The Great Demon System

Chapter 88 - Unexpected Visitor

Moby, Jayden, and Abby just started one of their most important daily meetings yet. Moby and Jayden talked about their plan even further and Abby talked about how she was going to attack an entire city full of Goblins and asked for permission to do it for the 3rd time this week which Moby replied with.

"Remember, go in with a full plan in mind! If you are confident that you could take it down then go for it! Show them what the future general of the demon army could do! Burn them all to the ground!!"

Which she then replied with an endless barrage of praises and promises of victory that Moby wholeheartedly accepted.

"Moby, by the way, do you know what the difference between a lesser and normal doppelganger is??" Jayden asked with excitement.

"I\'m sorry, I can\'t really answer that question at the moment. There seems to be something wrong with my head that is not letting me remember…" Moby replied with slight annoyance.


"Calm down Abby! I was only speaking metaphorically! I am completely fine both physically and mentally!" Moby immediately replied, which resulted in a big long sigh of relief from Abby.

"Anyways Abby! Good luck with your city invasion tomorrow! I would love to hear every little detail when you\'re finished!" Moby said, trying to brighten her formerly panicked mood.

"I wish you the best of luck too my lord! Give her what she deserves!!" Abby cheerfully said.

"So! Jayden! Same spot we talked about! I\'ll lure her there and then we both attack her! Make sure to evolve before you come for an extra power boost!"

"I planned to go there as a wisp but I am scared that it might start to rain and I die. I could always come as a bird but I don\'t know how to fly yet. And I am not very quick on 4 legs so I\'ll have to come there as myself then transform into something else to blend in with the environment before you two come! I should be there at 10:55!" Jayden explained.

"Sounds good! That should be completely fine! I should be at the spot at around 11 or a bit after! Just make sure to convince Alex to keep you on night watch and make sure you are not being followed and you should be good! When you see us, don\'t attack right away and wait for my signal If anything wrong or weird happens on my end I\'ll let you know immediately!" Moby replied.

"Of course! Don\'t even worry about it bruv!" Jayden said in an extremely confident tone before everyone said their goodbyes and closed their mind link.

Jayden was just silently sitting around a fireplace with her teammates in a random yet secure cave located on the side of a mountain. The group was having dinner before their usual sleeping time at 10:10.

"Hey, Alex! Since we don\'t have Becky to keep watch for us while we sleep, don\'t you think that we should take shifts with night watch??" Jayden asked.

"Hmmmm… Yes… That is indeed true… Well then! I\'ll just watch over all of us for the entire night!" Alex said, nonchalantly stretching out his stiff shoulders.

"No! Don\'t be stupid! You need to rest too! If you stay up all night then you would be pretty much useless tomorrow! You are the strongest on the team! If a B rank beast attacks us and you were too tired to fight then we are done for! I propose we all take 2-hour shifts to make it fair!" Jayden replied with clear annoyance.

"Fine! I guess you have a point… But who is willing to start it?" Alex said, looking at all his teammates.

"I call dibs on last!" Marth immediately said with no hesitation at all.

"I-I\'ll take fir…"

"I call going first! I don\'t like waking up in the middle of the night just to go to sleep again! Might as well do it all now!"Jayden said, cutting off Parson."

"I\'ll take second then!" Alex said.

"This then makes Alli third and Parson fourth!" He added.

\'Wow! That was a lot easier than I expected! I thought that I would have to argue with him for minutes just so he can trust me with Nightwatch! I guess he is "lightning" up to me a bit!" Jayden thought with a smile.

After her teammates went to bed, Jayden waited until 10:30 to ensure that they were all asleep before slowly exiting the cave after checking if there was even a possibility of a beast attack in the next 2 hours only to find that the entire area clear was of any beast.

After running away from her team\'s cave for a few minutes, she finally reached a much smaller cave that she had spotted earlier in the day. She thought it was the safest area for her to evolve. She used her energy sense to look around for any beast in the area to make sure that she was not attacked mid evolution finding there to be nothing at all.

She heard stories from Moby and Abby about how painful the experience was but it did not stop her from being excited.

She was by no means a masochist but she could not help feel excited for a large boost in her power.

She focused on the empty feeling in her head and began to fill it with her demon energy.

\'Heh! Moby was just over exaggerating! This shit isn\'t too bad!\' thought as a feeling of calmness spread throughout her entire body.

Then, out of nowhere, all that peace and serenity went away and were replaced by nothing other than agonizing pain. She felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest. Her skin began to melt off before being regenerated, over and over again. Every bone in her body cracked and shattered all at once, turning her body into a jelly-like substance before they regenerated and allowed her to regain her previous form. Boiling black blood escaped out of every orifice of her body in litres as she tried her best to grasp her air with no avail as she screamed in agony.

It was by far the most painful thing she had ever experienced or even thought was possible.

The 6 minutes that the evolution took felt more like months or even years of time until it finally came to an end, allowing her to open her eyes and freely move around once more.

Even after all the pain and suffering she had to endure, she still felt like it was all well worth it for the extra strength boost and it didn\'t make her forget or lose sight of her task at hand.

At first, she didn\'t feel any different at all but when she looked at her watch, it told a different story.

\'10,640! That\'s a 1000+ point boost! That\'s incredible!!\' she mentally screamed with excitement.

She also assumed that her transformations were now stronger than 70% of the original but she did not know the exact amount.

If she had to guess, it would be either 75% or 80%.

She couldn\'t wait to test out her new powers on Natalia as she currently had no time to do it now.

She looked at the time on her watch that read


By her estimation, it should only take her 5 minutes at her new max speed to reach the location where Moby told her to wait and hide.

She sprinted out of the cave at full speed, brimming with excitement and anticipation. Scenarios of what was about to go down played over and over in her head making her not help but let out a small, audible chuckle.

Suddenly, as she was still running, she started to pick up the sound of weird whooshing heading in her direction. It almost reminded her of the sound that Dio\'s stand, "The World" made when stopping time from that ancient 100-year-old anime she loved called "Jojo\'s Bizzare Adventure".

Jayden immediately activated her energy sense to see if there was anything around her. She was surprised to see the aura of an unknown figure, disappear and reappear in bursts of 3 every few seconds until it finally reached her location.

Jayden teleported her daggers into her hands and prepared for the worse. Then, out of nowhere, the figure of a girl with a gold and white suit of armour swooped in and went straight for Jayden\'s neck, slicing at it with a blade that extended out of her forearm prompting Jayden to block with her dagger, something she only barely managed to do.

As their blades clashed, it allowed Jayden to take a clear look at the face of her attacker.

\'Natalia Xane! What the fuck!! Where is Moby at!?! What the fuck is going on!!\' She inwardly panicked.

As they concluded their clash of blades, they both backed off by jumping several steps backwards.

Jayden started to slightly panic as her brain spun in full gear.

When she tried to contact Moby using their mind-link, nothing happened, he would not respond at all making her worry that something happened to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here! Where is Moby?!" Jayden bellowed.

"Hmph! I am surprised you were even able to block that! Especially in the pitch-black darkness of the night! And, don\'t worry about Moby! Your little "pet" is completely safe! I just told him to sit tight at home base while his future wife takes care of the trash!!" Natalia said with a devilish smile on her face, licking her blades like an insane nutcase.

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