Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 132 - Test It!

Master Laril was so interested that she took time off her extremely packed schedule in order to test the sword. Her fingers swept over the surface of the blade while her eyes narrowed, examining it in great detail.

"I can tell that it\'s good material.. Well then.. Let\'s see how it fares against elven steel, shall we?"

Apparently, the Vanyar had no other way to test the prowess of the sword other than the most direct method, sparring it against other weapons made of different metal.

Seeing the elven blacksmith master holding a sword in front of him, Tristan couldn\'t help but to check her stats.

[Elf - female]

[Battle power - undefined]

[Spirit force - undefined]

"Dammit!" Tristan cursed silently. He wondered if this scanner was outdated and he needed to upgrade it somehow. It gradually became obsolete now that he kept meeting people he couldn\'t measure these days.

Oblivious to Tristan\'s sour mood to, once again, an undefined result. Master Laril looked at him with a tint of eagerness in her voice.

"Are you ready, Tristan?"

Tristan swiftly recalled his wandering thoughts as he nodded his head solemnly.

"Yes, I am ready whenever you are."

Knowing her prowess, Tristan did not hesitate to decide on fighting with his full strength. After all, holding back against an undefined figure in his current status was just pure suicidal.


Clank! Clank! 

At the moment, Master Laril was using a normal elven steel sword, one that could easily be found on any elven soldiers roaming around the city. But to Tristan\'s complete amazement, the sword was able to hold on against his massive claymore.

This was surprising because during the war against the barbarians, Tristan had an extremely easy time cutting through the barbarians as their weapons would break after receiving one or two hits from his sword.

A frown appeared on Master Laril\'s face, as if she thought Tristan was holding back against her.

"Harder!" shouted the female elf master.

The muscles on her arms slightly contracted, but her sword was steady as she received every swing that Tristan sent with all he had. The bulging veins that were seen on his arms and the redness that gradually filled his face truly proved that Tristan didn\'t hold anything back at all.

Just as expected, the master was able to handle his 200 battle power with ease.

Clank! Clank!

After sending five strikes, Tristan eventually realized that the clashing sound between the two swords sounded a bit different. At first, he thought it was just a feeling, but after concentrating his Katra on it, he was sure it was true. It looked like his improved Katra had made him more sensitive towards these kinds of things.

Through his enhanced senses, Tristan noted the elven sword had small shards breaking from the blade. Then, he somehow could tell that his next swing would break it and unexpectedly, it really did.


While Tristan watched as the elven sword shattered into pieces, Master Laril nodded her head in satisfaction.

"Good! Your sword is able to break our elven steel in 6 hits."

Brought out of his thoughts by her words, Tristan looked at Master Laril when she suddenly took the equipment he just made, the mithril sword.

"Let\'s see how good the one you make is compared to your own sword!"

A fervent expression was seen on Master Laril\'s face, the kind that made Tristan unable to reject her request. Thus, he reluctantly nodded his head while saying goodbye to his first sword creation in his heart. Apparently, his entire day of hard work would be in vain.


Clank! Clank! Clank!!

The familiar sounds of metal clashing with each other once again resounded through the forging room. This time, the mithril sword was able to pass a threshold of a dozen hits before Tristan could perceive the blade beginning to break down due to the stress received from the multiple impacts. Its exterior was fine, but he knew that it would break sooner rather than later.

As Tristan knew the weapon well - courtesy of his own creation, his Katra was able to tell the entire situation of the sword and predicted that the sword would start to chip after another half a dozen hits and shattered on the next. As predicted, the situation happened just like that.

Master Laril\'s eyes shone as she looked at Tristan\'s swords, the one still in his hand and the one which had already broken apart.

"Not bad! Both your sword and the one you made are very good swords! Good job!"

When Tristan thought the experiment was over and Master Laril would go on her way, she actually took out another mithril sword. He could see the same passion burning in her eyes, and honestly, it slightly terrified him.

But then, Tristan\'s eyes were soon attracted by the new sword as he could sense something peculiar about it.

Noticing the look on his face, Master Laril opened her mouth, "This is an enchanted weapon, Tristan. If you went to the magic shrine, you would definitely have known about this."

Tristan could see the blade had a marking, an engraving on it. Luckily, the system didn\'t let him down as it quickly showed the relevant informant about the sword.

[Short blade - Mithril - tier 3 weapon]

[Enchanted - Increased durability]

[Length 0.6 meter, weight 3.5 kilogram]

"There is only a simple enchantment on it. Let\'s give it a try against your sword!"

Clank! Clank! Clank!!

This time, it took Tristan more than 30 strikes before the first chip appeared on the mithril sword. While he was amazed by the prowess of enchantment, the light in Master Laril\'s eyes shone even brighter as she looked at the claymore.

"Amazing! How amazing!!"

At this moment, Tristan finally understood how good his initial sword was. He fell into a deep thought as he realized that without this sword, he would not have survived the dozens of battles he experienced.

In the meantime, Master Laril beckoned her hand to the disciples.

"Alright.. Shall we try with our best steel, then?" the female master murmured, oddly making Tristan feel a chill  go down his back.

Atos walked out of the forging room, only to soon return with a box in hand. From the box, Master Laril took out a translucent sword with bluish gleam diffusing off it. The sight of the sword made Tristan subconsciously think of crystals. A sword made of crystal.

Seeing the mesmerized yet intrigued look on Tristan\'s face, Master Leril let out a wide smile.

"This sword is made of Valerian Steel. Now, should we give this a try?"

[Sword - Valerian - tier 4 weapon]

[Length 0.6 meter, weight 3.5 kilogram]

Seeing that both swords were tier 4 weapons, Tristan thought for a moment before saying with a smile, "Why not?"

\'This time, it could probably keep going until the end of time.\' Tristan thought with a wry smile.


A much louder sound resulted from the clash of the two swords!

Both swords were seen trembling in their wielder\'s hands at once!

Seeing this spectacle, amazement was seen on Master Leril\'s face.

"Amazing! The two are about the same quality! Again!!"

Tristan took advantage of this opportunity to recall the Blades Singing technique he learnt and tried to apply it into the claymore.

Clank clank clank!!

Tens of confrontations, and Tristan started to get a hang of it. The technique wasn\'t supposed to be compatible with a large sword, but Tristan\'s strength was allegedly able to compensate for it.

Clank! Clank!!

"Very good! Now try to accept this strike!!"

Tristan wasn\'t sure with his assumption, but it looked like Master Laril had cast a spell on the sword as the bluish gleam of the sword exuded intensified. Subsequently, she swung it from above with all her strength. 

Tristan swiftly raised the claymore in an attempt of parrying it. But then, his face instantly changed the moment the swords got into contact.


A Horrendous look appeared on Tristan\'s face as he watched the claymore in his hand crack.


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