Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 254 - 254. Magnus' Counter

Magnus wore a good suit, over which he wore a long coat. He was to go to the Wizengamot today. The main purpose for leaving the school though was to go and hand over his personal letter to the ministry telling why he used magic in the presence of a muggle.

However, the funny thing was, Magnus\' wands didn\'t have a trace on them. So, Dolores\' letter was only speculative and not factual.

"Are you sure you don\'t need me to come?" Ragnar asked him.

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, I\'m sure they don\'t need the whole gang, brother. I\'m going there to deal with one person, not destroy the ministry.

"Where is Severus?" He asked.

Ragnar shrugged, "I don\'t know, he\'s been acting strange since school started."

"Did he tell you anything? Maybe something happened at his home." Magnus wondered.

"I don\'t know, I will try asking though," Ragnar said and let Magnus go without any care.


Magnus came to Dumbledore\'s office as the old man was the only one who could take him to the Ministry.

But Magnus saw Fawkes and his family there too. "Oh, when did you come here?"

Fawkes, as if seeing an old family flew to him and hugged Magnus\'s chest with his wide wings. "Hehe... good to meet you too."


A small phoenix also flew to Magnus and sat down on his shoulder. Magnus of course knew him, "How are you, little Rex?"

Well, he was amazing, depicted by how he affectionately rubbed his head on Magnus\' cheek. The whole Phoenix family was enjoying their life it seemed and it was all that mattered.

"Good, I hope you are not giving the professor too much trouble." He said petting them both.

At the same time, Dumbledore spoke, "They have become a delightful addition to my life now. Especially the little Rex, the little boy has too much curiosity in him."

Dumbeldore dotted on the Phoenix family as if they really were his kids now. But Magnus didn\'t say anything and let the old man be happy, he deserved it a little.

"So, shall we go to the Ministry?" Magnus asked.

"Hold my arm then."



They apparated inside the Ministry directly. From there they took the elevator and went straight to the underground. There, a large hall was set up for the meeting. At Magnus\' request, the Minister had made the room look less dark and more vibrant with lights.

So, when this time he entered, he found the hall to be looking much more pleasant to the eye and mind. ~This is the correct environment to talk and discuss issues.~

As soon as he entered he became the focus of all. Most of those who already supported Magnus either verbally greeted him or just bowed their heads a little. Everyone knew there that say whatever you want, Magnus\' influence was unmatched. If he were to declare anyone in this room a Death Eater, the public would blindly believe and launch a hunt for that person and his family.

So, in this single aspect, Magnus was more terrifying than the Dark Lord. But, because the Dark Lord had no morality and bottom line, he still had the upper hand.

The loud voices of people talking continued until the Minister came and presided over the meeting. She took her seat on one side of the hall, which was slightly elevated.

Eugenia started with normal matters, "Lord Elphias Doge has asked that in order to make sure attacks like what happened to Mr Pendragon recently don\'t happen, we should all divulge our financial statements to the ministry\'s financial documentation department. This way, we can better know where the money is coming from and where it is going. Because from the previous interrogation of the traitor, we found out he was initially paid 3,000 Galleons to start the mission, but then his mission became a part of his life later."

There were protests erupting, by both the light and the dark side. Magnus scoffed and spoke, "Huh, all of us hold public offices. Wizengamot is not there to serve ourselves, but to serve the best interests of the wizarding community. Merlin had this idea in his mind at the time of creating this organisation. We are older than the Ministry itself and hence have a greater responsibility too.

"Now, if any of us here have an objection to revealing our financial activities to the Ministry, that itself should be a reason enough to check for corruption. So, I declare that I will reveal my financial activities. But only if the Ministry makes sure the data can never be disclosed to anyone. I suggest creating a data repository near the residence of the guardian of the deep vaults of Gringotts."

Everyone understood the meaning. The guardian was a Nundu, nobody had the guts of messing with it. Foolishly, people there thought even Magnus couldn\'t mess with this beast, not knowing it was him who appointed him in the first place.

"I agree as well." Dumbledore raised his hand.

Well, now that the two most influential wizards had agreed, there was no point in denying it, since the majority was already in the hands of the Light side.

Eugenia completed the case and moved on to the next one, "The next point of interest is the resolution by Lady Umbridge. Lady Umbridge, will you be speaking or should I read it?"

"Hehe... no, please. I will do it myself." A woman with a face more punchable than anyone\'s worst enemy\'s face stood up. She was wearing pink all over, from top to bottom, even her shoes were pink. Her chuckle was so annoying that it could make a man\'s ears bleed.

Be it one from the light side or the dark side, none liked this woman, it was a rare moment when all members of Wizengamot agreed on something, albeit without even speaking to each other.

"Respected Wizengamoth and Minister. I would like to report something to the members. Exactly 7 days ago, at 10 AM, an event took place in King\'s Cross Muggle railway station. This event put our wizarding society as well as the Statute of secrecy in danger.

"Mr Pendragon, along with 41 of his colleagues, openly used magic to extinguish the fire, magically lifted debris weighing tonnes to get people out. This kind of behaviours put the magical world at risk of being found out. So, we sent letters of suspension according to the law.

