The Human Giant

Chapter 299 299: Bad Partnership

Feeling the spiritual energy flowing inside his body slightly tingling before returning to its original undisturbed flow, Yoze\'s sense of danger spiked as he warily looked around his surroundings. Since he had reached Gospel Peak, there were only a few key things he needed to pay attention to.

For one, the golden statue of the young man, who he guessed was the supposed human form of the Eternal Justice demon. Even though it seemed to be an ordinary statue, Yoze didn\'t doubt for a second that it could be used for an attack.

Next was the vast graveyard that took up the majority of Gospel Peak\'s area. With 90 percent of Gospel Peak being occupied by hundreds of clean gravestones, it didn\'t leave much room for other things like plant life and roads.

The last thing that Yoze felt was significant was that among the several zombies rushing him, all were wearing armor. Though the armor had been damaged heavily over time, it still provided each of the emerging zombies with some additional defensive capabilities.

"Someone is trying to influence my mind. From the looks of it, they are much more proficient than I am." Yoze thought to himself.

"Including these zombies, I can confirm that there must be an immortal or a witch assisting this demon. The odds that an immortal would be assisting a demon are quite low, so there could be a witch." Yoze\'s mind raced as he quickly summoned his blood armor.

He felt slightly better With the additional protection, even though he knew it wouldn\'t provide any meaningful defense against witchcraft that affected his mental state. As soon as he discovered a witch nearby, Yoze began to see why he felt that everything was odd.

For one, some of the gravestones were placed in areas that made no sense. Around eight bronze gravestones were carefully placed around the edge of Gospel Peak. Each is placed in one of the cardinal directions north, east, west, south, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.

Forming a perfect circle encompassing the entire area of Gospel Peak, which naturally included where he stood. Seeing that he had entered a witch spell, Yoze shook his head as he couldn\'t believe his luck.

He had just selected this mission so he could kill a demon and get an easy three Sect Points. Yet, the demon he predicted wouldn\'t be too powerful was at least a hundred years old, making it extremely difficult for him to win.

What made it worse was that he would need to deal with witchcraft at the same time. Even though Yoze hadn\'t focused much on his witchcraft in favor of his other paths, he still learned a lot from Dreyer.

For one, he knew that even though witchcraft had a similar formula to how immortal cultivators control crystal dust and crystal energy to create spells, witches took a more extreme path when it came to certain types of spells. Dead Crystal Nerves\' natural defects of being unable to absorb and store Crystal energy led to witches having limited amounts of Crystal energy that they had to spend immediately as soon as they converted their crystal dust into crystal energy.

To solve this issue, most witches, like Dreyer himself, would use their limited crystal energy to create objects with special abilities. For example, Dreyer\'s plant soldiers had to be created ahead of time, and the stronger they were, the more crystal energy was needed to create them.

Since most witches don\'t have enough energy to create spells at a moment\'s notice to defend themselves, they have to rely solely on their creations. More powerful and experienced witches, they could create formations with their magical items that enhance and create even more magical effects.I think you should take a look at

This is where the real lethality of witches came into play since if immortals and demons stepped into this formation, they would be trapped and have to forcefully destroy the formation to escape. Of course, even with these formations, the chances that witches could become a real threat to immortals and demons were slim.

"This formation might have some influence on the mind which is causing me to become more emotional. This must be quite a strong formation, or else I wouldn\'t be affected this much."

"Of course, this incompetent demon also played a massive role in hindering this formation from working properly. With its annoying voice constantly distracting me, I haven\'t gotten the chance to truly be pulled into the formation effect." Yoze looked at the spot he felt the Eternal Justice demon and felt odd.

This demon had unknowingly been hindering its own ally and weakening their team. Maybe once it came out of its hiding and attacked together with the witch\'s zombies, it could give him some trouble. 

But if it continued to hold its pride over being a good teammate, their partnership would only come crashing down in a ball of fire. As Yoze watched the zombies escape from the ground and rush at him, he couldn\'t help but think of a popular saying.

"It\'s better to be alone than in bad company," Yoze said out loud.


Confused about why Yoze would suddenly say a quote while he was in danger of being torn apart, the Eternal Justice demon simply chose to say nothing. He couldn\'t be bothered to think about the implications or hidden meaning of the words of a dead man.

Even though these zombies were the work of a human witch, the Eternal Justice demon felt confident in their ability to do some damage to Yoze. He had personally seen their power and remembered that he had endured his body being in constant pain for months before the wounds had healed.

Unfortunately, before the Eternal Justice demon could enjoy the scene of Yozebeing torn apart, it watched as a long blood whip cut all the zombies into hundreds of small chunks of meat and bones before they even took ten steps.


"Can we stop stalling so we can get to the main event? We both are demons, and we should fight like demons. Come out of your little hole and let our bodies devour each other while our spiritual energy does the same." Yoze said with clear boredom in his voice.

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