Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 229 Lady Of The Night (53)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Training Field)

Mary wiped the beads of sweat from her brow as she swung her sword one more time at the training target.

The edge of her blade neatly bisected the training dummy in half. It was a smooth, clean cut and yet the young woman did not seem satisfied with the result.

I can do better…

No… I have done better.

Vague memories surfaced in Mary\'s mind of a muscular female knight fighting off multiple bandits by herself.

The way she moved… the way she expertly dodged… the way she killed without mercy or remorse…

Mary was not at her level yet.

She did not know who that woman was but for some reason there was a sense of familiarity in her mind.

As if she and the mysterious woman were the same person.

Mary tossed those strange thoughts to the back of her mind and concentrated on her breathing exercises.

She took in a deep breath, counted to ten and the gently exhaled. She repeated the process a few more times until her heart rate slowed down.

Her training session was now over.

The young woman placed the longsword back on the weapons rack and then walked towards the exit door.

Her shirt clung to her body and the vague form of her lean but muscular figure could be seen outlined against her clothes.

Mary hissed in pain as the soreness between her legs flared up once more. Maybe she should search around the castle for some pain relief medicine?

Was the first time supposed to make you feel exhausted and sore the morning after?

Maybe it was because her partner had been immortal vampire who did not run out of energy even after hours of lovemaking.

A faint red blush began to spread up Mary\'s cheeks as she remembered the way Camilla had looked at her last night.

The hunger and longing in her gaze.

It made her feel wanted… it made her feel desired.

Mary walked through the castle with numerous thoughts on her mind.

By now Camilla should have woken up which meant that she would eventually run into her mistress.

What should she do? How should she react?

Mary could not help but feel nervous as she pictured the number of ways that the conversation could go wrong.

No… no… she was overthinking this.

Camilla and her just had a purely physical relationship… there was no need to stress or panic.

Speaking of the devil…

Mary\'s footsteps slowed down as she saw a figure standing patiently at the end of the corridor with her back leaning against a nearby wall.

Camilla was wearing a red dress that elegantly fell down to her ankles. The dress complemented her luscious red lips and the crimson glow of her eyes.

Her short raven coloured hair was slightly messy but did little to diminish her otherworldly beauty and grace.

Mary felt her breath hitch as the beautiful female vampire locked eyes with her.

Camilla\'s expression shifted slightly, and Mary could not figure out the emotions hidden behind her steely gaze.

There was a brief moment of silence between the pair as neither knew what to say.

Mary was waiting for Camilla to start talking while the female vampire wanted her human pet to speak first.

As a result… no one talked.

Finally unable to bear the silence any longer, Mary summoned up all the courage in her heart and decided to make the first move.

"Good night mistress… I… hope that you slept well…" Mary nervously stammered as her fingers curled up into a tight fist.

"I had the most pleasant sleep… especially with you by my side," Camilla whispered sensually as she stepped closer.

She reached out with her hand and lightly brushed the side of Mary\'s cheek.

Desire and love could clearly be seen in her crimson eyes as her fingers touched the bite marks and hickeys on her human pet\'s skin.

"Did you enjoy last night?" Camilla asked gently as she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Mary\'s lips.

The young woman felt as though she was going to melt away as she tasted the familiar softness of her mistress\' lips.

She was drowning in a sea of pleasure.

"Yes…but…" Mary broke off the kiss and hesitantly spoke.

"It was my first time… I will be better next time mistress… I\'m sorry that I wasn\'t able to return the favour…"

Camilla laughed and placed a palm over her mouth to muffle the giggles that escaped her lips.

She wrapped her arms around Mary and pulled her in for a tight embrace.

"It was my first time as well," Camilla nonchalantly spoke as if it were not a big deal.

"I have never considered any vampire… or human for that matter as worthy enough to touch my body."

"Except for you."

Camilla\'s lips curved upwards as she felt bubbly emotions in her heart that she had not felt for centuries.

When was the last time that a person made her feel this way?

The closest thing that she could remember to this kind of warmth was from the days when she was the First Ancestor\'s youngest daughter.

But the love she felt for Mary was different from the familial love that she felt for the man who had adopted her.

This love was mixed with lust and desire.

"You did not disappoint me last night," Camilla solemnly spoke as she stared into Mary\'s eyes and let her human lover know just how serious she was.

"We can learn together. Don\'t worry…"

"I will make sure that you get plenty of practice."

Camilla grinned wickedly as her right hand roamed downwards. She gave Mary\'s ass a tight squeeze that caused the young woman to moan.

Mary\'s face flushed red as she heard the raw emotions in Camilla\'s voice. Not for the first time, she found herself feeling a bit conflicted.

The desire to leave this place… was slowly fading with every passing day.

It was selfish of her to think like this.

Especially when her sister was out there not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

And yet… Mary could not help but feel that maybe it would not be so bad to spend at least the next few years in a castle with Camilla.

The two of them… alone. In this secret world with no outsiders.

"I have not said this before," Camilla\'s voice suddenly broke Mary out of her train of thought.

"But I am incredibly grateful that you were the one who woke me up. I could not imagine anyone else being able to rouse me from my slumber."

"Something about your blood… even though the taste is quite unpleasant is oddly addicting."

"I\'m grateful as well mistress," Mary replied softly.

"To have the opportunity to train and become stronger. To not be locked away as a blood slave or livestock."

"I promise… I will be your faithful knight."

The pledge escaped Mary\'s lips before she fully realised what she had just said. For a brief moment it was like another person was talking through her body.

Camilla warmly smiled as she heard the promise of her human pet. She had successfully turned a Sun-Born human into her loyal servant.

Although the method had been quite… unusual.

She could not help but feel confident about the road ahead.

The princes may have large clans and powerful connections but those would be useless against a human directly blessed by the sun.

Plus, Camilla had confidence in her own powers and abilities.

She kept hugging Mary for a few more minutes before reluctantly letting her go when she heard a soft growl coming from her human\'s stomach.

"Why don\'t you get something to eat and then you can meet me in the Annex," Camilla suggested softly.

"Okay mistress… I\'ll see you soon," Mary replied with a trace of embarrassment in her voice.

Mary bowed and then walked towards the kitchen. She could hear Camilla\'s footsteps turning around and going in the opposite direction.

There was a strange sense of loss in her heart as she temporarily parted ways with her vampire mistress.

As Mary headed for the kitchen to make herself a light breakfast… or dinner technically if you looked at the time, she could not help but think about the conversation earlier.

That oath…

Why did she say that?

Being her loyal knight? But she would be leaving eventually…

Maybe Camilla could come with her to the human-controlled territory? Mary rubbed her temples using her fingertips as she felt a massive headache coming on.

Hopefully it would all work out.

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