The Human Giant

Chapter 295 295: Justice Town

A few days passed after Yoze accepted the Deity Killer mission. After getting the map to Gospel Peak and a few crystals for the road, he set off.

Even though Gospel Peak was quite far away from the Immortal Palace Sect, with Yoze\'s speed, he arrived in a matter of days. But when he got there, he was surprised to find out that Gospel Peak wasn\'t what he had imagined it would be.

He had initially imagined that the mountain that Gospel Peak was located in was massive and covered in a thick forest that helped hide the natives from the outside world. However, what he saw completely contradicted his imagination.

The mountain was truly massive and was much larger than the mountain that hides the Immortal Palace Sect. The mountain was nearly ten miles tall, and its base stretched for dozens of miles. 

Yoze found it interesting that even though this mountain was massive, it was not part of a mountain chain. It was the sole mountain in the vast area, making the small hills seem smaller than usual.

Even though the mountain was enormous, it couldn\'t hide the prosperous civilization growing on its side. There was a large town flowing with life as regular humans and martial artists were living their best lives in the Town.

Together with the beautiful night sky covered in stars, the Town looked beautiful, and he could imagine how vibrant it would become once it was daytime. From his prediction, the Town had at least a few thousand people and seemed to still be growing.

"This town isn\'t on the map; there shouldn\'t have been a mistake since this map was the most recent one available," Yoze muttered to himself as he made his way up the mountain.

As Yoze began to walk up the hill, he noticed that all the plant life in the area took on weird demonic shapes. Regular green grass, flowers, trees, and even weeds all had a demonic touch to them, but other than their strange shapes, they were completely ordinary.

Since Yoze didn\'t plan to stay long to investigate all the mysteries of Gospel Peak, he didn\'t stop to check out the plants and only made a mental note of them. After an hour of walking, he finally arrived at the Town that was supposed to be a small hidden village.

Before he even entered the Town, Yoze saw a massive sign with the Town\'s name and motto, which said: 

"Justice Town! Those with kindness shall live in harmony while those with Injustice shall face Eternal Justice!"

"It seems that I truly am in the right place. For this small native village to grow to this size, a long time must have passed. This isn\'t very good news for me."

"I might be strong and confident in my strength, but I can at most defeat demons who are at most a hundred years old. After that, it\'s going to become tricky." Yoze\'s eyes began to shimmer as he felt his desire for battle surge.

It had been a long time since he had last fought a demon which was his fight with the five-year-old Leopard Demon. Even though he had a relatively easy time fighting the Leopard demon, he still sustained some injuries.

After that fight, he had grown much stronger, but he still was reasonable with his assessment of his own strength. He knew that a demon who was twenty times older than the Leopard Demon wasn\'t merely twenty times stronger.I think you should take a look at

If that was the case, he probably beat demons that were at least several hundred years old. Instead, demons seemed to become exponentially stronger the older they became.

With every additional year, the more spiritual energy demons can devour, the more they can strengthen their bodies, and the better they can control their spiritual energy. As someone who barely knew the basics of spiritual energy, facing a demon with hundreds of years of experience would end in disaster.

Just as Yoze was taking this mission more seriously and his cautious nature was taking hold, he noticed three teenage boys from the Town staring at him with shock. Even though the three teenagers were hidden in the shadows behind the Town\'s walls, it wasn\'t an issue for him to see their unusual appearances.

The boy in the middle of the two other boys seemed to be the oldest, as he was the tallest and had a bit of maturity in his eyes. Paired up with his graying sideburns, the young teen gave off an older feeling compared to the other two.

The teenager on the right was the shortest and seemed the most shocked and frightened, as his entire body was trembling from fear and remorse. Unlike the older teenage boy, he had visibly less gray hair in his brown hair than the taller teenager.

The last teenager on the left was clearly the youngest, as he still had his baby fat on his face, and his eyes were filled with innocence.

After a few seconds of shock, the boy on the right screamed with a particularly strong accent that Yoze could barely understand.

"Oh my god! The flower giant is real. The story is real, we need to scatter now, or else all of us will be punished!" 

Hearing the teenage boy shouting at them before running off into the Town, the other two teenagers responded quickly. They both turned around and tried to run away, but before they could, a large and heavy hand gently touched their shoulder, immobilizing them.

"I apologize if I scared you three with my slightly above-average height, but can you tell me why you are so afraid of me? I am not going to hurt you. I just arrived in Town after hearing that there was a flourishing town nearby." Yoze said to calm down the two boys, who were trembling from fright.

Yoze\'s deep and calm voice seemed to have calmed them down, especially after they heard that he was just an ordinary person visiting their glorious Town. After the two teenage boys looked at each other with embarrassment to try to get the other to explain, the taller boy spoke.

"I worry about that; my cousin who had just run away had just heard the story about the Flower Giant that punished people who drank wine before they got married. Since we stole, I mean borrowed a few cups from a store, he got nervous." The tall teenage boy said after calming down.

He didn\'t understand why, but he felt comfortable talking with Yoze, a total stranger. It might have been due to his large height that made him feel like he was talking with his parents, but he didn\'t know.

All he knew was that after a few minutes of talking, he and his younger brother were telling Yoze everything about their Town with pride written all over their faces. They even dared to point out the location of the store they had stolen the wine from, which they would regret later on.

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