New Game+

Chapter 191 - Origin Power

The Enigmatic Magnetic Bomb was the technology that made Australia the king of its areas. The surrounding countries around it couldn\'t do much against the Australians. They would often appeal to other nations that could counter it.

When the EMP technology was revealed to the world, the WGP had to change several of its protocols and defenses to counteract it. Although Australia could never defeat the WGP because they could not readily produce the EMP bombs, the weapon threatened the WGP. It was because of this that Australia was raised to a Titan class country. And it was because of this that the web of lies that Seeker instigated were things that didn\'t require much pushing.

The other Titan Class countries, such as New Great Britain, One China, and Russia, took advantage of the attack on New Birth Forth. Hence, during the Australian Avarice, they all sent to steal whatever technologies they still have as the EMP was a sought after technology.

The WGP soon invented a countermeasure for their own. They found a way to limit the destruction of the EMP of Australia. The range of the affected areas was drastically limited as the weapons, and devices of the WGP could now resist the EMP. The further these weapons were from the EMP blast, the more likely it was to remain functional.

Right before the deployment of the EMP bomb, several Exoskeletons and Armors had already encircled overhead the area. These flying metals unloaded various forms of attacks and had to utilize the Kraken\'s own spotlights to find the enemy. The mysterious enemy that eluded thermal and tech scans confounded the enemies. But soon, the figure was spotted. It was but a man wearing a strange rubber suit.

Upon finding this man, they all started sending their salvo of bullets and blasts.

Since the Armor\'s and Exoskeletons didn\'t want to damage the Kraken, they avoided using explosive shots. The torrential rain should have sufficed in killing and would have even turned the intruder into a splattered mass of gore. But it didn\'t.

The intruder they were shooting already been in the spotlight of these large Armors, but they couldn\'t hit him.

As the barrage of bullets continued, the heat and various energy sources rose on that platform. With the increase of temperature and activity, Titan finally had the opportunity to connect two cylindrical objects and finally armed the EMP bomb. He activated it and threw it on the direction that was headed to the center of the Kraken.

The explosion resounded as a powerful electric blast exploded out from the bomb and created a powerful magnetic shockwave.

Amidst the purple electric waves that made up mysterious technology, small traces of blueish lights started to arc around as if it was alive.

The shockwave of the explosion caused the Armors and Exoskeleton around the platform started to stumble, and those flying began to plummet.

And then there was silence.

A figure could be seen standing in the area that was formerly being barraged by bullets and laser attacks. Almost every inch of the floor was coated with black chars that came from the shells and lasers. But none of these bullets and blast managed to hit the young man standing.

Cliff emerged out of his state and had an ashen expression.

"Drats! Too much! I should have only used it a few seconds!" Cliff complained.

"I hope Zidane doesn\'t forget to look for food," Cliff complained as his stomach growled.

"Wha- what? How did you do that?" Gardo was tongue-tied at the scene. Even with his unlocked potential

"Practice. I awakened some sort of Skill when we fought. I kept practicing it until I got the hang of it. But it eats too much energy. I just used a few seconds, and I\'m already low on calories."

"Yeah. Now that you mentioned it, you got thinner."

Suddenly, Cliff immediately had a grim expression.

"What\'s that?!" Cliff cursed as he gazed on the distance.

The Shockwave of the EMP bomb revealed two floating objects that were being pestered by blue lighting. The objects floated on air and had a very familiar shape.

"Two Rules, huh? This is going to be a problem." Cliff frowned.

The figures were indeed the two Rules. No longer where they hidden.

The Emperors were struggling in maintaining the Rules. The strange blue lightning was specifically attacking things that the shockwave couldn\'t affect.

Using their Exoskeletons, they used Origin Power to fight off the bolt that was always trying to invade and attack the Rule.

"What is this?! The lighting\'s alive! It\'s similar to Origin Power!" The once proud and calm emotions of the Emperor started to show hints of panic.

"We really have a traitor in our midst." The Empress had a grave expression as well.

"We\'re going all out."

"Attention. This is Empress Miranne Everhiss. I am taking over the Kraken. Failure to comply with my orders will mean the destruction of the entire Kraken. Activate Origin Form. I want the entire Kraken ready to fight in 3 minutes. Prepare Poseidon\'s Spear and aim it for Australia."

The Emperor was silent at the orders that the Empress gave.

"You\'re not invoking it?"

"Not yet. It can wait later. It looks like we\'ll be busy tonight. Can you contact Odinsbane?"

"That lightning attack disabled several devices of my Exoskeleton when I forcibly clashed with it. If I were to send out a signal, it wouldn\'t be encrypted."

