Really? But Dobby thought this would make me pretty. Am I not pretty?" Dobby asked. ​​

*Cough* "Are you a boy or a girl?"

"Dobby is a boy, master Pendragon," Dobby replied.

"Then act like one. Only human girls wear all those things. And, if you want to be an elf who represents me, you need to work on your speech. Stop talking in 3rd person. Go to my house, Abe and George will teach you there." Magnus ordered him. Dobby was a very stubborn elf sometimes.

Although Magnus liked that Dobby called himself a free elf, that didn\'t change the fact that he felt an innate desire to be connected to a wizard.

Dobby was in search of such a wizard for a long time after being freed, and once he saw Magnus with Abe and George in the Diagon Alley, where Magnus defended Abe from an attack from the Greengrass family head. That was when Dobby decided to find Magnus and become his elf.

Magnus didn\'t reject him, he was going to look for more elfs anyway. He needed them for his various business activities.

Dobby then left for Magnus\' home, while Sirius was now much better. They went to the great hall to eat together and laugh at what just happened.


The lesson was taught very well. The Gryffindor four stopped their harmful pranks after that. They now did real funny ones, which consisted of creating temporary jokes, like changing someone\'s voice to a cat or pig\'s.

A few days had gone by, Magnus had nothing to study. Besides a few sessions at the duelling club, he had nothing. Truly, he felt that when he\'s outside, he\'s busier.

So after telling his teachers that he already knows all there was to for this year\'s classes, he went away to practice on his own. Ragnar and Severus still took the classes as they were only the best at Potions only. Emma was not amazing at anything, instead, she was average in every subject, this was still, a very good achievement.

Magnus started spending most of his days in the room of requirement. He practised his magic there. From martial magic to runes and alchemy. He was constantly progressing in runes and hoped to be able to create some basic speels by next year, but alchemy was a subject not even taught that well in the school, so he only had a few books to rely on.


15th January,

*Sigh* "Another wizard family killed by Death Eaters. Tsk... they will come after me sooner rather than later. I must become strong enough to at least hold Merlin\'s staff without fainting." he talked to himself while reading a newspaper.

He was sweating all over, his clothes were torn from here and there. He had been using high-level dummies in the Room to practice his fighting.

The reason why he was injured was that he used a blindfold while fighting. The reason was simple, as Flitwick said, he gets too overconfident when he sees himself winning. So, instead of relying more on his eyes, he wanted to rely on his other senses. This would not only increase his speed and reflexes but also make his spellcasting faster.

"I wonder how many monsters like Oscar are hiding in this world. Is every child like me sleeping with his stomach full? Is every child like me able to study and be happy? Probably not. Even with 2 World Wars, the muggle world did not change. With 1 Wizarding World War, the magical world didn\'t change.

"How can I fulfil this dream of ours, Merlin? It seems impossible to me, much more than it was even in your time when people were simple." Magnus wondered.

"You have already done it." A voice came all of a sudden.

The door of the Room of Requirements opened and Dumbledore walked in. Magnus had his sword in hand but lowered it later.

"So you knew about this place," Magnus acknowledged his presence, taking his seat again.

Dumbledore smiled, "I have lived a majority of my life in this school. First as a student, then a teacher and now as the headmaster."

"And I can\'t imagine a more boring career than this. Stuck in the same building, no wonder some people call you senile." Magnus jokingly replied.

"Haha... well, I\'m still better than many other old ones. At the very least, I didn\'t install a class 5 beast in the school like Salazar." Dumbledore said. He took a seat near Magnus.

His eyes fell on the newspaper that Magnus had read. It had the news related to the recent murder.

"I knew this family. Both, the husband and wife were my students. They were kind people... this loss of life... it\'s too much damage to magical Britain. If these dark lords keep on rising one after another, I\'m afraid, no wizards will be left." Dumbledore spoke in a sorrowful voice.

Magnus got up, "That is why I am working so hard. I am indeed the heir of Merlin and Arthur. I basically hit the jackpot in terms of bloodline, in both magical and muggle worlds. Now that I have so much power and authority, it\'d be too bad if I didn\'t even try. And even if I fail, at least I will take my last breath happily, knowing I tried my best.

