The Human Giant

Chapter 315 315: Supressing baby Slugs

Chapter 315 315: Supressing baby Slugs

Without even having to see them, Yoze knew that the baby slug demons seemed to have the ability to spit out acid strong enough to melt the ground. He could only imagine how powerful their acid would become as they became older and began incorporating their spiritual energy into their attacks.

"If these baby slugs already can produce and spit out acid this strong. How powerful is the acid that the Eternal Justice demon produces? I need to be careful, just in case." Yoze thought to himself as he smiled at the first notice that the baby slug demon had finally made it across.

He watched as the wall separating the two of them quickly began to melt from the ten small holes created by acid spread like fire. Within a second, the entire wall had turned into a pool of brown liquid that reeked of vomit.


Yoze was bombarded with an army of bright-colored human-sized slugs as soon as the walls came down. Whether it was hot pink, sky blue, light green, or bright yellow, they each enjoyed the body of at least two baby slug demons.

Other than their bright, colorful skin and bodies covered in a thick slime, the baby slug demons simply looked like ordinary slugs that were enhanced to human size. Of course, this human size was based on regular humans who stood around 5 feet and 9 inches tall according to averaging the height of multiple regions.

So as someone who had just seen progress in the Big Golem body cultivation and saw another height increase of an inch or two. Bringing him to a height of 8 feet and 3 inches, these human-sized baby slug demons looked like babies to Yoze.




Just as Yoze was examining the baby slug demons, the baby slug demons also examined him with two large eyes on stick-like stems. Even though they lacked any eyelids, the looks of surprise on their faces couldn\'t be hidden from Yoze.

It wasn\'t surprising to see their reaction, as Yoze assumed they must have thought he was another baby slug demon. From how easily and quickly they lost their life spiritual energy, they thought he must have been their strongest sibling and planned on killing him.

Even though they were siblings from the same parent, they were first demons. With an unlimited lifespan and not having to fear the process of aging, all demons focused on their safety first.

If their hatching wasn\'t interrupted, they would have all hatched and entered an intense battle with each other. From which their large family of ten baby slugs would have shrunk to maybe one or two.

After which, they would quickly run away from their home to escape from their parents. Even though it was safer to stay under the protection of a powerful demon compared to trying to survive in the wild, they would not want to take the risk that one day, their parents are in a bad mood and decide to eat them.

Whether they survived in the wild would be based on their luck, survival skills, and talent. Unfortunately for this large group of Slug demons, their hatching process had been rudely interrupted, which forced them to hatch early since they no longer had any life spiritual energy to continue to strengthen their bodies.

Expecting that their life spiritual energy had been stolen by one of their particularly strong siblings, they all chased after the life spiritual energy in hopes of killing them before they hatched. But it didn\'t take a genius to see that Yoze wasn\'t a Slug demon.

"Well, well, well, you all finally arrived. I was expecting you." Yoze grinned as he stared at the ten baby slug demons with excitement.

Noticing the sparkling specks of colorful Yoze\'s excited eyes, all the baby slug demons felt a chill crawl down their long backs and immediately turned around to run away. Unfortunately, not only were they too slow, but in front of Yoze, he would never give them a chance to escape once he saw them.

Yoze immediately activated all his heavy inner vigor, causing his weight to shoot up from one thousand pounds to nearly 8 thousand pounds. As soon as his heavy inner vigor activated, an invisible sphere rapidly expanded to cover all the baby slug demons.

Suddenly they felt that their bodies weighed an additional 532 pounds, while the air around them felt much thicker than before. All these factors made it so that their escape was as slow as a snail, allowing them to become easy targets for Yoze to pick up.

After grabbing all ten slug demons by their tails, Yoze was ready to Just as Yoze was about to leave, he suddenly lifted his head to the ceiling and noticed an intense heat from above. Not only that, the return to the route the Witch wanted him to follow. From the harvest he had gotten from this one detour, he didn\'t mind temporarily retreating to consolidate his gains and return later to crush the Slug demon pretending to be a God.

Just as Yoze was about to leave, he suddenly lifted his head to the ceiling and noticed an intense heat from above. Not only that, the heat was rapidly climbing to the point that he could see that slight bits of magma from above were quickly flowing through the cracks of his ceiling. Falling to the ground with extreme heat that could burn anything it touches to ash.

"It seems like I have to consolidate my gains later. First, I have to deal with this evil demon before I safely leave this place." Yoze smirked as he knew that the Slug demon must have sensed something was odd with its nest and rushed here after noticing it had been tricked.

From how it turned everything into blazing magma without any regard for its children, it was obvious it no longer cared about their safety. It might have even assumed that Yoze had already killed them and eaten their flesh.

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