Rise of the Horde

Chapter 52 - 52

The taurens started conversing among themselves while a massacre was going on just in front of them.

"Will they make it to us?"

A young tauren said as he started scratching his exposed ear. The others at the rear of the formation even took off some parts of their armor on their back and started scratching their rear against the walls. They were so chill as the battle was going on.

"Hmm... beats me… want to bet?"

Another young tauren muttered and glanced towards the tauren that spoke first. He also started scratching his chin under his iron helmet after releasing its lock and raising it a bit.

"Maintain your line!"

"We don\'t want them to get through us. Prove the orcs and ogres that taurens are as strong as them in battle and let these minions of the demon know that we taurens aren\'t someone they should mess with."

Mohrios yelled towards his kin as he tightly gripped his halberd on his hands. He was observing the progress of the fallen goblins, keeping a close eye on them. He was also itching to smash the little pesky creatures down to the ground.

The ogres on the other end grunted in annoyance, as no enemy still had made it through the rain of lead and iron.

"When will they make it to us? I\'m getting tired just standing here and watching them get slaughtered."

An ogre complained as he banged his shield with the handle of his weapon. They were getting annoyed just standing there and doing nothing.

"All ground defenders!"

"Prepare to engage!"

Xiao Chen commanded, shouting as loud as he could. The ammunitions for the shotgun crossbows have almost been depleted, and the shooters were getting tired as their hands trembled while handling their weapons because of exhaustion.

A blast of the battle horn and the rapid beat of the war drums signalled the ground defenders to prepare for combat.

"Warriors of Yohan!"


Gur\'kan glanced towards the warriors behind him. They were finally getting their chance to join the fray as their hands gripped their weapons tightly.

With their ammunition depleted, the fallen goblins finally made it through, climbing over the piled up corpses of their fallen comrades, shouting their shrieking battle cries as they sprinted forward.

With their momentum, the foolish fallen goblins got skewered by the spikes that protruded out of the shields of the orcs. The joined strength of the fallen goblins\' charge pushes the orc warriors a few inches back.

"Hold the line!"

"Give it everything you got!"


Gur\'kan bellowed as they slowly stabilize their battle line.




The orc warriors shouted in unison as they slowly gained ground, repelling the fallen goblin\'s back and sandwiching them between their spiked shields and the piled corpses.

Xiao Chen watch his warriors with pride, a proud smile slowly crept up on his lips as it satisfied him with the execution of his warriors on the right most gateway.

He was about to turn his attention towards the next gateway when he spotted a hobgoblin yelling commands behind the fallen goblins.

"There you are"

He muttered as pick up a spear on the weapon rack on the walls, arching his back and taking aim. He steadied his breathing and gripped the shaft of the spear tightly and with a quick, accurate throw, the spear soared towards the hobgoblin, who was unaware that its fate was already sealed.

The whistling sound that came with the spear as it flew downwards caught the hobgoblin\'s attention. Turning around, its pupils dilated as the spear was finally in its sights.

The hobgoblin tried to utter a word and moved away from the trajectory of the spear, but it was all too late. Its slowly opened mouth got reaped wide open as the spear impaled through it on its mouth.

The spear embedded itself on the ground firmly as it went through the hobgoblin\'s mouth and out the back of its head. Just behind the fallen goblins that were trying to get through the spiked iron shields to the ground by a spear nailed their hobgoblin commander to the ground, still on its legs but no longer moving.

The big toys on the walls continued to wreak havoc among the fallen goblins, who were still outside, clumped together perfectly as targets. The operators of the big toys throughly enjoyed their time as they laughed and joke around while mercilessly decimating their foes.

The goblins outside the walls started piling up together, climbing up on top of each other. Slowly the goblins made a huge mound made of themselves, steadily the mound rose to almost the same height as the walls.

"That\'s not good."

Trot\'thar muttered as he peeked down below while his partner was reloading the iron balls onto the enormous weapon that they were operating.

"Definitely not good!"

He shouted as a goblin lunged at him from below. Putting his left arm forward with palms open, Trot\'thar caught the arm of the corrupted goblin and dangled it midair. He raised and pulled back his right arm with muscles bulging.


Trot\'thar grinned, to which the corrupted goblin, who was dangling in midair, responded with a confused look. Swinging his massive right arm downwards, Trot\'thar threw a powerful overhand punch towards the face of the goblin.

A loud crunching sound ensued as the poor goblin got its face shattered by Trot\'thar\'s powerful punch. Trot\'thar shook the goblin left and right, but the fallen goblin was already unmoving. Its limbs dangled and swayed side to side as Trot\'thar continued to shake it.

"Your no fun!"

Trot\'thar shouted, then transferred his grip on the goblin to his right arm. Winding up momentum, Trot\'thar threw the motionless goblin towards its kin and scattered them.

"It\'s loaded and ready!"

The orc who was loading ammunition shouted towards Trot\'thar and cranked the lever. Quickly, Trot\'thar grabbed the weapon and directed it towards the mound of the goblins and pounded them with the iron balls.

Every time that an iron ball made contact with the goblins, blood and flesh scattered everywhere.. The powerful force behind the iron balls being shot at almost point blank range tore the goblins apart.

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