New Game+

Chapter 320 - The Confederate

The King Naga had vanished. The government officials lost all contact with the ship, and their secret messaging system didn\'t work. And so, while the world thought that the King Naga had bested the ambush of the Lingkaran, the officials themselves were worried at the disappearance.

It was then that Harker sent them a peculiar message.

"If you want to know where the Lingkaran is, gather everyone who is of political or military value and await our call."

The SPU officials were stunned at this. While some were shouting and calling Harker to be arrogant, others wanted to know where the King Naga was.

Those who laughed at Harker\'s claims believed they were victorious in that battle and that the King Naga intentionally went radio silent to initiate more attacks as it feared receiving nuke attacks and other Pangean related weapons of mass destruction. Analysis and arguments were made, but as days turned to weeks, and the King Naga had not surfaced, nor has it made any attempts to communicate.

As the days passed, the SPU finally accepted Harker\'s offer and scheduled the call. The government of the SPU began to gather whatever data they could to counter Harker\'s claim. The best and brightest prepared their speeches on arguing and ringing out whatever details they could from Harker.

The tail of the King Naga had reported all the strange things they heard, but these soldiers were branded as traitors. Not only that, the Tail of the King Naga had begun to kill off many of the soldiers, and the few that survived were driven mad from the horrors of what happened inside.

In the end, most assumed that it was the Lost Primordial who took control of the King Naga and decimated the Lingkaran.

Lara was there watching that call through the linked devices that allowed her to see a live feed of the conference call as she was leaving the King Naga.

"Your ship to the surface is in the Lingkaran. Sadly, you won\'t see the middle part of the call when we leave and move to the surface. We are, after all, making sure that we have an encrypted line." Scribs explained as they boarded the same ship that got them inside the King Naga.

Despite Lara\'s calm appearance, the truth was she was very perplexed. Her heart is racing just at the thought that she would have been discovered and possibly killed. It was a good thing she took the precaution of bringing no techs. Otherwise, she would have been discovered.

"How confident are you that there are no members of the Lost Primordial among you?"

"We\'re not. The Progenitor is, however."


"General Harker said that when he asked the Progenitor, the Progenitor just said that our efforts were admirable and that our hearts were in the last place." Scribs shrugged.

But Lara was trying her best not to tremble.

"The conference call is starting. I wonder what the General has planned? In this call, we must have the flow of the conversation. Even though we have the King Naga, General Harker has to control the flow of the conversation to make the SPU agree." Scribs wondered as they watched the small screen in the ship they were riding towards the Lingkaran.

In the SPU, the leaders of each nation sat on their respective places with their secretaries, personal soldiers. The room also had all the Generals and Commanders who had given notable contributions to the nation. 

There was also the General who had fought with Harker in his younger years. While many even within the SPU feared Harker, he didn\'t.

He sat and observed the call as it started.

The video feed finally connected.

Harker was topless at the call. He was sweating and showing off his muscles and scar.

"Never skip training. That\'s my motto." He said as he addressed not the SPU but Pangean elites.

Lara walked out of the ship and didn\'t want Scribs to keep her connected for the remainder of the call.

Harker kept lifting his weights, and his manly sweat was pouring out that even the weights he held were wet. He dropped it and wiped his sweat with the towel.

"Are... we sure we didn\'t accidentally watch some erotica film made by Harker?" One of the top leaders of SPU asked his fellow leader. But the leader who he asked was watching intently.

"Oh yes!" The leader quietly sighed as she blushed.

"I\'d like to ask everyone watching... just where am I doing this morning training of mine?

It was then that the few soldiers and members of the SPU who had snapped out of the trance earlier realized that Harker was in one of the King Naga\'s command centers.

Suddenly, several figures emerged on the screen.

It was the Generals and Commanders of the King Naga!

One of the Generals handed a towel to Harker as the first was already drenched in sweat.

"WHAT?!" The various leaders of the SPU exploded in surprise.

Many began to curse and shout at the Commanders and Generals who betrayed them. The commotion was too much. Some of the Generals and Commanders saw their friends among the enemies!

"HOW DARE YOU!" The leader of SPU roared angrily at one of the General, who was his close friend.

"Relax. These guys didn\'t betray you. They are mind-controlled." Harker explained as he took out one small strange ball.

"This is the Programmed Slave chip. With the Progenitors tech, we managed to make it even more powerful. It controls the emotions of these people, and at the same time, we\'ve planted a bomb in their hearts similar to the Planteds that shocked the world in the Caliphates. They are our controlled soldiers now. They are unable to escape their fate. If they don\'t obey us, not only do they feel great pain, but it\'s as if their hearts are being wrenched out, and they are killing their kin. Of course, if they follow us, they fall in such great joy and even ecstasy if they want to. They are, however, the happiest people in the world right now." Harker explained.

"Through this, we captured the King Naga. The events that occurred at the tail of the King Naga should have killed you. The tail disappeared, didn\'t it? Or rather, most of the tail did."

"The survivors had no choice but to destroy the tail and escaped through the tail-end of the King Naga…" The President of SPU answered.

"Newly elected President Quest Sleeve. I trust that the recent works of your former secret weapons, the Indigo\'s did a good job in their short stay there. To think you\'ve managed to unite the SPU after all that has happened with the WGP." Harker smiled.

"The Indigos?!" Some of those there were stunned.

"There son is here, by the way. You thought he was some spy? It\'s a long story, but their son is our ally. The real boss of the Indigos is the very same person I work for." Harker smiled.

