New Game+

Chapter 579 The Conspiracy Theory (1)

Everyone could sense the terror of the battle above.

But in this room sound and vibration acted differently. The room itself was warped with a power that it was peering into the void realm. The highest level of caution was applied. The topic was but a simple exegesis on the Word of God, but this would be the defining path that would set the future of the Unlocked.

Only the people in this room would know of the secrets for they were deemed worthy enough and strong enough, to act on the future.

"I trust, that all of you can still concentrate on my words?" Eagle asked.

Everyone was quiet but many had conflicted expressions.

Cliff kept glancing at the space above. He was worried for his team. He was worried about Charm who was fighting alongside her family.

"This will be their test. We have made all preparations and more than half of those rising to battle are Planteds who we have bound and forced to fight. And my A. I am fighting with them. At the very least, it won\'t be a massacre." Lennox added.

"Good. Now... Back to our discussion... The plan that I propose is simple. We redo the events in the Bible in chronological order. I will reiterate, our goal is to pick the path that will draw the most followers. Right now, we used celebrity idolatry and patriotism as tools to call out many who want to join us. And as for this, we will use another important tool that can aid in creating fanatics."

"Creating fanatics?"

"Yes. If we have a fanatic, we won\'t need to do all the evangelism and recruitment ourselves. If each nation will have one or two fanatics, it will multiply. We need fanatics. They will be the unpaid defenders, the undaunted shield and apologist who will preach this message even if they will be persecuted unto death."

"I\'m confused... I thought you wanted true believers of your religion." Greydon finally spoke.

"Yes. But if we are to try to go for true believers, then the numbers will be pitifully low. I need people who will follow us out of their pride. Pride is the best tool to create fanatics. And all of you here should know about this. Because you guys will be the ones who will explain it to your respective nations. My ministry will surely be targeted soon. So it\'s up to you guys to spread the word. As the Apostle Paul said, only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice." Eagle smiled.

"Fanatics? Pride? Your speaking in parables again, Preacher."

"Throughout history, haven\'t we seen these people who follow and pursue weird beliefs? It could be a pseudo-science, religion, or anything else. I\'m talking about Flat Earthers, Scientologist, and those who believe in other pseudo-sciences that make a lot of money. Like essential oils. We also have extreme off-shoot views among any religion. Christianity has seen them in the form of Gnosticism which was later adapted into the New Age beliefs. We have a lot of these things now, don\'t we?"

"I guess. If we can create fanatics like those Climate Change activists who are after all surviving Post-Modern or Pre-modern works I guess that will draw more people... I recall seeing people gluing themselves to paintings during the Post-Modern era."

"So... those weird conspiracy theorist guys? Although those who were advocating alien conspiracy theories must be feeling really special now." Richie chuckled.

"Yes. Those guys. We need to create followers like them! It provides us with a stable group of contacts in the future when we might not be able to freely preach or broadcast our sermons. These people will be our smugglers and informants!"

"I see. These people are not scared. They are willing to do crazy things. They would make good sleeper agents."

"Then there is great value in creating them. But how do we create them?" Lioncourt asked.

"Pride. We use Pride." Lowengren sneered.

Several turned towards Lowengren.

"We use... the LGBTQ+ groups? That sounds a bit bigoted." Vender was confused.

Many facepalmed.

"No. Of course not, you idiot! Pride as in the greatest of the seven deadly sins! Everyone wants to change the world. And all of these aforementioned movements gave the people following it, a sense of belongingness, a sense of being special, and a sense of purpose. But, all of these things required a certain thing... the willingness of the person to make an effort to find it for themselves."

"I get the whole finding its thing. I\'d be a fan of a TV series I discovered by myself without anyone telling me to go watch it. But if there are other people urging me, I\'d be less likely to watch this or dive into this thing." Vender nodded.

"Right. I can relate! That\'s why I\'ve never gotten into Starwars." Meryl chuckled.

"Yeah? Well, go to hell!" Vender raged.

"Stop... Vender, calm down." Seeker facepalmed.

"Moving on, what Lowengren said is true. There is no better converting factor than the joy of discovering something yourself. I should know, I am what I am now because of everything I\'ve discovered." Eagle smiled.

"You want people to discover our plan? You want people to notice how we are able to follow the events of the Bible on their own?"