"Same with mine. I\'m sure Odinsbane is ordering the Atlantis up now. Kill the enemy. I can detect a heat source that is still standing on that platform. I\'ll protect this place."

The Emperor immediately moved.

As it moved, the bluish lightning from that was lingering around the Kraken suddenly started to shoot at it.

"Move away!" The Emperor cursed as he utilized his own technology to create counter-shockwaves that were fighting with the blue lightning energies.

Gardo suddenly walked forward. Cliff noticed the temperature change in Gardo\'s body.

"You really are a traitor." Cliff thought in his head as he readied to kill Gardo.

"I\'ll distract him. Find a way to attack. Hide for now. He\'s locking on to my signal." Gardo gave Cliff a thumbs up.


Gardo then started to take a few deep breathes and allowed the heat of his body to the surface once more. His temperature continued to rise.

"What are you doing?"

"It looks like the Lightning you guys added is hurting it. Is that Lennox\'s lightning? How formidable. I\'m just worried that they would feel so threatened and decide to destroy this area. They are more paranoid than we are, right?"

Cliff realized the truth in Gardo\'s word.

"I can stall them. I know their weapons better than you do. This is a better approach than the cat and mouse game you have planned."

"Maybe I should be the bait."

"Really? With my special body and the heat that I can give off? Let me do it. I want to have some fun too." Gardo laughed.

"I was told to kill you if you betrayed us," Cliff warned.

"I know. But you can trust me as they say in the days of old. Any guy who likes One Piece isn\'t a bad guy." Cliff giggled.

Cliff didn\'t hesitate and started to move further from Gardo.

"Let\'s see what you can do.

The speed of the Rule moves extremely fast and immediately was over the platform that Gardo was at and locked down on Gardo. Just as it was about to attack, Gardo\'s temperature dropped increasingly fast and disappeared.

"Thermal negation?" The Emperor frowned.

"You think you can hide in this storm? Sonar detection would be useless with the wind and rain. But we have Origin. Search and destroy!" The Emperor commanded.

The Rule suddenly flashed brightly and released several rays of light that shot out from the Rule. And a torrent of white lights started to shoot down. The strange part was that it wasn\'t aiming for Gardo. It was shooting at random places.

When Gardo dropped his temperature, he immediately dashed off on the opposite direction of where Cliff was. He picked a suitable location where various structures, buildings, and deactivated Armors were.

During the eight hours before the attack, Gardo had already explained what the technology the WGP has.

A few hours before the attack, the group had already participated on several training sessions based on the lessons of Gardo.

"In truth, you could say that me and the Novelty-Blastoise clan are distant relatives. Of course, it so far out that we can marry each other. Anyway, we have some vague ideas about their technology. Can you guys guess what it is? We have time after all!" Gardo laughed.

"It\'s hard to imagine. But I guess the WGP has every known technology on Earth and, therefore, can create their own technology out of it. Right?"

"Well, yeah. It\'s a bit like that. But it\'s also not that. Because the truth is, the World Governing Powers have their primary technology. And honestly, this tech is way cool. They called it Origin Power."

"What does it do? Is it a power source?"

"It isn\'t a power source. It\'s a science that has very diverse applications. But the most common application is that it gives some form of knowledge or awareness of certain things."

"Giving knowledge? Like it teaches?"

"Well, not teaches. It\'s the closest thing we have to pure creation. Imagine giving birth."

Everyone had strange expressions.

"You\'re confused now… but get this! During the process of birth, the cells in the womb of a mother divide through a process known as-"

"Mitosis!" Cliff shouted excitedly. He had been listening in school these days, and this was the fruit of his hard labor.

"Take that, Lynd!" Cliff muttered under his breath.

"Erm… Yeah. A little excited, but he gets it. Anyways, when egg and sperm meet, its just a lump of cells, but because of the DNA that it has… it has a way of knowing just what to do. That\'s why when an egg cell and sperm cell starts the process of becoming a human. It starts with mitosis. It divides and divides and makes similar copies of itself. It\'s so advanced that we still call it the miracle of birth. How is it that these cells know what to do? They start dividing, and all the cells are exactly the same. But suddenly, out of the blue, these little buggers start to divide and actually form specific parts. It\'s no longer mitosis. Some cells decide to be a brain. Some decide to be an arm, and some decide to be whatever. So are you ready for this? Origin power asks a basic question similar to what\'s going on."

"Who decides?" Roselyn guessed.

"Exactly!" Gardo cheered.

