Level up Zombie

Chapter 137 Knock Knock

Transferring his mind into Skittle was literally a transcendent experience for Zain. For the first few seconds, it was hard to comprehend that he was in an entirely new body. His height was much lower than what he was used to, and it was almost as if he had just been transported.

The thing was, the concept was quite normal in video games, to switch between characters that one controlled. However, it made sense for it to work in a video game. After all, a game was just a program that allowed one to do what they intended, but here it was different.

This was real life, so just how in the world was such a thing possible, especially with the current technology? Another thing that confused Zain was how he could even bring up the System now that he was in Skittle\'s body.

Was the System something inherently his now and not in his body but in his mind instead? Was he truthfully going crazy? It was hard to say, but he knew he needed to use everything he could to survive.

This was why, the moment he heard those voices from below, he began to panic. Then, somewhat calming himself down, he began to move the horde bit by bit. Every time he went down a few blocks, he would tell them to do the same and would hide them in an apartment while checking by himself if the coast was clear.

This was just in case the group ran into any Stage 2 zombies along the way. At the same time, the system upgrade allowed him to see just how far his Horde members were, but the thing was, it didn\'t show anyone else on the map other than himself.

And now that he was in Skittle\'s body and had Skittle\'s senses, he could hear it, the voice from below, and from the way they were talking, without a doubt, they were humans.

p \'I don\'t know how big the apartment building is or what their goal is, but if they are going to continue searching room by room, they will eventually run into us.\'

Although Zain was confident that his group of super zombies could deal with anyone who walked through the door, there was always a chance of things going wrong, and he wanted to play it safe, which was why he had quickly moved back into his original body.

"Everyone!" Zain said, causing them to turn around on the street. "There is somewhere I must go to right now. I know where the hospital is, I promise I\'ll meet you guys there."

Before anyone could even react, Zain started to run in a completely different direction. Brandon wanted to call out to him, but the task was more important, and he didn\'t think Zain would abandon his friends with them if he wasn\'t going to return, although he didn\'t know Zain very well either.

"Your leader is a strange one..but he\'s kinda cool," Dave commented. "I wonder what matter did he suddenly remember that made him so worked up. Don\'t you guys have to follow him to help?"

"We couldn\'t even if we wanted to," Kun replied. "I have no clue what he\'s doing. He can be strange like this sometimes. You know how university students are, just very impulsive."

Looking at Pink, she didn\'t even think of going after Zain and instead was still carrying her mother as she continued to walk towards the hospital.

"I see, so you\'re still going with that, huh? With the story that he\'s a university student." Brandon commented.

"But he is." Dave shrugged. "There were a few in our group who knew about him, he really is a university student, but based on his skills, I could see why everyone probably thinks he\'s part of the army or something."

Brandon scoffed at this fact because it was so unbelievable.

"If he is a University student, then he must be some type of superhuman or something."

"You might be right about this part," Kun replied. "But if you were to ask him yourself, I\'m sure he would just tell you the same answer that he\'s just a university student who likes to play many games."


While Zain was running towards Skittle and the others, he opened the system panel and was ready to use the skill again, only this time, he set an order for Zain to protect Skittle. This way, his body would run towards Skittle\'s location. After setting things up, he again used the skill and found himself back in Skittle\'s body in the apartment building.

"Alright, the rest of you, I\'m just hiding somewhere," Zain said as he instructed the others, and with their current intelligence, all of them seemed to somewhat understand his commands.

As they hid behind sofas, under the beds, in the bathroom, or in any possible hiding spot, Zain decided to open the door and step out into the hallway.

\'I must not forget that I am not in your own body, so if I have to fight, it\'s going to feel different, and I don\'t have my sword either...maybe it would be better if I was Cobra...but Skittle is the most important person for me.\' Zain thought, and he just felt more comfortable directly controlling Skittle compared to anyone else.

At that moment, he heard the voices from below once again.


In the apartment block, on the floor below, there was a group of humans, all dressed up in imalri clothing. They had black leather clothing all over their bodies as if they were part of some type of gang.

There were five of them in total, and they had weapons on themselves, including guns. Among them, there were two women and three males in total in the group. They had been going door to door in the apartment building and were ready to open the next one.

A tall thin man with sunken eyeballs and dark black bags under his eyes was at the front, and he had a small knife in his hand. Two zombies appeared in front of him when he kicked open the door.

"These two are mine!" the man declared as he stepped into the room and threw two small knives in the air. He hadn\'t thrown them towards the zombies though, he had thrown them just straight ahead, then, when they had reached a certain distance, he moved his hands, and the knives moved as well, going right through both of the zombie\'s heads, killing them on the spot.

"I did it. I\'m getting better at using this!" the man cheered.

A man with a perfect V-shaped body, with the same black leather jacket on as the others, walked in front of him and stared down at the unmoving zombies. He had bushy eyebrows and a fierce straight look on his face as he then began to look around the room.

"There doesn\'t seem to be any more in here. Come on, let\'s keep clearing this place and get rid of all the zombies in this apartment."


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