The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 183 - A Tomorrow Without You

"You\'re...still here?" I couldn\'t help but murmur as I stared at Song Qian Long\'s weak body, lying on the ground. Mei Mo was nowhere to be seen, but...he was still here.

By this time, everyone else had also come back to their senses. The Midnight Syndicate members, having lost their main force - the monsters - attempted to retreat, and our own army confronted them. The other Golden Monarchs all stared at the scene in shock, clearly surprised by the fact that Song Qian Long\'s body was still somehow here...with the exception of Li Hai Tang, who appeared to be unconscious.

"This shouldn\'t be...possible..." Mayor Zhou murmured to himself. "When your core shatters, your body is the first to disappear..."

Then, suddenly, I heard a few faint words from none other than the man himself, lying on the ground weakly.

"I...conserved...a little bit...of my that...I wouldn\'t...die...instantly..." he explained quietly.

"...But by the looks of it..." Yu Ao said, walking over with a pained expression on his face.

"Yes...I\'m afraid...he does not have long," Mayor Zhou finished.

Hearing this, an unexplainable emotion clawed at my heart. I crouched down next to Song Qian Long, fists clenched.

"Can I...see your...face?" he asked softly.

I want to. I want to show you my face...but I\'m afraid...I\'m afraid if I do, my tears would begin flowing out uncontrollably.

...But...this is...this is the last time I will get to see him.

Slowly and hesitantly, I took off my mask. At the same time, however, I kept my hood on, so that only Song Qian Long could view my face. Seeing my actions, he smiled peaceably despite the state he was in, and with what little strength he had left, he raised his arm, gently caressing my cheeks.

"Kai Kai...I\'m...sorry..." he muttered, tears flowing out of his eyes. My own threatened to do the same.

"...What the hell are you apologizing for...?!" I yelled, unable to hold back my emotions any longer.

"It seems...I won\'t be able to...accompany you...on your journey...any longer..."

I gritted my teeth, and clenched my fists even harder, digging my nails into my palms to the point where they almost bleed.

"Kai Kai...your parents...and I...we\'re all very proud of you..." he continued, tone gentle and meek. "Stay strong, my dear boy...and as I have have found yourself...many, many good companions by your side. Don\'t try to shoulder everything are allies for a reason..."

I nodded firmly, unable to do anything else.

He smiled upon seeing my response, and tapped my cheek with his hand.

"Now then...before I go...can I...hear you call me \'godfather\'...?" he asked sincerely, tears all over his face. "...Just once...?"

By this time, I really could not contain my emotions any longer. I began crying, slamming my fist into the ground, frustrated at the feeling of not being able to do anything to save him - the only family I had left, apart from Qing Yue.

I\'m so powerless. I know it isn\'t my fault that Song Qian Long ended up in this state, but...why am I so weak?! I\'m sure...I\'m sure if I was strong enough...there could definitely be a way to amend his broken core...

...But. There is only one thing I can do for him, as I am right now. His final wish...will be granted by me.

I brought my hand up slowly so that it overlapped his on my cheek, and I murmured a single word.


Upon hearing my single word, Song Qian Long\'s smile became the widest I\'ve ever seen him ever make in all the time I\'ve met him - but at the same time, his tears also became the heaviest.

A brilliant golden light illuminated Song Qian Long, and...

...The moment the light disappeared, so did he. My hand, which had been on top of his, now felt nothing beneath it.

And amidst the silence of the stunned crowd and the morning breeze, I swear I heard the faintest whisper.

"Farewell, Kai Kai. And...I\'m sorry."


On that day - January 1st, 2023, the city of Shenzhen survived a mass-scale attack from the Midnight Syndicate. This event would later go down in history known as the \'Nightmare War\'. But what the future textbooks filled with heroic tales of the soldiers and Golden Monarchs didn\'t speak of, was the cost of this seemingly impossible victory.

On this day, the city lost. It lost buildings, citizens, resources, money, everything. But beyond all of that, most importantly...

The city, and I, both lost the man known as Song Qian Long.