"Yes. And not just that, but it has to be theologically backed. Like those many views, it was knowledge and learning something that made these fanatics. They discovered this knowledge and feel that they are a cut above everyone else in this world. To do this, we need balance. We need a balance of making our little plan, complex, but at the same time, it\'s easy enough to make others understand. And once we hook them in, that\'s when all these amazing conspiracies and connect-the-dots theories come into play. If we present our plans of following the Bible with a truckload of theology, they will be turned off. But if we lure them in and make them yearn for it, it\'ll create fanatics. See? That\'s why it\'s not useful to make Christians like this. The Bible scorns pride and hates it.:

"I think that\'s possible. If we are able to create the phenomenon that these movements had, it would be very easy for us to gather more who will align with our side. And these people will recruit more on their end."

"Yes. That\'s why we redo the history of the Bible. If we make people see how things are following the bible\'s history and leak these things as conspiracy theories, it will gather a following. It doesn\'t have to be my ministry. My ministry will deal with the mainstream issue, but these groups will be our hidden dagger. We could start with the events starting from the Exodus. You could say, that the events of Genesis, have passed. A flood devastated the world. In our time, World War 3 occurred and devastated the world. After the flood, and after World War 3, we see a similar power rising. The people create the tower of Babel, and as for our time, the WGP rose to power! It created a government who had authority over all nations and whose powers reached the heights of heaven."

"You\'re saying that the WGP is a foreshadowing or a typology of Babel."

"Yes. The WGP could be presented as the reverse Babel. They dispersed the nations and confused the set tongues. Instilling one language to unite the world. It sought to unify the world and while they failed, as the culture of each nation developed anyway, the attempts are there. Typologies do not necessarily have to be one-time examples. Babel, Egypt, Babylon, Rome, America in the Post-Modern Era, the WGP, and now, circling back to actual Babel towers. We present these things as history repeating itself as Babel!"

"Then who\'s Abraham? I get that we\'ll be doing things with a whimsical mix of allegory but won\'t we need to like, create a typology for Abraham?"

"Abraham, as the father of nations, has passed through the form of the Lost Primordial. He planted the seeds and never saw the fruition of his seeds just as Abraham did. Abraham only saw Isaac. But by faith, he believed that he would be the father of many nations and that his descendants would be as numerous as the sands of the seashore. And now, here we are! The blooming seeds sprouted perhaps centuries after he has passed. So the days of the Patriarchs are over. For a dreamer appeared."

"Joseph the dreamer..." Arthur turned towards Seeker.

"Yes. He dreamed a dream! A dream of the future! Seeker, Joseph of the Bible, Constantine, the founder of Roman Catholicism, dreams that led to scientific discoveries and many more could be these people who dreamed of things and changed history!"

"Sounds wild." Cliff scratched his head.

"Well, conspiracy theories have to have this twinge of crazy."

"This dreamer set into motion the series of events that would give the people of God the chance to rise up and cast off the chains of our captors! And if I recall, this Joseph wasn\'t the one to lead the exodus. He had to wait for another prophet, one who would lead the Exodus in the first major conflict in Australia." Eagle smiled.

"Me..." Arthur nodded.

"We did use Exodus terminology in that mission," Meryl recalled.

"Sounds a bit forced if you ask me." Nogard frowned.

"Yes. That part is a bit of a stretch. But what if it continues to be like this? You see, the Bible itself presents a history where the events in the Old Testament appear as a typology or a foreshadowing of the things to come."

"So we are foreshadowing things like in One Piece?" Gardo asked.

Vender rolled his eyes when he heard the weeb speak.

"Ah yes... That anime has quite a fanbase that continues to express how the story is being foreshadowed as the author gives subtle hints in the past... I am familiar with that. Yes. It\'s similar to that. The Bible always leaves little hints and even goes as far as to explain or confirm a foreshadowing to becoming canon."

"That does sound interesting. If we can prove that history\'s past is a foreshadowing, it\'ll be undisputed proof that the Bible is true. People will actually see with their eyes things unfolding and it\'s going to be very hard to refute the more things play out. And that will create a following. People will be keeping their eyes open while we focus on fulfilling biblical events and repeating biblical history." Lennox agreed.

"We will still need much more than this. Conspiracy theories must have depth like an iceberg. People can know the basics and be drawn in, but it has to have a mountain of information underneath it." Arthur spoke.

Eagle smiled.

"I just so happen to have the perfect one!" Eagle smiled.

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