Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 667 Surveillance

It had been such a long time since another mission had been released that Lin Fan almost forgot that this function existed.

But what he was truly shocked by wasn\'t the fact that another mission was released, but rather the contents of the mission.

Normally the missions would relate to the development of the store, but now it was telling him to save the members of the Hunters Organization, the Myriad Sword Hall, and the Alchemist King Hall.

He could understand the Hunters Organization and the Myriad Sword Hall since they were working with each other, so there would be benefits to the store if they were saved. However, the Alchemist King Hall…There wasn\'t any relationship between them other than the fact that Song Shu was currently there, so why would the system want him to save those people?

Wouldn\'t it make more sense to save the people from the Ice Goddess Hall or even the Tamers Guild that he was cooperating with secretly?

Why the Alchemist King Hall out of all the groups?

But of course, even if Lin Fan had his questions, the system didn\'t have to answer them.

When he even thought about this, the system gave him a nostalgic response.

p "Host, please do not doubt the missions the system gives, first warning."

Lin Fan didn\'t know why, but it felt comforting hearing this warning from the system. Even though technically, the system was threatening him…

He didn\'t know why, but ever since he had come to this upper realm, it was almost as if the system had been silent. It was almost as if the system had abandoned him…

He still was able to access all the different functions that the system provided, but with the missions stopping, it was almost as if the system had stopped guiding him.

He still had other things to do since he had his own goals in coming to this upper realm, but there was a part of him deep down that was concerned. After all, his system was the greatest support that he was relying on after being reincarnated and if his system no longer wanted him, what would happen to him?

What would he use to protect the people he wanted to protect?

But as the system gave him another mission, his heart started to settle as he felt that the system was back to guiding him.

Since that was the case, then the first thing he should do was finish this mission.

With this thought in mind, Lin Fan gave the corpses of the assassins to Brainy to handle before putting them into his storage space. Once they were all stored, Lin Fan left this place and started heading back to where most of the staircases were grouped together.

Deep inside of Lin Fan\'s soul, inside the golden palace.

The version of Lin Fan covered in the golden glow watched the scene on the screen in front of him.

The screen was broadcasting what was happening outside, showing Lin Fan as he moved towards the area where the staircases were concentrated.

However, it was clear by the glazed eyes of the golden Lin Fan that he wasn\'t paying attention to the image on the screen. It was clear that he was looking at something that was much further off as he was lost in his thoughts.

After a long time, the golden Lin Fan muttered to himself, "Running away? Am I running away from the past?"

There was only silence that met this question.

After Lin Fan reached the area where the staircases were grouped together, Lin Fan started releasing Brainy\'s scouts.

While he had placed seeds onto the members of the Hunters Organization group, he hadn\'t placed seeds on the Myriad Sword Hall group members, let alone the members of the Alchemy King Hall members.

His mission was to ensure that they didn\'t die and while he couldn\'t make sure that they didn\'t die in the trials, he could make sure that they didn\'t die outside of the trials. He could make sure that they didn\'t die because of other people.

But to do that, he had to make sure that he was able to find them.

Even with the Hunters Organization members, Lin Fan had no idea how to track them right now.

It seemed like the trial space was a completely different subspace created with spatial laws. So even if Brainy had placed her seeds on them, she wasn\'t currently able to sense where they were.

So the only thing that Lin Fan could do now was release his scouts around the area and see if he could find them. Once he did, he would make sure that those scouts stuck to them to ensure that they were safe.

Of course, he couldn\'t stop them from going into the trials, so he would just try to save as many as he could.

After all, the mission never said that he had to save everyone and he knew that it would be impossible for him to save everyone.

There were already members of both the Myriad Sword Hall and the Alchemy King Hall that had already died along the way.

As he released his scouts, he found that there were some people that were walking around the area, looking through the various staircases that were available to them. There were also some people that were covered in injuries, clearly having just come out of a trial.

However, none of the people that he found were the people that he was looking for.

But one of the groups that he did find was the group from the Thunder Sect and the True Spirit Sect.

They were all covered in wounds and were in a sorry state, showing that they clearly had a hard time with whatever trial they had chosen to undertake.

They had already moved back into the forest and were currently hiding in a cave, trying to draw as little attention as possible while they tried to heal up as much as they could.

It was clear by their actions that they had found some kind of treasure and were doing all they could to protect it. It was just too bad that Lin Fan had found them.

Still, he wasn\'t crazy enough to attack them all by himself.

First, he wasn\'t willing to reveal his full power since he still didn\'t know where the group from the Assassins Association was yet.

Second, he was more concerned about finding the targets for his mission instead of attacking their group right now.

And third, the most dangerous anyone could be was when they were backed into a corner. They would fight with power that they normally didn\'t have and Lin Fan wasn\'t willing to face the Thunder Sect and True Spirit Sect group like this.

Well, it wasn\'t that he wasn\'t willing to face them like this, but rather there were others that could do the job for him.

After all, there were plenty of other groups from the twelve great sects that could be lured in to do the work for him.

Lin Fan just spent the rest of the day surveilling the entire area, waiting for the members of the groups that he had to save for his mission to show up.

By the time that night fell, there were several members of the Alchemy King Hall and the Myriad Sword Hall that appeared, but none of them were people that Lin Fan recognized.

Still that didn\'t matter to him at all since he just needed to keep an eye on them.

There were none of them that weren\'t injured, so there was no one that headed into another trial right away. All of them went to find a place to hide and rest before they were attacked by others.

As other people from the same faction came out, they went to find the people from the same faction.

So by the time night fell, most people that were out of their trials were resting up in groups.

Lin Fan wasn\'t in a rush since he knew that these trials took different amounts of time based on how hard they were. He had faith in the people that he knew were able to survive since he knew how strong they were.

So instead of putting all his attention to this, he instead turned his attention to another operation that he was taking charge of.

The Dian and Ying Family group were sitting in a clearing in the forest with two other groups which were the Zu and Chu Family groups.

These four families were the four great families of the twelve great factions and since they were factions that were ruled by family members alone, they stuck together with each other against the rest of the factions. Though there were rivalries that formed between them, there were also marriages between the families that they could be considered allies with each other.

But of course, everything changed depending on the benefits that they would receive.

For now though, in these Ancient Era Ruins, the four great families chose to work together to get as many treasures as they could from here.

They moved separately during the day, but at night, they would guard each other from any other factions that had bad intentions.

It would make it much easier on them to decide guard shifts if they split them between the four groups.

One of the people from the Dian Family group on guard duty suddenly gave a yawn before saying, "It really is boring out there."

Another person from the Ying Family group glared at him and said, "Focus on keeping watch. Who knows what will happen in this place?"

Someone from the Zu Family group said, "You\'re being too uptight. With so many of us here, do you really think that someone would…"

But before he could finish, there was a sudden roar that came from the forest behind him.

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