The Great Demon System

Chapter 104: Washing Brains 1

104 Washing Brains 1

Moby was not sure how Abby and Alex would interact as they both had a very clashing definition of justice. While one thought that her lord was justice and might as well start her own religious cult, the other one had a more knight in shining armour or paladin-like sense of justice that had been a little distorted by his demon nature.

And, exactly like he expected, it was a little awkward between them, although they had some prior interactions using mind-link. They both used Moby as a means for them to communicate and get their ideas out which Moby did not at all find annoying as he wanted them to get along.

They all patiently waited on the roof, only using their mind-link to talk for the same reasons as earlier. They discussed the various things that they planned to do with Natalia and things they could make her do with Moby\'s absolute control. Things such as make her give them Money from her family reserve or from her personal belongings or getting her to be eaten half alive and raped by Abby\'s undead goblins, and many, many, crueller things, making them all laugh every time someone came up with a good idea as they were always trying to top each other.

This made Moby happy to see that the new family was going well and there had yet to be any internal conflicts about torturing Natalia like he was previously worried about with Alex, they were all on the same page.

Then, as they were discussing, they heard the first ring come out of Alex\'s watch.

"Guess I\'m up first! Hit me with that brainwashing thing of yours!" Alex said, stretching his muscles, still using mind-link to talk.

"Ok, just hold still and let me do my thing, I\'ve never done this before so bear with me," Moby said, also standing up.

He activated his skill making his green eyes glow an even more mesmerizing and almost hypnotizing colour as a mellow, almost mirage-like green aura began to come out of it before staring straight into Alex\'s eyes.

"Umm… This is kinda awkward… Do I really have to stay like this for 1 whole minute? Doesn\'t this seem kinda gay?" Alex asked.

"Shut up! This is definitely not gay! Just pretend like this is a staring contest and nothing more!" Moby immediately retorted making everyone around him laugh.

Then, after a minute had passed Moby\'s mind went completely blank as he started to become one with Alex\'s consciousness. Images and videos of Alex\'s memories started to pop up in his mind, allowing him to feel his emotions and navigate through everything like he was scrubbing through a video in a video editor while still being able to easily find the most important parts.

\'Alex really a nice guy with a truly has a strong sense of justice…\' Moby thought, feeling his emotions rush into him.

\'Hahahaha!! Natalia got her own best friend in her trap while she managed to miss her intended target every time!" Moby inwardly died of laughter before going completely silent at the part of seeing Alex take a massive shit that he immediately skipped over.

Then, after what felt like forever, he finally found the part where he found Jayden in the forest fighting Natalia and decided to help her because he trusted in his words which made him really happy to see.

So, he replaced all of those memories to him being injured meeting up with Moby and Jayden in the woods where Moby turned him into a demon to save his life. Then Moby explained to him that he and Jayden were dating and had no bad blood between each other.

This was to prevent any questions about sabotaging other teams as attacking and nearly killing a person from another team definitely counted as sabotage in the eyes of the lie detector.

And, finally, he removed the part where he told him about his brainwashing skill and the part that she was brainwashed by him.

\'Avilia, do I need to change the rest of his memories to make it make sense for what I changed here?\' Moby asked.

\'Nope! I have personally optimized this skill over many years to allow any inconsistency to be auto-filled and corrected on their own! It should work out fine! By the way, you only have a few more seconds with skill before it kicks you out! Todeloo!\' Avilia answered in her usual casual tone before Moby was kicked out of Alex\'s mind and back into his own body.

Moby went back into his own mind own body and only to see Alex\'s dead-looking body in front of him that lacked pupils as his eyes were completely white with everyone around them was waited in anticipation.

Then, suddenly, the colour in Alex\'s eyes began to come back as he stood back up and walked away.

"See ya guys! I\'m gonna be late for the lie detector test!" Alex said, walking towards the roof doors.

"Hey! Alex! Who is Natalia Xane?" Moby asked him, making him stop to answer.

Moby needed to make 100% sure that the skill in fact worked, that was why he asked such a question.

"Well, that question came out of nowhere… But, I guess I\'ll answer but promise me to keep it a secret! Natalia Xane is one of the nicest, most gentle girls at school! And she doesn\'t even look half bad! Definitely girlfriend material!" Alex said with a chuckle, walking out of the roof.

\'Avilia… What kind of sick auto-correct did you implement in that skill of yours?\' Moby asked, only to receive a huge burst of laughter from the other end.

"It seems like it worked, but not as well as you probably intended… Messing with a person\'s memories seems to be a very delicate thing…" Jayden commented.

"Well, at least this will only last for 30 minutes… We just need it to be able to get past the lie detector." Moby replied, trying to comfort Jayden.

"Yeah… I guess it\'s not really that bad…But please, whatever you do, just don\'t make me forget about our confession and our feelings towards each other… I would honestly rather die than forget about it even for 30 minutes," Jayden said in a serious voice.

"Me as well my lord! Don\'t make me forget about all the things I care about most like my loyalty towards you!" Abby added with clear worry in her voice.

"Okay, okay! Calm down! Of course, I won\'t make you forget about such things!" Moby said before a beeping sound came from Abby\'s watch.

"Well, that sure was quick, Abby, it\'s your turn, stand still and let me do my thing!" Moby said, activating his skill on Abby who just stood there with nervous yet confident eyes.

After a minute had passed, Moby was able to see all of Abby\'s emotions and memories from the past 2 weeks. Her strong, unwavering loyalty and hatred towards her family overwhelmed him as they were much stronger than he ever expected.

He saw her entire fight with the goblin king and the lengths she went through to win, all for the sake of her goals.

The effort that she put into everything was incredible. The more he looked at her memories the more that he started to really respect and feel proud of her.

Now, all that Moby had to change was the parts that she used Grunk to infiltrate the city as they would probably ask her how she was able to destroy an entire city full of thousands of goblins. Telling them that she controlled an undead to infiltrate the city would not end too well for her. And, he also needed to remove the part where she killed the 3 girls in the dungeon for XP and to put them out of their misery for obvious reasons.

He changed it to that she found the goblin city when scouting. Then, she found a goblin that was in danger, saving him in order to see if she could manipulate him. And, although they couldn\'t talk to each other, they could communicate in sign language. And with that, they formed a plan of attack on the city with all his of his kind to go against the new kind of goblins who were their oppressors. And, when they won, she turned on all the goblins that helped her and killed them all as well. This was the story that Abby had told her teammates. So, she needed a matching story as well so there would be no inconsistencies between each other\'s telling of the same story. And, just like Alex, he of course changed the memory of them knowing that they were being brainwashed.

As Moby went back into his own body and mind, he saw the same familiar sight that he saw with Alex. Then, as Abby regained control of her body, she stood up before taking a knee.

"I will be off now my lord! I promise to not disappoint you!" She said before leaving the school roof as Moby smiled and gave her the signal that it was okay to leave.

Now, the only two people left on the roof were Moby and Jayden. As they were both having a casual, friendly conversation, Moby suddenly interrupted her with a small blush on his face.

"Ummm… I have something to talk to you about. It\'s a torture method that I thought about doing to Natalia that would be the most effective and painful method for her to suffer…" Moby nervously said.

"Hmmmm? What is it! Spit it out! I really wanna know now!" Jayden asked in excitement.

"I didn\'t want to say this with everyone around as to not embarrass you and ruin the mood… But, what if we had hardcore sex and made her watch all of it?"

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