"However, my letter was ignored and Mr Pendragon took all the blame on himself. But, even he ignored the letter and continued his classes. That is why I want to hold a trial of Mr Pendragon, however, because this trial proceeds it needs permission from the members, so I am here.

"Please decide if Mr Pendragon\'s actions were appropriate or not." She finished her opening speech and stayed standing. Now, the Wizengamot was going to discuss it.

The first to stand up was Augusta Longbottom. She was a strong woman of the Longbottom family. Though it should have been her husband standing there, the man must have been busy elsewhere. She snarled at Dolores, "Lady Umbridge, I would like to ask you, are you drunk? Or maybe on some other medication that troubles your thought process?"

"W-What do you mean, Lady Longbottom? I am fine and fit. And I do not drink anything other than good British tea." She proudly replied.

"Then, it shouldn\'t be hard to see what His Majesty did was to protect the people, as his duty says, and I am sure you read the report by Auror Moody. His Majesty used the Notice-Me-Not charms to make sure nobody sees them doing miracles. So why are you wasting our time when the case is as good as rejected?" She asked confidently. She knew she was saying the right thing, and most other wizards agreed.

But, of course, the Black family was a nemesis of Magnus now, how could they not use the opportunity, to be more precise, Dolores Umbridge.

Arcturus Black III, the patriarch of the Black family, Sirius\' grandfather stood up, "I agree with esteemed Lady Longbottom, however, there must be a reason and proof why Lady Umbridge is taking such a big step, right? After all, anyone who was able to get into Wizengamoth shouldn\'t be a fool."

Dolores found confidence and proudly continued with a nod, "Yes, because up until Mr Pendragon\'s actions in the station, everything was fine. But then he went further to catch the criminals. He caught them in a way that was unexplainable by muggles and it remains a mystery to the muggle world. He threw a boulder at the escaping car from the sky. The criminals were in the middle of a highway and there was no explanation for such an event.

"This carelessness is alone deserving a harsh punishment, as the actions caused many problems for the ministry."

The people started talking in the hall, questioning Magnus\' actions. Some felt nervous, wondering if finally, Magnus would face a setback.

*THUMP THUMP* Eugenia slammed the hammer on the table and called for silence. She looked at Magnus in resign, "Mr Pendragon, do you want to say something?"

He nodded and started, "Yes, I would like to remind something to the people in this room. Have you forgotten who I am? Yes, a descendant of Merlin. But, did you forget King Arthur? I am an official Prince of Great Britain. Hence, this means I have a duty towards the muggle world, to its people.

"Now, I am a free person, so I have every right to use magic that God bestowed upon me, to fulfil my duties as the Prince. As I didn\'t break the Statute of secrecy there is no legal basis to either punish me or hold a trial.

"Remember, if I break laws inside the magical world, only then can the Ministry hold me accountable, but if I break the laws in the muggle world, as the Prince, I am only answerable to the muggle court. But rest assured, my intentions are not to break any laws. I respect them and will follow them. One more thing, the Ministry has no evidence that I even used magic in the first place.

"It\'s just that the situation asked for harsh steps at that time. Besides, instead of praising the bravery of students who saved people, you all are trying to suspend them? IS THIS HOW MINISTRY REWARDS HEROES? Tsk... No wonder the British wizarding community is on a decline. We complain about lack of good wizards, but when we see them we try to bury them."

Magnus\' last remark was towards everyone in the room and not just Dolores. They nodded and made up their mind on this matter.

"Let\'s vote now. Those who wish to hold Mr Pendragon accountable and want a trial, please raise a hand." Eugenia proceeded. Only 5 people lifted their hands. Next, everyone raised their hands to hold Magnus innocent. Dolores seethed in anger, but her hellish day was just starting.

"Any more proposals?" Eugenia asked since Magnus had told her before.

Magnus stood up and picked a diary in his hand, "Yes, Madam Minister, I would like to put forward a proposal for removal and criminal trial of Head of the Improper Use of Magic Office, Dolores Umbridge, for forging documents, lying to the Ministry and misusing her powers."


But Magnus raised his palm and shut her up. He proceeded to say something that made Dolores shudder in fear.

"Members, I was looking into the records of employees of the Ministry a few days ago. Guess what, I found the name of Miss Umbridge\'s father, Orford Umbridge. It turns out, he was an employee here too." He said with a smirk.

Dolores was visibly shaking in fright at the moment. Her whole life was based on what was being discussed here, if Magnus proceeded, her life would be over.

But Magnus didn\'t give her a chance to gather herself. Also, Lord Black foolishly helped him without knowing.

Arcturus Black III proudly responded to Magnus, "Of course, we were told that Lord Orford Umbridge was a respected member of the Wizengamot before us."

Magnus wanted to hear exactly this. He made the most innocent face he could and confusedly said the words that shook everyone, "What? But... the records are saying something else. It says that Orford Umbridge worked in the Department of Magical Maintenance as a floor cleaner."

*THUD* Dolores fell from her seat, eyes widened and face paled.

[You can see Dolores on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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