Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 445 - 445. The Excalibur

Chapter 445 – 445. The Excalibur

With no care at all, Magnus walked to the big boulder. A sword was stuck in it with only half of its blade and its hilt being visible. It seemed to be rusted and not in great condition.

Magnus took a long breath, "I\'ve been looking for you for so long, Merlin finally revealed it today,"

He firmly held the grip. It was made of some sort of black metal and gold being used for appearance. Even the round pommel at the end was made of black metal with an entire gold covering. A monogram of the dragon was engraved on it with gold. While the cross-guard was also similar, made of strange black metal with a lot of gold engravings.

But the beauty was lessened due to it being left unattended. Magnus wanted to hold it, this was the endgame, and with this he will have the entire legacy of King Arthur with him. The crown, the sword, Camelot and the Kingship, all will be in his possession.

"Here goes nothing," he slowly pulled it out.

Initially, it didn\'t budge. But then some sort of magic took place and the entire ceiling of the cave started to illuminate in golden light. Voldemort felt his skin burning due to it, he just shrieked and tried to cover himself. Magnus was unharmed.


Out of the stone, a holographic face appeared, it was Arthur, "How are you, Magnus. Haha, Merlin told me after you left that the man I wrestled with before the war with Scotts was my heir from a thousand years in future. *sigh* Magic is strange. But I am proud that it is you, a wizard. With the power of Merlin, you can truly change the world.

"May the gods of old and new guide you through your coming journeys and you always walk the right path. You have my blessing, son."

It was a pre-recorded message, it seemed. As soon as the Hologram disappeared, Magnus felt he could pull the sword much easier now. He did just that, in one smooth motion, like breeze he lifted it up in the air as soon as it was out.

Outside the cave, the sky that was crackling with thunder not long ago started to clear itself. The morning was here, the first rays of the sun fell on the land. In some sort of complex mechanism, the rise of the sun entered the cave and fell directly on the sword, illuminating it as if it was a crystal.

With that, Magnus felt a connection being built, the sword felt as if it was just another lib for him, exactly like Merlin\'s staff. But the magic didn\'t end there, the sword that seemed rusted started to clean itself off. Under the rays of the sun, it regained all its shine and novelty. The gold became as clear as if it was engraved just today. The silver blade polished itself and shined like a diamond.

But, when Magnus turned the sword he found something strange. While one side of the blade was entirely silver, the other side was made of the same black metal except for the edges. There was silver engraving on it near the hilt.

Magically, Magnus felt information entering his mind, it was as if the sword was talking to him. It told him about its abilities. It had too many of them. First of all, the sword had the ability of Despair and Hope sword, hence different colours on both sides. It could cut anything, no matter how strong the object. It could anoint knights, this would make the wielder of the sword know all intentions of the Knights, meaning if one day they want to betray him, he would know.

The sword could change its weight, it could also help Magnus jump higher in the air. The sword had the ability to affect the minds of the people around him in a customizable maximum radius of 1000 kilometres, meaning the wielder could cheer the people around him. This ability was crucial in battles.

In short, the sword was highly practical for someone like Arthur who was a muggle with extreme strength and could kill Dragons.

"It\'s heavy and long." he weighted it. The sword was in its neutral form, 20 kilos heavy and about 4 feet long. It could gain more weight but not get longer. No ordinary man could have ever lifted and used this sword, that was for sure.

With one hand holding the staff and the other holding the shining long-sword over his shoulder, Magnus walked to Voldemort that was kneeling like a cockroach.

"I have nothing more to say to you. You were wrong, I was right, and no matter how long it takes, the truth always wins. If there was no me, then someday someone would have brought you down. Any last words?" He asked.

"HAAAA…" Voldemort threw dirt on his face.

"Seriously? You wanted to put dust in my eyes?" Uninterestingly and sighing, he swung the sword of Justice, the Excalibur. The aim was Voldemort\'s arms and legs.


"AAAARGH!" The demon did scream like one.

"Do you know why I have not killed you already? Because the world needs to know about you first. Your past, your deeds. You shall have a public trial by the Ministry and get death. But of course, the one to kill you will be me." He first burned the arms and legs away and then dragged the remaining torso along.

He wanted to hold a trial because the Ministry needed to show itself as a strong and just governing body. He was the King, but the nation he ran was not a barbaric land with no laws. Hence, he wanted to remain the hand behind all strings.

With a long reign of terror coming to an end tonight, the future of Wizarding Britain will officially turn bright. He dragged him through the busy streets of Diagon alley where the market was just starting the day\'s activities. People parted their way and started cheering, watching Magnus silently dragging the armless and legless Voldemort, held by a rope around his neck.



Chants started to resound. It took just a minute for the word to spread, wizards from around the world and country started to portkey or apparate to Diagon Alley.

Nearly all Death Eaters were already dead, some had gone into hiding however, they will later be searched and killed. Many Dark Wizards were killed or arrested too. So, being free, Dumbledore and his order also arrived.

Eventually, Magnus stopped in front of the Gringotts bank as it was at a road intersection, giving enough empty space. Goblins from the bank ran out in full armour and surrounded Magnus to provide security.

"To everyone, for those who don\'t know, this is Voldemort, real name Tom Marvolo Riddle. Immediately, his trial will be held in front of you all, right here. The Minister for Magic and the entire Wizengamot shall convene here for it." He announced and waved his wand, sending dozens of Patronus messages.

People saw the sight of him so easily performing one of the most powerful spells so easily. A sword on his back and a staff in his hand. It was as if he was the warrior and also the sage.


Emma and Ragnar appeared, they ran to him. Ragnar, however, first went to Voldemort and kicked him right in the face. "Take that, yes, that\'s dogshit under my shoe, I stepped on it specifically for you."

"Oroborus, I should have killed you with your mother. You are lucky," Voldemort growled.


He once again stepped on his face, "Silence, filth." then walked to Magnus to see if he was fine.


Just then, a giant dragon bigger than the entire building of Gringotts bank appeared in the sky, then gently landed on the terrace of the bank and looked at the people with big eyes. The wizards all took out their wands, their eyes widening in shock and fear. But instead of roaring and spewing fire, he lowered his tail to the ground to allow Lilly Potter to get down with her son.

"Dad, I protected them," Duck said proudly.

Magnus nodded, "And you just won a big treat," He looked at the crowd, "Do not dare to harm him, his name is Annihilus Grant Emrys Pendragon, the king of all dragons in the world, and my great partner."

"RAWR! Hello," Duck waved his giant front claw. Instead of actually roaring, he said the word for it. It was cute, even for those who were about to wet their pants.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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