For the city, he was the number 1 mage - the Dragon of Shenzhen. He was their protector, their leader, their hero. Someone who would eventually be replaced as a stronger person came along.

But to me, he was so much more. My guider. My helper. And most importantly of godfather. He was irreplaceable to me. No matter how many more people come wanting to be my godfather, I will only ever have one. Even if he is already gone in the real world...he will forever live within my memories.

After Song Qian Long disappeared, our soldiers hunted down all the Midnight Syndicate members, who had been trying to run away. The knight was nowhere to be seen, but I had a dark feeling I would meet him again in the near future...and not as friends.

After Mei Mo disappeared, all the monsters did as well, apparently. That meant the city was safe once more...but what\'s done is done. The destruction done to the city of Shenzhen in this invasion will take a few years to fix, and perhaps even a few more to get the city back into its original state.

But...the city will never be able to go back to what it was before, without the Dragon of Shenzhen.

In any case, we returned to the Coastal Metropolis to bring the good news of our victory, but I wasn\'t in the mood. None of the Golden Monarchs were, either...with the exception of Li Hai Tang, who didn\'t seem to care much about Song Qian Long\'s death. The representatives from the other cities, Mr. Tan and Mr. Gao, decided they would stay here and help out with the reconstruction of this city for a bit longer before going back to their homelands.

When it was announced on the PA of the mall that the city was now safe again, everyone rejoiced. But these people who weren\'t present at the actual fight have no idea just what was sacrificed for them to still be able to cry out in happiness right now.

Instead of returning to the mall, I decided to head back to the school dorms. My own dorm room, in particular. I needed some time by myself, and reflect on what happened today. I know the girls are probably worried about me, but I really didn\'t want to deal with anyone right now. Sometimes...being alone is for the best.

Luckily, the dorm buildings weren\'t harmed. Only the school\'s main building was. So, I still had an intact room to go back to, which was good.

As I sat down on my bed, I began contemplating things.

Humans...or perhaps any other intelligent race...are truly flawed creatures, huh? We don\'t even realize something - or someone - is important to us...until we lose them. More often than not, we regret doing things, but then realize we can\'t turn back time to fix it.

Well...actually, it\'s possible to turn back time...I read about a Divine Tier spell that could do that somewhere, but since no one has actually achieved the Divine God level, no one is able to cast that spell.

Oh well...what do I do now? I can\'t really stay in Shenzhen, since I wouldn\'t have anything to do. The school is destroyed, and the principal of said school is...well, gone.

I sighed. I would think about this more later. For now...I needed some rest. I headed into the bathroom, took a long shower, then came back out. It was then that I realized the new notifications on my phone.

I looked at the screen.

5 missed calls. From: Qing Yue.

I sighed and dialed her number, calling her back. Almost immediately, she answered.

"What do you need, Qing Yu-"

"Big Brother Xuan Kai? Where are you right now? Did you hear the announcement they just made? The city is safe now!"

"Yeah...I heard," I replied stoically. 

"Hm...? Why do you not sound happy at all...?" Qing Yue murmured in confusion.

"...It\'s nothing. I\'m really...glad that the city is safe now. Really."

Hiding my pain, I forced these words out my mouth.

"Huh...well...okay then. Let\'s meet up! Where are you right now?" Qing Yue asked excitedly.

If I said I needed to sleep right now, they would know I went to do something else when I should\'ve been sleeping while they slept at the Sleepless Starlight. 

"Right...uh, how about you tell me where you are? I\'ll come to you," I responded.

"Hm...okay, the others and I just woke up to this announcement, so we\'re still at the Sleepless Starlight."

"I see...I\'m coming," I said briskly, then hung up.

I know that Song Qian Long sacrificing himself is for the best, but...I still can\'t help but feel it should\'ve been someone else to be the sacrifice. I know that\'s a pretty damn evil, selfish thought, but who\'s to blame me? Anyone, if put in my position, would also wish the same.

I sighed for the third time in this short duration and glanced out the window.

On this day, January 1st, 2023, the Dragon of Shenzhen fell.

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