The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 571

Timmy agreed to that and made another training ground right next to the testing ground. But still, there are many who are interested in the fight. Though of course the monsters, like Shelia, Graham, and Arin prefer to train themselves instead of watching.

The monsters are creatures that get stronger by fighting themselves instead of watching other fights. Not that they are stupid. Some are actually quite smart. But it’s faster for them to learn from their own experiences.

After resting, the others who are still here were moving to the audience seats. Leaving only Clarence, Timmy, Victoria, and I.

“Timmy, is there any order in how you picked my next opponent?” I asked Timmy.

“Not really. But I made sure that those I think you can still learn more from will be the last. Not that you can’t learn anything from Clarence and the others Aura users you fight first,” Timmy said.

He’s right. Even though I have defeated Clarence easily before, I might still be able to learn something from him. Though I will have someone else get the chance to fight Clarence.


Timmy then moves to the audience seat as well leaving only the three of us.

“I’m going to fight you again? Although the result is obvious, I won’t hold back,” Clarence said.

“That’s good for me. Any last word? At least to Victoria and Sonia. They were both your disciples,” I suggested Clarence to say his last words. After all, once he got defeated, he won’t return anymore. Unlike back when we were training. And he called Victoria and Sonia over to give them his last words. It’s something between them, so I don’t need to hear it.

Just how could this happen when the death mage has long died? Maybe it’s because he was a stage beyond master level that he can do it even though it was Timmy who decide the test.

Now I’m thinking what would happen if I become a powerful air mage beyond master level. Maybe I could control the atmosphere. I can decide if someone is worth breathing or not.

...That’s just plain evil. Though what matter the most for me is the destruction of the cult and the death of the Evil God.

Albert and the others said that we should be fine for now. The cult has many casualties with possibly all of the artificial master level mages killed back then. They don’t have enough manpower now to even fight one kingdom after Arturo has been recovered by Fabio. There’s no way that they could fight back again so soon.

And it has been around five months ever since I started training here. There hasn’t been any moves from the cult at all. They are completely in hiding now.

But I’m curious about one thing. The location of the Evil God.

Timmy who is an earth mage beyond master level mage, which is also probably the stage where the Evil God is, couldn’t detect his location even though Timmy could sense everything in this continent that touched the ground.

That can only mean that the Evil God is someone that we can’t predict. He’s either not touching the ground, or he doesn’t exist in this continent at all. Maybe he’s in another continent, or maybe he’s in Monsters World or some other world.

One thing for sure is the he should realizes that the cult can’t conquer or destroy this world without him making an appearance. He will surely come out sooner or later.

But after everything we did, if he still decides that he come out later, that means there’s something that forces him to not be able to come out at all. But we can use that time to get stronger.

“I’m curious. If I defeat the ancient Aura users here with my monsters, will that increase my experiences and able to make me reach expert level in summoning? Fighting around two hundreds Aura users should help me get there. If so, what do you think is the best monster for me to make a contract with?” I asked Clarence.

Though this question is not only for him. But also all the ancient Aura users here and even Timmy.

“I don’t know anything stronger than a dragon,” Clarence said.

“Before I cut down the tree, I killed a dragon in the fight against the cult. And I already have a Kaiser Dragon as a friend in Monsters World. Do you have any other suggestion?” I asked again.

“All I can say is for you to trust your instinct. All the monsters you made contract with were not mistakes. Whether you were looking for them yourself or it was by chance, the monsters around you are all good choices. But you only need to think about it once you have become an Aura Master,” Clarence said.

He’s right. Not only I have to fight the ancient Aura users, I also need to fight Timmy as well. And once the fight against him started, I can’t escape unless I move to the Monsters World since he will chase me all the time.

“Oh, before we started, I forgot one thing. Does anyone here have something like magical weapon that you used to have in the past and possibly still out there? Other than getting stronger myself, if I have strong weapons, I can be even stronger. If you have any, tell Kayla about it. She will then tell the kings and the kings will send their people to look for them,” I said.

“...Did you just ordered the kings to do something?” Clarence asked.

“I might be a commoner, but I have higher position than any of the kings. And they will be happy if I get stronger as well because not only I will help the world by destroying the cult, I also have no interest in their position.”

That’s right. There are only disadvantage if they made me their enemies. I also have no interest in becoming a king of this land.

“Alright, let’s start. Victoria, you will fight. I will send you Aura remotely. Just think that you are an Aura user like in the past,” I said to Victoria who has transformed into her original human form. Not the beautified version of her, or just random person she took fancy to transform into.

This is the result of my training. One of them is to send Aura remotely. Which will make my Blobbybullet to give more damage. I can send Aura to Victoria who will fight in my place.

And this is also between a master and his disciple. Since Sonia can’t fight, Victoria is the only choice here.

If she can fight using Aura, she could be much stronger and fight on her own. Though she can’t be separated from me. If she does, she could only use Aura for two minutes at best.

Without any warning, Clarence attacked Victoria with the Blobbysword in his hand. But Victoria blocked it with a sword in her hand. The fight has begun without any warning.

I looked at Timmy and I can tell that what I was thinking is right. He made the test into a battle because of the Blobbies.

If there’s no Blobbies, the ancient Aura users can only fight unarmed. But because of Blobbies, they can use the weapon they were proficient in. And it will be much more interesting.

In the end, it’s all come to whether it’s interesting or not to him.

Although the consumption of Aura is much more than when I used Aura myself to fight, I don’t mind. This is also a training. Our coordination has improved as I can completely tell Victoria’s intention without having to communicate. I have also improved my summoning element since we have some summoners here as well. Though they can no longer summon their familiar and can’t make another contract.

At first, the two master and disciple were fighting evenly. But there’s a huge difference between them.

Clarence can still get hurt even though he’s a zombie. But Victoria who is a slime doesn’t feel hurt at all. And since Clarence couldn’t use his Aura ability because he has no blood, Victoria won easily.

“No wonder I was picked as the first fighter. I’m the weakest here. Good job Victoria. I hope you can kill the Evil God,” Clarence said before Victoria cut his neck.

And just like that, the body of Clarence turned into dust. He is dead. And he won’t return as a ghost anymore.

Both Victoria and Sonia looked sad watching the death of their master. But this is not the end.

There are still many other ancient Aura users to fight. I mean to kill. I need to kill them all to get stronger. To be the Aura Master. Then, I will destroy the cult.

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