Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 458 Crypt (4)

Lin Fan came over to the stairs and reached out with the torch.

The moment the torch crossed over the threshold of the stairs, there was nothing that happened. The light that came from the torch lit up the space in front of Lin Fan and showed the steps that were in front of them.

The steps were the same as the ones that Lin Fan could already see, but this wasn\'t the important thing.

What was important was that for some reason, the force that was on these stairs didn\'t seem to be attacking the light that came from the torch. The torch that was across the threshold just swayed like normal, but there was nothing else that was pulling at it, pulling the light that it had.

​ The light that it released went through the air like normal and revealed the area in front of Lin Fan, allowing him to see even further down the stairs. However, there wasn\'t much to see since these were nothing more than simple stairs that looked just like the part that Lin Fan could already see.

Still, this was a very important discovery since they now had a source of light that they could bring along with them.

Lin Fan raised his hand and covered it with his life energy as he moved it towards the flame. When his hand entered the flame, he was surprised since he didn\'t feel anything at all. There was no heat that came from the flame, it was almost like there was nothing there at all, that was if he didn\'t feel a slight chill coming from where the flame was.

Lin Fan could tell that this flame must be an application of some law that allows it to maintain its form like this, but he couldn\'t tell what it was. He just knew that it had to be powerful to go against the suction force that was on these stairs.

Just to be sure, Lin Fan created a tiny flame with his life energy and threw it past the threshold of the stairs.

The moment the flame passed through that threshold, it immediately disappeared as if it had been sucked up. There wasn\'t a single trace left of it, not a single spark that remained.

The strange force that was on the stairs was still there, so that meant that there was something special about this torch.

Mo Ze Chen had been watching Lin Fan experiment with the torch that he had taken away from him and seeing that it wasn\'t affected by whatever power was on the stairs, Mo Ze Chen became curious about what it was.

While Lin Fan was thinking, Mo Ze Chen came closer to the torch to look over it, bringing his face right up to it. The problem with that was that Lin Fan was still holding the torch.

For Mo Ze Chen to come this close to the torch, it meant that he was also uncomfortably close to Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan felt Mo Ze Chen leaning on him with his heavy body, Lin Fan was snapped out of his thoughts. Turning to see how close Mo Ze Chen was to him, Lin Fan raised his hand and without any politeness, he slapped Mo Ze Chen\'s head.

Mo Ze Chen didn\'t expect this since he was focused on studying the torch that was in front of him, so he didn\'t dodge at all. Though with the difference between their levels of cultivation, it wouldn\'t have mattered even if Mo Ze Chen had tried to dodge since he wouldn\'t have been able to dodge it.

Mo Ze Chen was pulled out of his thoughts when this slap hit him and he rubbed the back of his head where he had been hit as he asked with an aggrieved look, "Boss what did you do that for?"

Lin Fan glared at him before saying, "There are other torches over there."

Mo Ze Chen turned to look at the other torches and revealed an awkward smile.

That was right, there was no need for him to crowd Lin Fan since there were clearly other torches here, but still he felt that Lin Fan didn\'t need to be this mean to him. After all, they were like brothers now after everything that they had gone through together, or at least that was what Mo Ze Chen thought.

It was too bad for Mo Ze Chen that Lin Fan thought of him in another way.

To put it simply, Mo Ze Chen was like a slave for him, just like Jiang Zhi Shu had been on the Blue Star Planet.

Lin Fan was definitely going to make full use of Mo Ze Chen, though if it was said that he didn\'t consider him a brother, that would have been a lie.

Still, that didn\'t mean that he wanted to get close to another man like this.

Mo Ze Chen was a bit dejected as he went over to another torch which he pulled right off the wall. Once he did that, he began focusing on studying it once again.

As for Lin Fan, he didn\'t have anything else to do, so he suddenly summoned out two puppets, but this time they were rat puppets.

This time they were Fragmented Soul Realm beasts that had taken human form, so they were just two humans that suddenly appeared. Both of them were young girls who were in maid outfits, which definitely was strange.

Mo Ze Chen had been looking at the torch and suddenly noticed the appearance of the two maids and he couldn\'t help being surprised. After looking over the outfits of the two maids and seeing how finely made they were, he couldn\'t help looking at Lin Fan with a strange look as he asked, "Boss, is this the kind of hobby that you enjoy?"

Lin Fan had black lines appear on his head.

This wasn\'t the kind of hobby that he enjoyed, but rather the kind of hobby that Brainy enjoyed.

Since Brainy had been spending so much time with Momonga, he naturally picked up a few of his bad habits, which were mainly his otaku habits. One of the bad habits that Brainy had picked up was an unhealthy appreciation for maids.

It had reached the point where if the human form of Brainy\'s puppets was ever a young girl, it would immediately make a maid outfit for them to wear.

Surprisingly so, Brainy was actually quite good at weaving these maid outfits. It was mainly because it was able to control the fibre just like it controlled vines, which made it much easier for Brainy to weave these outfits. Brainy had even gone as far as making sure that every detail of the outfit was perfect…

The strange thing was that while Brainy was into maids, it couldn\'t get into butlers the same way when Momonga tried to introduce them to Brainy.

But Lin Fan had another reason for calling these two girls out.

The true form of these two girls were twin Azure Turtles, which was a species that had both the bloodline of the Azure Dragon and the Black Turtle. Still, since they were turtles, what they specialized in was defense.

These turtles could immediately hide in their shells and become resistant enough that even those in the Child Soul Realm would have a hard time hurting them. However, because their defenses were so strong, their attack power was lacking.

The attacks that these turtles used weren\'t even as strong as someone in the Platinum Realm, at best they could only match someone in the Gold Realm.

But that didn\'t matter since Lin Fan called them out only for their defenses.

In their human forms, they could utilize the same power as going into their shells without actually shrinking into their shells, but the downside was that they couldn\'t move since they would need to concentrate their energy to maintain those defenses. However, while they couldn\'t move, that didn\'t mean that they couldn\'t hold things.

To put it simply, Lin Fan was going to use them as walking torch stands.

There were a total of eight torches in this room, two for each of the four walls around them.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen both held one torch in their hands while Lin Fan had the two maid girls hold two torches in each of their hands.

With the way the girls stood behind them with the torches in their hands, it really made their party look quite awkward. If people didn\'t know what was happening, they would have thought that Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had captured these girls and were forcing them to do these things.

Even Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen felt awkward with the two girls holding the torches high up walking behind them.

Still, there was no better way for them to hold these torches since they would need to free their hands if there was ever a fight.

Lin Fan had considered using Mo Ze Chen as a torch stand before calling out these two maid girls, but after how much golden energy he had absorbed, Lin Fan decided that it was better to have him as a fighter. Or rather, Lin Fan was planning on using him as the tool of a fighter since Rocky could always use him like a club like Xiao Huo had done.

With the group of four like this, they started heading down the stairs with Lin Fan in the lead, Mo Ze Chen in the middle, and the two maid girls following behind them.

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