"Now… we all know this to be a very complicated process. Even our computers today are designed in a way that we have to dictate things. We have to program our little computers on what to do. And even if we have nanotech\'s, we still have to dictate what it does. Every action must be coded or designed. But even then, we haven\'t yet managed to reach down to the very depths of it. How can these cells, without any energy, any form of knowledge or life, know what to do, and do the most difficult science that took us years to comprehend? Now imagine being able to create a DNA-like code for certain objects. Like objects of war."

"You mean… Can their bullets think? Are you saying that when they shoot, the bullets can decide and move on its own?" Danny guessed.

"My bullets are smart. They don\'t use it on bullets. The common application is to use it on their other energy-based attacks like laser beams, rays, plasma, lightning. You know things like that. Think of the possibilities."

"This Origin seems to be the root of Lennox\'s Path," Roselyn concluded.

"Yes. But Lennox is using something strictly with lightning. That\'s what the General concluded." Tyler nodded.

"I don\'t know who Lennox is… but imagine the enemy\'s weapon is something like this Lennox\'s lightning."

"Despite being laser attacks, it can move on its own and change target…" Tyler, Scribs, and Earl had ugly expressions. As they have been continuously fighting in wars, they knew how deadly it would be.

"You mean, these energy attacks won\'t travel in a straight way that it should?"

"Yup. It can move left, right, turn around. The science is pretty complex and hard. So in its application, it can only be done minimally. But the WGP should be able to create homing lasers." Gardo explained.

"Is there any way to alter it?" Cliff asked.

"Kinda hard to do so. You see… And this is extremely private information… These codes that make up the movements aren\'t DNA. These signals or codes are not something that we can physically reach, touch, or even handle. It isn\'t in the three dimensions."

"The three dimensions? What\'s that got to do with this?"

"You know… height, width, length. The truth is, the same is said with the DNA. Imagine compressing such complex processes, movements, and how each cell performs a specific role and makes a DNA. How does our body even make DNA? The Brain sort of functions like that on a bigger scale. The concept of though, imaginations, decisions, cannot be seen or measured physically. I mean, our brains send signals and stuff… But that really isn\'t what creates the complex nature of thought."

Titan and Asterisxxx both nodded as well. Zidane, the rest of the Drug Dealers, was as confused as ever.

"So you\'re saying that these lasers can think, and we can\'t even distort it?"

"Well… Maybe soon we can. The only way to distort it is to touch upon the dimensions beyond. There are roughly ten dimensions, according to physics. Haven\'t you noticed? The Unlocked Brain can breach the Dimensions! That\'s how it can perceive time differently. The papers you gave me stated that Ranked Heroes could see light speed attacks. That\'s impossible! But if you can see on different dimensions, then probably there is a way to see it."

"Seeker did tell us of the Gargantuan and how he needed to be at least Ranked Hero to defeat it. The attacks of the enemy were reaching the speed of light. How could he have evaded it? No matter how slow we can see things, it shouldn\'t give us a way to evade the speed of light." Cliff mumbled.

"Anyways… we\'re getting ahead of ourselves. That is something that we can\'t yet fathom. What you need to know, right now, is that\'s what we\'re up against."

"So these energy attacks can bend and move at will and is not be disrupted by anything?" Danny had to confirm.

"Yup. Of course, the response is not that good. Just imagine that their lasers have basic homing techs. But don\'t limit it there. Like for example, if we shoot at a bunker, it would try to move and go to the small holes where we shoot with a gun. Or let\'s say there a wall, it will look for a way to go over it."

"Scary. Auto-aim on energy attacks? It can even avoid walls!" Danny spoke using gaming terminology.

"What a cheat…" Dara grumbled.

"But don\'t worry! Knowing that it can think a bit... it means its subject to deception. So when you come across attacks such as that… the tendency is just to get out of the way to escape it. What you should do is try to throw some faints. Use covers and corners. It can\'t react as fast as it can. With our perception, that\'s even easier." Gardo laughed.

Back in the present, the arcing lights did pretty much as Gardo explained. It randomly fell on the ground but then started to search for the enemy. Since the enemy couldn\'t be seen through various tech scans, these energies were searching for any enemies.

The bright rays moved and searched for the enemy. It zoomed and started to move around.

Gardo smiled as he witnessed the bright lights falling around him.

"This looks fun. I guess I have to push my Eradication body to the limit…" Gardo sighed as he saw the lights coming.

The heat within his body greatly increased. The temperature was so high that the falling rain started to turn to smoke as it would touch his skin

"Hope my boys arrive with my suit. Otherwise, I\'d be naked by the end of this fight." Gardo giggled.

The homing lasers were approaching fast.

"Time to shift gears!" Gardo then began to move.

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