Infinite Realm

Chapter 472 - 466 : Genma's Sigh

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." The calm voice of the young man seated behind the desk resounded.

Following the reply was the motion of the door opening halfway as an individual gather in leather clothing walked through the space and entered the room, before closing the door behind him.

Once the player approached the other end of the room, right where the young man was seated, with only a metre between them, he then saluted to the young man.

"Reporting to guild leader. Sorry to disturb you, sir." 

"No problem. What\'s the matter?" Genma calmly asked.

Under his command, Genma has moved his entire guild, or at least those who had reached level 10 and above, to the complimentary city that was in charge of White Valley Town, Angelor City.

Using his connections as well as the guild\'s multiple funds and his finances, Genma was able to purchase a lot of coins through the aid of a middle man but when the official exchange store was launched, he switched to using it as having a middle man process the transfer cost lot more fees than a buying from the exchange store.

Using the coins he had gotten from there, Genma had ordered the guild members of the financial department to purchase the guild function, officially making Sovereign recognised in IR, and also to get a base for themselves. 

Buildings in cities cost a lot and the closer the building was to the city centre or the economic area, like the public market, the more expensive both land and housing was. Hence, they simply rented out a small housing with 3 large rooms at the outer region of the city, close to the outskirts of the city. Here, the building was still under protection by the city guards and it was also quite cheap so Genma was satisfied with the purchase.

Following that, Sovereign had been making various preparations for their dungeon raids and guild growth. It had already been a week(RT) since they came here and the guild had already made a name for themselves. However, they weren\'t the only guilds here so competition still existed for them.

"There are two reports this time around." The player who walked in, a level 11 [Ranger], said. 

With Milim, Genma\'s right-hand man leading the trump-card team out in the fields, the [Ranger] had taken over the role of Genma\'s secretary and PA(Personal Assistant).

"The first is that our preparations for the dungeon raid is going as planned and it will be completed in the next day or two."

"So soon?" Genma raised an eyebrow before he calmed down.

"That\'s true. With the exchange store\'s launch just the other day, the preparations should be going faster than before. What\'s the next report?"

Having received the go ahead, the [Ranger] continued.

"The scout team for the dungeon have returned. Here\'s a copy of their report." The player sent a file to Genma.

With Sato having unlocked the first-sver dungeon in the game, various dungeons popped all all around the main continent of IR. The players and guilds all over the world began researching on the nearest dungeons closest to them, in a bid to develop a strategy to beat it. But no matter what, the information available on the outside was limited. The best way to get accurate and reliable information was to experience the dungeon themselves. Hence the adoption of the idea of sending scout teams.

Sovereign was one of the first guilds to take up this alone and they had trained a batch of players specifically just to take on the task of an advance guard as well as an informant for the guild. After weeks of training and deployment, they had managed to gather enough information about the nearest dungeon and send to the guild. 

Unlike the dungeon at Maldora Canyon, the other dungeons only required the players to be at an average level of level 10 so it wasn\'t difficult for the dungeons to be checked out multiple times. The current level of mainstream players was between level 12 and 13. This was already a good enough level for players to start exploring the dungeons but most guilds didn\'t take the risk as they suspected the dungeon BOSSES to be stronger than level 15.

If not for the constant deaths of the team members for the sake of exploration, the scout team would be level 13 on average by now. From that analysis, it was pretty easy to guess that they had been through the early stage of the dungeon multiple times and gone deeper at the cost of a lot of sacrifices. Nonetheless, they were currently level 12 after killing a lot of dungeon monsters and they had managed to compile enough information about the place. With time not on their side, they finally retreated from the dungeon and sent the report back to the base.

"It seems like it\'s as I thought." Genma released a heavy sigh before laying his back on the chair.

After 30 seconds of silence, he finally lifted himself back up as he faced the [Ranger]. 

"Give the order to recall the main troop from their activities. Also, gather a list of players level 13 and above and submit to me before the day is over. Take an inventory count of any weapon, equipment or whatever that would prove useful in the environment if the dungeon. If it comes below 50 you have my command to make purchases with the guild\'s fund. The finance department will be on your side and I\'ve already sent them an alert so don\'t worry about it. Now, go." 

The [Ranger] proved to be a good PA as he managed to catch on to Genma\'s orders before leaving the room.

"Oh Infinite Realm. Why put such a large pressure on us players?" Genma glanced out the window as he sighed.

"No matter what, the dungeon will still be completed but the problem is time. Luckily, we don\'t have any super guild residing here so the pressure is a lot lighter on us for the position of the regional first place. As for the global first place...sighs."

After going through the report from the scouts, the signs and information all pointed to Genma\'s previous estimations; the BOSS was most likely level 20. The only question was what rank. If it were Elite or Special Elite rank, there would be no problem. While the level difference was still huge, they could make it up with external strength. But if it were King rank, then things would be a lot more difficult. 

If that were the case and his worst fears came true, then it would mean that the raid would have to be pushed back by a week or two. However, Genma couldn\'t simply just quit right now because of his fears and so, he would still have to lead his men to find out themselves the strength of the BOSS.

\'I just hope it\'s not that bad.\'

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