Level up Zombie

Chapter 16 Abandoned

The glass door was thick and hard, so a few Zombies pounding it didn\'t worry the two, but a few zombies soon turned into many, and even more Zombies were running towards the glass.

The force of the Zombie horde could have pushed open the door, but the chain around it seemed to be holding out. The chains were also thick and strong, and now Skittle and Buke were thanking whoever had placed such a thing.

It was then that the two boys heard a cracking noise and upon raising their heads, they found the glass door had started to break.

"This isn\'t good!" Buck gulped, his breathing quickened. "The crack will weaken the whole door. They\'re going to get through any second now!"

Buke tried to regain his composure and use his head in this situation. The only thing he could think of was to go back into the building and either start running up or lock themselves in a room again, but if the Zombies could break through this chained door, then a normal door would be nothing.

Turning his head, Buke could also see that the zombies which were originally in the reception hall, had spread out, going a bit crazy due to the fire alarm\'s noise. And some were even by the staircase, thwarting his plan to hide in the rooms.

\'What..do I do…Zain.\' Buke thought of his friend at this moment. The latter was the only person who might have known best but he wasn\'t even with them.

"Look, it\'s Zain!" Skittle\'s sudden shout pulled him out of his thoughts.

Through the glass, and past the Zombies, both could see Zain standing there, watching the scene in front of him.

"He must have managed to get out." A smile appeared on Skittle\'s face, but the short ray of hope doused when reality set in. What could Zain even do in this type of situation?

There was a horde of zombies at the glass door, and if he got close, he would be eaten alive. That was when they saw Zain turn around and run in the other direction, going out of sight.

"He\'s doing the right thing," Buke sighed as he stared at the spot where Zain was standing a few moments ago, "There\'s no reason for him to risk his life."

"No.." Skittle said softly as his throat swelled up, and he could feel tears down his cheeks. "He will come back. Zain will help us...he has to!"

"You need to accept it, Skittle. He\'s abandoned us and we\'re on our own. We have to get out of here!"

Just then, they heard a resounding slam, and upon turning their head, they saw the glass collapsing on the floor. The impact had broken it entirely, and the zombies tumbled on each other. However, the ones at the end ran over the fallen and began to head towards Skittle and Buke.

The noise spooked the zombies around the reception area, but it looked like those coming from outside had a clear target in mind. Just when Skittle thought they would meet their end, and at that moment, he heard another loud noise.

Initially, he wanted to ignore it, afraid of seeing the zombies, but curiosity got the better of him and looking up, he noticed a flashing red and blue light behind the zombie horde and the rattling noise of a car soon resounded throughout the area.

The car soon crashed into the Zombies from behind. Several of them went under the wheel or were thrown backwards. There were even a few cracks on the windshield because of the impact, but it was still holding up because it wasn\'t just any car, rather, it was a modified police car.

The car spun on its side just in front of the Zombies, almost blocking their way.

"Buke, Skittle! I\'ll distract the Zombies, you two head into the forest and wait for me there. I\'ll find you!" The two in the building heard the words coming from the in-car speaker, and without a doubt, Skittle and Buke knew it was Zain\'s voice.

After sending the message, Zain stepped on the gas pedal and spun the wheels for a few seconds. He had blasted the siren as loud as he could while also shouting words through the megaphone. It didn\'t take long for him to get what he wanted: the attention of the zombies.

Many of them latched onto the car and held on. At the same time, Zain drifted the police car away from the building and did a couple of round drifts just outside the dormitory to ensure he had gotten most of the Zombies\' attention. Then, when he knew they were finally following, he decided to drive off towards the University field, opposite the forest surrounding it.

Although Zain had aggroed most of them, there were still a few left from the horde of zombies in the reception room. And some who were following the car had a plodding movement speed, so they returned to the dorm building as soon as the car had reached a certain distance.

Amongst the zombies there were those that were crushed or injured by the car, a few had half of their bodies mangled, but they were still moving and clearly alive, or at least moving undead.

"Come on, Skittle, we need to move!" Buke shouted as he lifted Skittle with one arm and held him above the ground with his hand around the latter\'s body. Thankfully, Buke was a large and muscular young man, and Skittle being much lighter, was easier for the former to carry.

Buke then ran as fast as he could, and upon exiting the dorm building, the pair headed straight for the forest. He ran pretty deep but ensured they stayed in a primarily wooded area to avoid trouble.

Buke kept turning his head around, trying to see if anyone was following them. He hadn\'t seen anyone in a long time but continued to run.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" Skittle tried to get out of his friend\'s grasp now that they were in a safe location. He hit Buke in the stomach, but his hands bounced off the latter\'s tight abs.

Buke put Skittle down, and the two hid behind a large tree. He then took this opportunity to catch his breath. The adrenaline was starting to wear out, and he could now feel how tired he was.

Now that he could think a little clearer, Buke kept replaying a particular scene in his head.

\'When Zain was standing there, the zombies, they all just ran straight past him…was it the noise...or was it because he had covered himself in blood?...or maybe..\'


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