The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 286 - Testing New Guns

…it\'s boring.

It has been three weeks since class started and no one other than Sara and Dean who only occasionally attending my air element class.

As for my other class, the doctors attending actually increased. Some of them are doctors who left my class after seeing how young I am. When I looked at their eyes, they turned red and looked away embarrassedly.

Well, returning to my class means that they prioritized people\'s lives than their own pride. I won\'t make fun of them for returning.

Teaching other doctors was fine, but for teaching my air element class, I am so bored. No one is coming, and I already taught Sara most of what I know. I also made her some container to fill with oxygen or anesthetic gas to sell if she wants to. If she wants to give them for free, that\'s fine as well.

And Dean, before I teach him about other type of gases, I taught him about Air Shot first. Using Blobbyrifle I lend him to shoot. Since his other element is ice, he can make unlimited bullet as well.

Then I told him he doesn\'t need any rifle. Just combine compress some air behind the Ice Spikes and the Ice Spikes can go much faster. He followed my advice well and don\'t need rifles.

As for Sara, she can create rifle from soil, but having her own rifle is much better since there\'s no need to wait until the rifle was made. And the durability of the soil rifle is not that good. To have a detailed design, she needed to sacrifice endurance. And to make it more durable, the design became so terrible and the power is weaker.

Good thing that today her rifle is finally done. At least I can spend the class by seeing how effective the rifle that Marie created will be. That\'s why just like usual, I waited until it\'s ten o\'clock so I know that no one else will attend my class, and then use portal to travel outside the city.

And then I opened up a portal to the capital and grabbed Marie over here.

"Y-your majesty! Why are you here?" Sara asked.

"Well, this is my product after all. I want to see it being used for the first time. Tell me if there\'s anything that I can improve." Marie said.

"That\'s what she said. Anyway, it\'s good that no one else is attending my class. But it\'s still boring." I said.

"No one is attending?" Marie asked.

"Other than Sara and Dean, no one. They choose to attend other classes."

"I think it\'s because you scheduled your class on Monday. That\'s when other professors also scheduled their classes. If you want more students, you should pick other time." Sara said.

"Nah, Monday is good. Boring mean it\'s peaceful. I can learn magic tricks for my future clown performance, or learning other things from Victoria during that time."

Although it\'s good that no students attending my class, I still want people to get stronger. Why don\'t they want to learn about air element magic? It\'s not that weak after all.

Well, they are just like me if I never met Victoria. It was her who taught me everything I knew about air element. If I never met her, I would be the same as those students.

We started testing Sara\'s new rifle. And the result was… amazing!

The power and speed of the bullet was much faster than Blobbyrifle, and the recoil was also weaker. I guess this rifle is a magic tool now.

"Marie, just what did you do? That\'s a magic tool now!"

"It is. I also made a handgun for Albert to use while not needing air mage to compress the air. In Victoria\'s world, it was common to compress air without magic. I just tried it and it\'s useful for Albert\'s hidden weapon."

"That\'s great! And don\'t forget about yourself. You might need it as well."

"Obviously. I already have mine. It\'s in my pocket here." Marie said.

I hadn\'t focused my Divine Vision on her so I didn\'t know. She has two guns on her. She used both of them?

"One is mine the other is yours. You said that you might need one just in case. Here."

Marie gave me one of the guns. It\'s the bigger one while she has the smaller one.

When I grabbed the handle, I know that this was made for me. It fits in my hand. Can\'t wait to try it.

Without any warning, I aimed the gun toward a cow monster that can\'t be seen by the other two people here. Three if I counted Victoria.

I inserted a BLobbybullet inside my new gun, aimed it toward the cow, and shot it.

The bullet run straight toward the cow\'s skull, pierced it, and stuck on its brain. It died soon after.

As for the gun, I barely feel the recoil. I know I\'m strong, but with that much air compressed inside the gun, I should have felt more recoil. Although there\'s a sound coming out, it\'s not loud like when I was using Victogun without silencer.

"Whoa! This is amazing!" I shouted happily.

"Please tell me next time you want to shoot. By the way, you can use this silencer if you need."

Marie gave me a tube for me to attach on the gun. It\'s a silencer specially made for the gun.

I tried shooting again with even more power, and there\'s barely any sound.

"You\'re truly a genius! But this mean that you can mass produce this weapon, right?"

I\'m worried that someone will misuse this weapon. If it doesn\'t need air mage to compress air inside the gun, then everyone can use it. Even children.

"Don\'t worry. I won\'t mass produce it. I built those alone without any assistance from other people as well so no one knows how to build it other than me. I only made five. Two is for me and Albert, one is for you, and the other two are rifles for Sara and Stephanie. The one belonged to other than Albert and I need air magic to use. Other than these five, I won\'t make it again unless yours are broken."

Oh, that\'s good. At least only Albert and Marie have the ones that don\'t need air magic. But there\'s something I don\'t know about.

"If you\'re thinking about Stephanie, she\'s Oleg\'s wife. The other air mage in the training camp." Sara explained without being asked.

"Amazing! You already capable of handling Roy!" Victoria who has been quiet for a while, amazed by how Sara knows what I want to ask.

"I\'m an agent after all." Sara said proudly.

Does being an agent makes her able to do that? I don\'t think so. It\'s just mean that she\'s already used being with me.

"Anyway, while I\'m here, I want you to try my gun as well." Marie said.


"I haven\'t tried it yet. According to the blueprint, it should be okay. But I still don\'t know if it will explode or not."

"So, you\'re saying that it\'s fine if it exploded in my hand?" I asked.

"That\'s right. Anyway, you can notice it if it will explode or not if you focus your vision on it while shooting."

Marie then taught me how to use her gun. I need to pump air first without using magic. And the more I pumped air, the harder it is for me to cock the gun.

I don\'t think I need to pump too much air since Marie is not as strong as I am. In fact, I don\'t know if there are a human as strong as I am.

"I think that\'s too much. I can\'t cock it that much. Well, try it first. Then for the next shot, if your hand is still there, try pumping fewer air."

If my hand is still there!? I don\'t think it will explode seeing how confident she is with her work. But still, hearing it makes me scared.

Well, here we go.


The sound was much louder than when I used Victogun. It shook the monsters who heard it. but the result was good. It worked, not exploding, and my hand is still there.

"That\'s a good result. Let me try it this time." Marie asked for her gun back.

"Here. But the recoil might be too strong for you. Be careful."

Marie then take a shooting stance with only one hand holding the gun.

"Wait! Use both hands! Doing it with only one hand for the first time might be too much for you." I said.

"Oh? I saw you doing it with one hand so I thought that is how you do it."

"Marie, don\'t compare your strength with his gorilla\'s strength. He can shoot with one hand easily because of his strength. But for you who lacked physical training, you need to hold the gun with two hands." Vitoria explained.

Marie did as Victoria said, cocked the gun, and shot it. The recoil is still too much for her that both her hands thrown up above her head. Good thing that she didn\'t hit her own head.

"Well, that works. I have to say that I did a great job making these weapons." Marie praised herself.

"Are you done? You\'re going back?" I asked.

"Yeah. Take me back to the palace. Oh, Roy! I forget. You might need to take some time off from teaching soon. Albert has some work for you to do." Marie said.

"Sigh… finally the time has come for him to depend on me. I don\'t wanna…" I pouted while opening a portal.

"It\'s for the sake of the world. Then, good bye!"

Marie bid her farewell. And my time is also over so I bring Sara back to the city.

I wonder what the job will be?

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