Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 289 - 289. Horcruxes

Before leaving Camelot, Magnus went to Rodolphus for one last time to ask a very important question. The prisoner had only eaten a slice of bread since the last night so he was in a very pitiful condition.

"Just... kill me already." Rodolphus cried.

Ragnar felt angered at this and went ahead to stomp on his face, then on his nuts, "MY MOTHER KILLED HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOU... I WAS THERE TO SEE IT ALL. SHE ASKED YOU TO KILL HER FIRST TOO..."

Ragnar didn\'t stop until his heart was back to calmness. Rodolphus just cried in pain the whole time. He regretted even opening his mouth unnecessarily.

Magnus, once again, had no mercy for him. For a man famous as the most loyal dog of Voldemort, it was a crime to show him mercy.

"I will let you have some food and rest if you answer my next question truthfully. Good?" He ordered him, rather than questioning.

Punishment for not complying was more hunger and skinning, so he quickly nodded.

"Good, tell me, how many people know about Voldemort\'s Tom Riddle Identity and the Horcruxes?" Magnus inquired.

"I-I don\'t think anybody knows about the Horcruxes except me and a few others. Dumbledore certainly knows Voldemort is Tom Riddle, Slughorn too, since Slughorn gave him the knowledge of Horcruxes. Other than these two, Voldemort was never close to any teacher. And all those students he was close to are either dead or loyal to him... that is all I know... please give me food... water..." he fell down flat on the floor and started to cry.

"Fine... you will get your food. I\'m going back to school, Ragnar. I should better talk with Professor Dumbledore and understand what his game even is. How could he keep such crucial information from us." Magnus waved goodbye to Ragnar and left.



Dumbledore was in his office, alone, he was thinking about many decisions in his life. Perhaps the worst was to ever get Tom Riddel into school. He felt responsible for that boy\'s darkness.

And what just happened, to Magnus, his own family nearly died, he felt it was about time he forgot everything about morals and honour. There was no point in giving Voldemort a second chance.

But perhaps he realised this too late. Dumbledore, a man of many secrets, made the mistake of keeping too many secrets. And this mistake was coming back to bite him in the back.

Magnus entered his office, with a plain face. He was angry, but not to the point he would jump around and start shouting. He just took a seat and asked, "Why didn\'t you tell me about Tom Riddle? And that Voldemort is half-blood?"

Dumbledore\'s eyes nearly popped out. "W-Where did you get this information?"

"That doesn\'t matter. What matters is that I got it now. He was your precious student, is this why you don\'t kill him even when given a chance? Have you gone so senile that you don\'t see the deaths of innocent people? Hell, the man killed his own father to make a Horcrux out of it, he has no love for the living and you still want to give him a chance?" Magnus asked him straight up.

But, Dumbledore was already up and looking shocked, "HE MADE HORCRUX?"

~Hmm... so he didn\'t know.~ Magnus was just trying to see if Dumbledore knew this too.

"Yes, not one, but three, probably even more, but I don\'t know about them," He revealed.

Dumbledore took a long breath, this was much more than what he had thought about Voldemort. He always wondered what worse than murder can Voldemort do, but once again, he was surprised.

Dumbledore quickly went to his pensieve and poured a shining blue gelly thread in it. "Come here, Magnus, I want to show you something."

Magnus obliged and together with Dumbledore looked inside the memory. Dumbledore was also giving him some details about what he was seeing.

"This memory is from 1967, I was already the headmaster at that point. 22 years after completing his school, Tom Riddel returned to the school and asked me for a job at the position of DADA professor. But I saw through him. He had been missing, completely disappeared from the past few years, and when he returned, he had changed, physically and emotionally. He looked like he was a mad wizard, tortured in Azkaban for years.

"I noticed his dark desires, wanting to corrupt the students who would study under him. He left after I denied it, but not before this.

Magnus saw the person who was supposed to be mostly human-looking Voldemort, shouting, "I, LORD VOLDEMORT... CURSES THE POSITION OF DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS POSITION... nobody shall keep this job for more than a year."