Lynd made his appearance. His body was glowing with a strange light, and it only took a few seconds before they could see and confirm that this was indeed the rising Game Streamer, Lynd Indigo.

"What\'s going on? I\'ve seen those videos! Didn\'t the Zulus, the Ceasars, the Edens, and that unidentified family attack him?!" One of the SPU leaders exclaimed.

"Let\'s get down to business. What I want, or rather, what my employers want, is an alliance." Harker smiled.

"An alliance?!" The General that fought Harker on several occasions shouted.

"An alliance after all that you\'ve done to this country? An alliance after all the hatred that Pangea and the SPU have built up for a century?"

"Ah. General Lyndon Harvey. I trust you are well… But not as well when I tell the truth about you. Your heart is on the right side of your body, right? One of the easiest ways to detect the lineage of our enemy is to check the heart. Most doctors will say that it is Situs Inversus. But the truth is that you are a Pioneer. A leader of these people called Planteds. Luckily, it\'s rather simple to have access to your medical files. Quest Sleeve, if you want to rise as a nation, be mindful of your people. Are their hearts in the right place?" Harker smiled.

General Lyndon Harvey was standing up when he cursed Harker. But when Harker spoke, he became white as a sheet of paper. The sudden exposure was so sudden that he turned white as a sheet.

The SPU leaders noticed this as they turned to Lyndon, and some even saw the sudden change of his expression.

"Tyler?" Harker asked.

"Yes, sir. As ordered, we watched the video and captured the… interesting micro-reactions of those in that room. I believe these people to be Pioneers."

"Good. Replay the videos of their expression now."

"Presenting file."

One General, four Commanders, one of the vice leaders of a nation, and one of the soldiers standing next to the back of the room was zoomed into. It displayed the expressions when Harker revealed the details about the heart.

"That\'s a lot of traitors in the midst of the SPU leaders. It looks like we\'ve managed to do you quite a favor and reveal all possible traitors. I am sure you have a recording of this call as well. You can double-check with your own recording to confirm." Harker smiled and made the tapes replay their expressions in super-slow motion.

"What?! Mister President, do we have to sit here and take these accusations from-"

"Shut up! General Lyndon has shown what seems to be a clear and real reaction. And you also had one. You sit down quietly. No one leaves! Guards, shoot those who resist immediately!" President Quest Kleeve shouted.

The guards immediately moved closer and pointed their guns at those who Harker identified.

"Sir… It is… as General Harker said…" One of the soldiers gave the grim report.

"So Harker… You think all of them are traitors?"

"On second thought, about the soldier at the back. It doesn\'t make sense for him to be a Pioneer. These Pioneers aren\'t like those Planteds. They are a much more powerful elite. These Pioneers are naturally smarter, better, and stronger than an average human and will generally succeed in life. Considering that our secret enemy funds them, all Pioneers should have a higher standing in society. I thought he\'s a Planted, but upon closer review of the video, Tyler just confirmed that that person\'s sudden change of expression could be because he is suffering from some form of Diarrhea. Hence his pale and dry lips which are apparent signs of dehydration." Harker explained straightforwardly.

Even Lynd was shocked at Harker\'s unembarrassed retcon of that information.

"You… You pooped in your pants?" The leader who brought this soldier is questioned with a very embarrassed and angry expression.

"It… I thought… I tried to fart, and…"

"Enough! Go to the bathroom, and someone get him a tissue!" The leader shouted.

"Ew. Tissue." Cliff, who never got used to it, cringed at the thought of having no bidet.

Lynd was facepalming himself.

"Impressive, General. Not only did you outwit us, but you are even humble enough to admit your mistake. You could have left that soldier\'s life and allow us to kill him. He is neither your countrymen nor is he of any worth here that you should care for him. Why degrade your reputation and admit your mistake?"

"Because, if there is one thing I am, it is truth. I can only tell the truth. So even if it is to my disadvantage, I will tell it. Such is someone who walks in the Path of Shameless Audacity." Harker smiled.

President Quest smiled.

"Kill them."


The people who were revealed to be Pioneers were all shot in the head by the soldiers around them.


"This is interesting, Harker. I have long noticed that one or two of them have been making strange contacts and had long believed them to be traitors. But now, it\'s easier. Men, if you want SPU to rise like the dragon that we are, we must get rid of all these frogs and pigs in our midst. I have overthrown the last President because I am decisive. Should you all hesitate now, you will fail. Send the order. Tell your respective groups to kill all people who have a situs inversus condition." President Quest ordered.

"As you will, President!" Several leaders chorused.

Many immediately followed, and even a few of the Generals began to make their call.

"Good. I care not of the title. I just want to rid this world of these damned enemies of ours who have played the entire world and manipulated it. If you agree to my alliance, you get what you want. Pangea will merge with your country, and we can finally accomplish the dreams of your ancestors!"

"Oh? Will you drop the arrogant title of Pangea? The title that your ancestors chose to name your disunited archipelago region?" Quest was impressed.

"I\'ll tell you this. It\'s not just you. Australia will also become our allies. Should you agree, we can become the South Pacific Confederate! A City of Refuge!" Harker smiled.

Whether in the SPU or the King Naga, the emotions everyone felt great hype and excitement. The thought of becoming the South Pacific Confederate all made them clench their fist in motivation.

Even Lynd was clenching his fist.

"Why?" Lynd thought in his heart.

"Is this his path? He just pointed out that that soldier has Diarrhea! Why am I feeling this? Why do I believe that Harker is so cool?!" Lynd complained.

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