"Will you spar with me, professor? I want to see how strong I am against the renowned most powerful wizard." Magnus asked.

Dumbledore stayed silent for a full minute, thinking something deeply. ~I hope that you will be successful, Magnus. And if I can help you achieve this dream of yours, I will gladly give my life to it.~

He got up, "Let\'s do it. I too want to know how strong Merlin\'s descendant is."

Magnus happily moved a few metres away and readied himself. He held his Despair sword in one hand, it could absorb all spells. Then he held his wand in the other hand. All the while his Hope sword, which could throw back the absorbed spells, was tied to his back. So that it can be used whenever needed.

Dumbledore saw Magnus and seriously felt some level of competency. Just looking at Magnus gave him the feeling that he was not duelling with a child, but a ruthless, experienced fighter, who has seen the worst of humankind.

He took out his wand, a particularly special one. A 15 inches wand, with a weird texture.

"Hmm, is there something special about that wand?" Magnus asked, because he was warned by Merlin\'s voice just now.

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, this is the Elder Wand. Only one of its kind." Dumbledore replied.

Magnus\'s eyes opened fully, "Hmm, one of the three Deathly Hallows? Where\'d you get it?"

"From defeating a certain dark lord. Tell me, Magnus. It is said that the three Deathly Hallows were made by Death itself. Do you believe it?"

Without taking a second, Magnus answered, "Of course, I believe it\'s real if it has any credibility. I mean, Merlin told me that god and the afterlife do exist. Heaven and Hell do exist. So why can\'t this Death exist?"

It was certainly a big revelation for Dumbledore. He was never a believer in any religion. He didn\'t think there were gods either.

"Are you sure they were not just powerful wizards?" Dumbledore asked him.

Magnus shook his head, "I thought the same when I heard it. But Merlin clarified it. Jesus, Buddha, Moses and many more godly messengers could have been a wizard or god, or anything. But the god Merlin was talking about was entirely different, the god who rules all, past, present, future, this word, its branches, other worlds, its branches.

"I felt so small when I first found out about this. But soon came to understand that we\'re all just doing our jobs. God is doing his work of running the fabric of existence, while we do our own stuff."

~WIll I go to hell?~ This was Dumbledore\'s first thought after knowing this.

"Let\'s start, professor." Magnus took a fighting stance.

Dumbledore got serious, deciding to think about all this later in his office while drinking a calming lemon mint tea.

Both of them stood calmly, staring at each other, trying to anticipate anything. Magnus was adamant about not moving first, because he had the Despair sword for all kinds of incoming attacks, and it was particularly good for one versus one duel.


Dumbledore did not use any verbal spells. He was truly testing Magnus this time.

Magnus expected this, he put forth his sword and let it absorb the disarming charm. He already had his strategy ready.


Magnus sent a stunning charm back, of course, non-verbal. He was Merlin\'s heir, it\'d be a shame to his name if he used verbal chants for charms.

Dumbledore waved his wand in front of the oncoming stunning charm and threw it away as if tossing a ball.


Magnus didn\'t give Dumbledore a single second to retaliate. He had aimed his Hope sword and the wand towards Dumbledore.


Two spells, one exploding charm from the wand and one disarming charm from the sword launched at Dumbledore. It was not easy to deal with two different charms which would reach you at the same time.


The explosion was purposefully sent to Dumbledore\'s feet. As soon as it exploded, the old man was thrown in the air.

"YES!" Magnus cheered.

"OH NO!"

His happiness was short-lived, he saw the smirk on Dumbledore\'s face, as he made a backflip in the air and landed on the ground, but at the same time sent a barrage of 5 spells at Magnus.


Magnus, instead of stopping them, did many somersaults and jumped away, saving himself by inches from each spell. He did this because he had the Hope sword in his hand instead of Despair.

He was still unharmed though, and had a smile, "Hehe, I didn\'t know your old bones were still strong enough to make such manoeuvres. It\'s time to get serious then."

[A/N: Someone suggested that I give more screen time to some characters. Such as Emma, as she is supposed to be Magnus\' partner in the future. Though I won\'t try to make it romantic yet, because they\'re just 13 right now. Some wholesome things should be fine.]


[You can see the elder wand on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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