Dumbledore continued, "That was the first time I heard the name Voldemort. After this, I did some digging and found he had been terrorising the whole of Europe for the past few years and had followers. A little further, I learned his involvement around the many murders that took place.

"At that time, I never thought he would become such a big threat. I was wrong... COMPLETELY WRONG... once again."

When they came out of the memory, Dumbledore stumbled back and sat by the staircase, "I fear now... Magnus. And I believe that\'s my biggest flaw. I fear making another major decision because it was also my decision that brought the monster into the school. It was my decision that let that monster turn into a demon."

Magnus sighed, for the first time he saw Dumbledore being so broken, so he sat by his side. "You know, I am also in constant fear. Since I make really big decisions, it does scare me when I think about what if... What if I\'m wrong?

"But, do you know what my mum said to me? \'If you can\'t even trust yourself, how do you expect others to trust you?\' and her words, I have made them my principals. I try to do my best with all my heart, I trust my decisions that it will be the best-case scenario. And that is why people follow me."

Dumbledore smiled. He never expected to hear such profound words from a young boy. "Your mother has really been a positive influence in shaping you. Good, your words are good. My inability to act has harmed many people. But I believe it\'s time to forget about what if and think about what if I don\'t. Because whether we like it or not, Voldemort\'s ambitions will continue to grow and he will attack again."

Magnus helped Dumbledore stand up, "Yes, and we must do it fast, the more we wait, the more likely he is to make more Horcruxes."

"What are the known Horcruxes?" Dumbledore inquired.

"They are Tom Riddle\'s diary, a ring and Helga Hufflepuff\'s cup. I know where the cup is, it\'s in Bellatrix\'s vault, I have already sealed them all. It was even monitored and nobody accessed it, since I had put a bounty on her head. I don\'t know where other Horcruxes could be though." he thought about the rest of them.

Dumbledore too fell into deep thoughts, "Hmmm... Hufflepuff cup?... Tom Riddle was a very avid collector of artefacts. And from what we know, in 1956, Helga Hufflepuff\'s descendent was murdered, this tells whom he used to make the Horcrux. But what other items could he use to make them?"

"I KNOW!" Magnus blurted.

He and Dumbeldore suddenly came to the same conclusion at the same time, "TREASURES OF THE FOUR FOUNDERS!"



The news arrives late in the jungle, especially when most of the Army of Voldemort was celebrating the death of Magnus.

Lucius was injured, being hit by a less powerful version of Killing Curse. "Argh... I wish I could have used my wand to kill him."

Voldemort rejoiced, however, "It was just not in your fate, Lucius. Maybe fate has bigger plans for you. I am afraid Rodolphus was most likely caught by them, as I can still feel his dark mark, but nothing else. It will take time for us to break him out of Azkaban. Until then, you shall become my second in command."

Lucius felt honoured. The one thing he desired in his life the most was recognition, he wanted it from his father, but he was dead. So, Voldemort was a replacement. He felt happy being praised by one of the most powerful wizards in the world.

"NOOOOO..." Bellatrix all of a sudden screamed and came running to Voldemort.

"MY LORD! MY LORD LOOK!... THAT FILTH IS ALIVE!" She screamed in rage.

Voldemort snatched the newspaper and read the article. It had the image of a battered and injured Magnus. "HOW? HOW DID HE SURVIVE THIS? HOW DID HE FIGHT SO MANY WEREWOLVES?"

All the triumphant feelings he had were gone right at that moment. His plan failed completely this meant, not only did he lose a majority of his forces, but also his second in command.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE... I WILL KILL THIS MUDBLOOD... AAAAAA...." He had gone crazy, as he pointed his wand to the sky and shot bolts of lightning one after another into the sky.

Lucius sat there on the side silently, looking at the sky. But, he secretly had a smile on his face, ~Good... It must be me who shall kill you.~

[You can see Dumbledore on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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