The Great Demon System

Chapter 150: An Exploit at Life?

150 An Exploit at Life?

\'Yes… that is all correct…\' Avilia responded, still in disappointment.

\'Well… The only reasons I could think of for why the beast killed its self was that it either knew about demons and knew about your true identity. Or, it just sensed your seemingly bottomless strength and reserve of demon energy and got scared shitless as it thought it was going to die due to its previous rudeness,\' Moby said, trying to give his best explanation for the situation.

\'But how!? I was so nice and casual with it!? And I hid and suppressed most of my power!? No way it was that scared of me right!? As for if he knew about the existence of us demons I have no idea as I did not get the opportunity to ask it anything but I feel like the chances of him knowing were very unlikely,\' Avilia interjected.

\'Well, anyway, we will get nowhere by meaningless speculation about why the beast died and what it was, we would only confuse ourselves more and go farther away from the answer. The wolf is dead and we can\'t do anything about it…\'

\'BUT! Even if we missed out on some very valuable information which is a little frustrating, I feel like this was an overall win! By killing its self, the spirit\'s energy leaked and merged with my dragon bloodline giving me my ice dragon skill tree which might be more beneficial than just having the spirit around. If the spirit had not killed its self we would have probably never figured that out. Although I can\'t strengthen my self by getting closer to the spirit, I can probably do it in some other way. Plus, I would say that the ice dragon skill tree well makes up for everything that happened. And, I am sure we will get the answers to all of our questions sometime in the future. It\'s probably not lost forever on us,\' Moby explained with a smile, looking at all the positives of the situation.

\'Wow! I never thought of it like that! I was too busy sulking about the information loss. You sure have some way of staying positive… Are you sure that your old self isn\'t rubbing off on you?\' Avilia said with a chuckle.

\'Well… anyway, this entire situation made me think… other than about why my dragon bloodline would want to absorb my inner spirits powers, I thought that the reason a person was not able to hold 2 abilities is that the spirits would probably hate or clash against each other, not allowing a new one to enter. Or, because there was only space for one spirit in a person\'s body. So, I thought of 2 ideas… If I absorbed another ability crystal, would I be able to get another ability since there was not an inner spirit in me right now? And, if you killed this spirit, would it absorb into my dragon bloodline like the ice wolf, unlocking another skill tree for me?\' Moby asked with great excitement like he was a little kid who had just figured out an exploit to life that would bring him to the top of the world.

\'I guess that might be possible… But, I am extremely doubtful… Even if it miraculously did work, there must be a limit or drawback to it as I can\'t imagine there being a way for you to wield all the powers of the world, making you virtually unstoppable... It also all depends on if your theory is even correct… And, even if it is not correct you would need to save up a lot of money once more to buy a good new ability. Think about it, if you bought a cheap ability right now and absorbed it only to turn out that your strategy only served to add a maximum of one more ability, you would be stuck with a shitty second ability for the rest of your life, something that I assume you don\'t want to happen. All that I am saying is that it\'s a smart strategy but don\'t get your hopes up too much…\' Avilia said, pondering over Moby\'s theory.

\'Of course, I am well aware that the theory has a near 0% chance of working so my hopes are not very high. But, It is worth a shot. I will save up for another ability crystal to test this out on. I wouldn\'t even lose much if at all by doing it as I could easily resell the crystal back on the market for the same price and at the worst case a little lower,\' Moby said, nodding at Avilia\'s suggestion.

\'Well, nevertheless, even if all ended on a somewhat good note, I still felt somewhat bad about what happened and I found out something cool, allowing me to give you good compensation for the trouble,\' Avilia said in a somewhat apologetic tone.

\'What is it! A surprise?\' Moby asked with extreme excitement, knowing full well from experience that Avilia always had the best surprises.

\'It will happen when you level up! I am sure that you would be pretty hyped for it,\' Avilia explained with the mental equivalent of a wink.

\'Haha! I can\'t wait! I really appreciate it! I am looking forward to it! I never really thought you were the apologetic type,\' Moby said with a chuckle.

\'Meh, don\'t look too deep into it. It aligns with my personal plans for the future so it works in my favour too. The stronger you get the faster you will be able to get back to the nether realm and the faster you would be able to find me a new body like you promised, it\'s a win-win for everyone. Plus, I just absolutely hate being indebted to people as it gets really annoying and would end badly for me in the future. And don\'t ask why. I just know this from personal experience due to that damned sin of greed,\' Avilia casually explained, refuting Moby\'s claims.

\'Haha! Don\'t worry, I won\'t ask, sounds like some pretty traumatic shit. I just hope that this surprise of yours will live up to how you are hyping it,\' Moby said with a chuckle and a cheerful and excited tone.

\'Don\'t worry, I know it will,\' Avilia responded with the mental equivalent of a smirk.

\'Well, Anyway, thanks for sharing all of this with me, this conversation has been very insightful, but I now need to focus back on the class. Our conversation was really long and I think I lost a decent chunk of it, I\'ll probably just ask Abby to summarize it for me later in the day so it\'s not even a big deal,\' Moby said, making Avilia nod back before he snapped himself back into reality.

"And that is exactly how the ability absorbing process goes according to the most recent findings in modern science. Does anyone have any questions before I move onto the next topic? You will be tested on this in the near future during your upcoming first test so be sure that you understood everything very well and that you have studied hard," Leo said, finishing his explanation.

Moby inwardly chuckled at the word "test" as he knew that he required little to no study. After all, he had Avilia in his head at all times who was able to provide him with all of the answers if need be, guaranteeing him full grades on every test. Plus, even if Avilia did not agree to help him out, he was always able to ask Abby using his mind-link as the test was going. Or, he could ask any one of his servants who were not having the test to search it up and let him know the answer.

\'Well, seems like I didn\'t miss much if at all, Avilia already explained to me what happened to my body when I absorbed my ability in pretty good detail so Leo\'s explanation would have been either unnecessary or inaccurate,\' Moby thought in relief.

"No questions? Okay then class, since we just finished our basic and initial ability lesson, I think that it is now certainly the time to go to the arena and finally start your ability training to combine it with your prior knowledge of martial arts and weapon combat!" Leo announced, making the entire class celebrate as it was for many, the moment they were waiting for and a chance to prove themselves as well as greatly improve and boost their strength.

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