Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 179 - Burnt


The humongous explosion emitted from the fireball spell seriously exceeded everyone\'s expectations. Its thunderous boom reverberated loudly, shocking everyone in its vicinity. 

Such a strong, high-damage fireball spell was only comparable to a [Greater Fireball] spell, which was among one of the rare Rank 4 fire spells.

When the huge ball of flame exploded, the civilian spectators immediately began to scream in panic while fleeing in the opposite direction. 

Meanwhile, most of the other fighters and adventurers were simply surprised at the sheer size of it, eyes bulging out of their skulls. Their jaws were dropped open in complete disbelief.

Many were terrified to see half a dozen burnt corpses lying stiffly on the ground, with another dozen still half-alive and burning, screaming in agony as they were pulled out of the battle by their comrades.

One simple spell had hit the right spot, at the right moment, creating the optimal amount of fear needed to have people running amok.

This actually a little over what Tristan expect to achieve, but it was done might make the most from the situation

Witnessing the carnage, bodies burning, and people scattered in fear, Connor on the other hand had finally resorted to rage. He shouted, roaring in indignation. 


Turning around, Tristan could now see that the brown haired girl was suddenly surrounded by lightning. The bolts of electricity snapped and whirred, completely enveloping her. The smell of ozone permeated the air, and the air was so charged it made the hair on the back of his neck stand straight. 

Tristan grasped the hilt of his sword tightly, preparing for an attack. 

She dashed towards him at an incredible speed, and instantly, she slid across the ground and arrived right behind him, about to touch his back with her magic.

Unfortunately for her, the same move had been used against him before by Raika, the Kingsblade captain. Reminded of that dreadful fight, Tristan\'s anger boiled over, and he swung his sword around violently.


His exertion of 200 battle power was far too much for the magician to handle, coming in with the wrong move at the wrong time. With just a single vehement swing of Tristan\'s sword, the golden adventurer was cut cleanly in half. Leaving everyone, friend, foe, or spectator, utterly speechless.

There was a moment of silence. 

The onlookers stared in horror at the bisected corpse that now lay bleeding on the ground. Everyone there had a single, collective realization; their new mayor was, undeniably, a monster. 

The splattered blood made more civilians screams in panic

Seeing his dearest friend lying cold and dead, murdered with such brutality, Connor was so enraged that he could barely speak. A demonic gaze burned in his eyes as he clenched his teeth. His expression finally showed his true self.

Once more, he casted the [Silver Body] spell to buff himself up before charging directly at the man who had killed his comrade. An essence of complete hatred emanated from him, like the stream rising from his skin. 

Their two swords clashed and Tristan started using his blade singing skill with his sword.

Clank!! Clankk!!

Even with the [Silver Body] spell increasing his strength, the "hero" of Carleon was still short 50 points of battle power compared to his opponent.

Tristan realized that if he had not practiced sword martial arts, he would never have been able to spar with a sword, especially in a fight as exciting as this.

After a dozen more clanging exchanges between their swords, which Tristan saw merely as banter, he finally decided to start using the full extent of his power. The flaxen haired golden adventurer started to become overwhelmed, and it seemed that this current situation would turn out exactly like what happened to Gazeg.

Clank! Clank!

Tristan\'s sword was able to cut the [Silver Body], but not enough to produce any physical damage. Although his opponent was hurt, he was still unable to make him bleed or cut the man open.

The spell was more reliable than he had originally thought. His mind raced on how he would be able to tackle it until he came upon an idea. Twisting his body, Tristan swiftly grabbed the wrist of Connor\'s sword hand. 

[Heat Touch]

Connor yelped at the unexpected searing sensation, and his massive 2 meter long sword fell with a loud thud onto the ground. Tristan quickly snatched it up, using its flat part to smash Connor\'s [Silver Body] repeatedly.

Bammm!! Bammm!! Baammm!!

Everyone around them could only watch in stunned silence as the "hero"\'s body was crushed, seemingly effortlessly, by the mayor.

Connor had started to hack out blood, red droplets running down his chin, before his body finally gave out. He dropped to the ground, kneeling.

Tristan stand in front of the guy

"Now you will tell me whatever you know!"

Connor stayed completely silent. Feeling annoyed at the lack of an answer, Tristan swung his sword one more time with all his might,


Finally Connor\'s silver spell was dispelled before falling unconscious.

At this moment, now that Tristan was the victor standing tall and defiant before his fallen opponent, all eyes were watching him. Most of them looked terrified, shaking slightly at the gruesome sight before them. 

Some were angry at seeing their hero crushed. 

Tristan turned around to face the crowd. He began to speak loudly, voice booming. 

"Citizens of Carleon! The guy in here was no hero! He will be punished for his crime!"

Tristan quickly called after the guards. 

"Capture him!" A horde of guards quickly came rushing in and grabbed Connor by the arms, dragging him along as they prepared for him to be brought to the town hall. 

The rest of the adventurers who survived the fireball took this as a chance to run away into the masses. There are a few who got captured. One thing for sure no one dared to go against him now.

The citizens on the other hand were even more worried about what had just unfolded. With their group of heroes now vanquished, many decided that it was high time to leave the city.

Tristan was forced to find another way to maintain order within the town.

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