Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 534 - Lion And The Fox

Chapter 534 – Lion And The Fox

As soon as Ruishi Wang spoke those words, the hall exploded with words as everyone began talking to one another.

"Are you serious?! Do you think we can spare the manpower for something like this?"

"No one has ever entered the heart of the Savage Lands and come back alive! What makes you think that this attempt will be different?!"

"Ruishi Wang do you really think that we\'re stupid? How can we not suspect that you want to weaken the other clans?"

Immediately, there were looks of suspicion and disdain, shouts of disapproval, and quiet murmuring. Despite all of this, the lion-kin did not seem to react at all. Instead, he suddenly shouted. 


His expression suddenly changed to a serious one as he glared at them all. 

"Do you think this is the time to restrain oneself? To play with little tricks and schemes behind each other\'s backs? Despite our efforts, we are not going to win this battle. All of you know that! Are you going to deny it?!"

Roaring out, his words silenced everyone else for what he said was nothing but the truth. 

The lion-kin relaxed his expression, taking on a more amiable look as he sighed. 

"I know that you all are skeptical about me but hear me out, I will be sending the strongest of my tribe. I\'m sure that you know who that is?" he said. 

There was a look of surprise on their faces. 

"Ruishi Lei? You would send him? Why?" one of them exclaimed. 

He looked at the elder that spoke directly. 

"Why? Isn\'t it obvious? We have no other option but to use everything at our disposal at this point. If not, we will only decline further! This is our chance! A race against time! With a team of elites, I\'m certain that we will find what we\'re looking for in the North!"

At this moment, there was a bit of murmuring among the others, considering their options, wondering if this was the right choice to make. 

Ruishi Wang watched as they were all deep in thought. Although he hid it as best he could, there was a hint of joy in his eyes. 

And then a clear crisp voice cut through the murmurs and whispers, a woman\'s voice at that. 

"How do you know?" this person asked.

He looked at her with a smile. 

"What do you mean how do I know, Huxian Qie?" he responded. 

She stood up, distinguishing themselves from the others. 

Standing tall, Huxian Qie had a mature and dignified air around her. Aside from her height and aura, her clothes were vastly different from the other elders, wearing elegant robes of silk and chiffon. Aside from that was a sash coiling around her arms and waist. 

However, the most interesting part was her appearance. She looked human, devoid of any beastly features like the others. If one didn\'t look closely, you would think that she was a noble lady but there was one part that hinted at her true nature. 

Her eyes stared at the Lion-kin. 

They were bewitching like that of a fox\'s. In fact, her eyes resembled that of fox eyes, coy and calculating. 

"How do you know that what we need is at the heart of the Savage Lands?" she asked. 

Standing in front of him, it was clear that neither was superior to the other, equal in power and presence. And when posed with that question, he smiled and answered. 

"How can it be not? Of all the places we\'ve yet to explore, the North has remained largely unknown to us. Even how it looks is something we don\'t know."

Huxian Qie narrowed her eyes. 

"What you say is true but we have yet to explore all everywhere else. There are plenty of ruins that have yet to be investigated. So how can you say that such a dangerous place is our last option?" she questioned him. 

But she had yet to corner him as he promptly responded. 

"Ah but the more dangerous it is, the greater the reward! It may not be certain but it is likely that it is the heart of the Savagelands that has what we need."

"Really now?" 

She raised a brow at him to which he returned a smile and nodded. 

"I believe this wholeheartedly."

It was then that Huxian Qie broke out a smile. 

"Then what about the White Sword\'s Remains? What of all the other \'First Class\' ruins that have remained unexplored? Why can we not form a special team to clear them first?" she asked. 


"Didn\'t you say that the more dangerous it is, the greater the reward? Who knows, we may even find what we need there instead of wandering aimlessly in the North. What if they get lost? Killed by some monstrous creature? What happens then?"

She continued to talk, gazing at the others while making sure that he did not get an opportunity to speak. 

"Even if we don\'t find a way to activate the teleportation array. I\'m sure that we\'ll obtain some powerful treasures along the way, won\'t we?" 

"Don\'t get ahead of yourself!" 

Unable to contain himself, Ruishi Wang roared out at her to which she just smiled back. 

"Oh, I think that it is you who is getting ahead of himself. Gathering everyone here to listen to this absurd proposal of yours. Do you know what this will do if you fail? You will cripple us, hammer the last nail on the coffin against your own", she replied. 

"Do not underestimate me! I\'m sure that with the strongest and most skilled together, there is only success waiting for us!"

"No, Ruishi Wang…"

She then pointed at him. 

"I am not underestimating you, you are underestimating us. Now then I\'m sure that everyone has made their decision."

Her eyes swept over the other Elders, all of whom had watched the exchange unfold. There was nothing but silence until one of them stood up. 

"I agree. We must further our efforts on the ruins, form an elite team from all three divisions. No manpower will be spared", they announced. 

Following him were the others, standing to join their fellow elder. 

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."

One by one, they all voiced their decision, echoing each other, siding with Huxian Qie. Only a few stayed seated, either unable to decide or embarrassed to show support for Ruishi Wang. 

As for the Lion-kin, he sputtered but couldn\'t utter a word. He was stifled, barely able to contain himself as his lips quivered. If it weren\'t for his head being that of a lion, one could\'ve seen the redness of rage off of his face. 

Seconds passed as his clenched fists unfurled and he revealed a smile. 

"I understand. If that is what you wish, then so be it. I know that there is much to discuss but I will be taking my leave first. I must inform Ruishi Lei of this", he said. 

Without sparing another glance at them, he left the halls, exiting the building into a peaceful city. There, some of his tribesmen greeted him, cupping their fists and bowing in respect. 

"Chief!" they all said. 

"Let\'s go. We\'re returning to the tribe first."

His words came out quietly and coldly, it was easy for his men to realize that things had not gone his way. Thus, they left without making another sound, marching out of this city. 

Within the halls, the elders began to discuss other things with Huxian Xie taking a backseat. She watched as they all talked with a mysterious smile. 

"Hmph, Ruishi Wang, don\'t think that I wouldn\'t know what you\'re after!" she thought, "I won\'t let you have the power you want, Not when I\'m here to keep you on a leash!"

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