Cultivation Pet Shop

395 Chapter 395

Just like this, the night passed and Harmony City continued on as normal.

While the One Shadow Organization was an organization that was as big as the Xu Family, on the large scale of Harmony City, it was nothing more than a small organization. Fights between groups like this were common because everyone wanted more resources for themselves.

But what Lin Fan and the Xu Family were worried about was the retaliation of the Hunters Organization since one of the people that Lin Fan killed was tied to them. He was one of the special candidates that Hunters Organization had found for their exam, but he had died before he could even take the exam.

There would surely be someone that would come looking for him and when they did, they would find that Lin Fan killed him.

Even if Lin Fan was also one of the candidates for the exam, he was certain that they would still get some form of revenge on him since he did technically hurt the Hunters Organization by killing one of their talents, so they would be sure to take some revenge on him.

However, to the surprise of both the Xu Family and Lin Fan, there was no one that came.

It was almost as if the entire incident had been swept under the rug as there was no news from the Hunters Organization at all.

Lin Fan thought about it and it seemed that the Hunters Organization wasn\'t as unified as he had thought that it was.

The morning came and passed and there was still nothing that came from the Hunters Organization.

But there was something else that came.

It was Xiao Ling from the Seekers Guild who had come with a message for Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was surprised to see Xiao Ling suddenly knocking on his door, but he still went to see her since it seemed like she had something important to say.

As he had expected, Xiao Ling had come with a special message from the president of the Seekers Guild. The president wanted to see Lin Fan about some matters with the Hunters Exam, but Lin Fan\'s guess was that it would be about what had happened last night.

There was no way that the Hunters Organization would let him go after what had happened last night. The only other possible option was that someone had been helping him from within the Hunters Organization.

There was only one person that Lin Fan could think of…

So Lin Fan accepted Xiao Ling\'s invitation and headed off to the Seekers Guild together.

Of course, Xiao Ling had also made sure that Lin Fan\'s companions were also brought along as per the president\'s request. The strange thing was that it almost seemed like the president was warning her that if she came back without Lin Fan\'s companions, she would be punished…

Why did the president care this much about Lin Fan\'s companions?

After arriving at the Seekers Guild, they were shown right to the second floor where the president was waiting for them in another room. Once again, this room was the same as the previous ones, but it was in another different colour.

Seeing the president sitting there, Lin Fan didn\'t show any courtesy and sat down right in front of her. After all, with the relationship they had now, it didn\'t seem like there was a need.

Naturally the president didn\'t mind either, but it wasn\'t for the same reason as Lin Fan. She had been staring at Momonga the entire time.

Finally her grandfather wasn\'t here, so she could do what she wanted.

But it was too bad that a certain someone wouldn\'t give her the chance. It wasn\'t even anyone in the room, it was someone who had suddenly barged in after Xiao Ling left, right when she was about to close the door to the room.

This was a short girl who suddenly burst into the room and appeared in full view of everyone.

Lin Fan\'s group looked at this little girl in surprise since they never expected someone to burst in like this.

This was a short girl who didn\'t have any curves on her body with two her hair on both sides of her in pigtails. This was a girl who was the very definition of a little girl, but the one thing different about her was that she didn\'t look like a normal little girl. Her skin was as smooth and white as jade and her eyes were large as they sparkled like the stars in the sky.

If one looked at her, one would immediately think of a porcelain doll because that was what she looked like.

She was almost as beautiful as Song Shu who was the very definition of a porcelain doll.

But unlike her looks, her personality was completely different. She wasn\'t a cute and innocent little girl, but rather she was as foul mouthed as the most seasoned biker.

As soon as she came in, she shouted, "Hey Xiao Qiao Qiao, I\'ve heard that you got a new boy toy! Wasn\'t it just last month that you were with the Wang Family kid? How did you change your boy toys so fast?"

Qiao Yi Fei immediately knitted her brows when she heard this.

As far as she knew, the one who had the boy toy from the Wang Family was this girl standing in front of her, but she was calling her out on it.

Everyone in Harmony City knew that Qiao Yi Fei was known as the Ice Queen because of how she scared off all the men that approached her with her ice cold glare, but now she was saying that she was someone who played around?

Normally Qiao Yi Fei wouldn\'t care since she and this girl actually always butted heads when they met, but for her to slander her in front of her Diabolis, how could she accept this?

She immediately countered by saying, "Who let this little girl into my Seekers Guild? The toy shop is across the street if you\'re looking for toys."

The little girl became even more enraged when she heard this since this was the one thing that she hated hearing the most. She was even older than Qiao Yi Fei, so she hated when people treated her like a little girl.

The little girl immediately jumped up and said, "You b*tch, you think that you can treat me this way!"

Then she came forward to where Lin Fan was sitting and she leaned in as she said, "Big brother, how about you come and play with me instead? You can leave this old hag to her own devices. I can also get you a token for the Hunters Exam."

As she leaned in, the front of her shirt also fell forward, giving Lin Fan a sneak peek down her valley. It was too bad that there was no valley at all to tempt Lin Fan with, it was nothing more than flat prairie land.

But that was the least of Lin Fan\'s problems.

He was completely confused as to what was going on here or who this girl even was. Why did she suddenly act this way as soon as she met him?

Qiao Yi Fei saw this and naturally knew what was happening.

This girl\'s name was Fu Ling and her grandfather was the Old Fu who had visited her grandfather last night.

This morning, her grandfather had already told her about Old Fu\'s visit and how he wanted Lin Fan as compensation from her grandfather.

While she was happy since she didn\'t want to marry Lin Fan in the first place, she still wasn\'t willing to give him up to this Fu Ling since they could be considered arch rivals.

To put it shortly, Fu Ling was also one of the Five Flowers of Harmony City and she deserved this with her beauty, but the problem was that she didn\'t hesitate to use that beauty to get what she wanted. She was someone who played around with plenty of men. In short, she was a b*tch, which was the kind of person that Qiao Yi Fei hated the most.

As for Fu Ling, the reason she hated Qiao Yi Fei was simply because she was the exact opposite of her.

While she was someone who didn\'t have any qualms about using her feminine charms to get what she wanted, Qiao Yi Fei was someone who absolutely avoided all men, driving them off with her ice cold glare.

Whenever Qiao Yi Fei looked at Fu Ling, it almost seemed like she was looking down on her, which was something Fu Ling couldn\'t take.

Then add in Qiao Yi Fei\'s figure, it wasn\'t hard to figure out why Fu Ling hated her.

Qiao Yi Fei gave a cold snort and said, "His taste in women isn\'t that bad that he would resort to going after you."

There was a vein that popped out on Fu Ling\'s forehead as she quickly turned around and said, "You think that he would be interested in a cold b*tch like you? Look at how old and fat you are!"

Qiao Yi Fei just casually responded, "You\'re older than me."

Fu Ling this time didn\'t erupt, but casually said with a smile, "I\'m forever eighteen, don\'t you even know something as simple as that?"

Qiao Yi Fei muttered, "I think you\'re missing a few digits."

Fu Ling immediately exploded, "Why you!"

At the same time, Lin Fan didn\'t have time to process this fight between the two girls because there was a sharp chill that was poking his back...

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