Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 264 - Wanting

The beautiful, golden-haired goddess standing in front of Tristan violently slammed the door before her. Afterwards, she turned around and looked at him with an embarrassed expression that she herself couldn\'t believe she just did such an unbecoming action.

For Serene, the situation was too identical to before. That shameless purple-haired whore was blatantly flirting with her husband, and this time, Serene would definitely not let her have her way. Not when she was here.

On the other hand, still standing in front of her, Tristan was strangely unimpressed by her behavior as his face wore a passive expression. He, of course, smart enough and was man enough to understand the reasons behind her action and quickly realize what was going on. But to be honest, instead of being happy, he felt a little annoyed..

Tristan stepped closer to the door, and his approaching body made Serene subconsciously take a step back. Next, he placed his hand on her hair, feeling the smooth sensation of her silky hair. The beautiful princess of the Vanyar Kingdom was blushing because of Tristan\'s actions. 

However, the next thing Tristan did surprise her so much that she stood still during the entire progression.

Tristan pulled Serene\'s body sideways away from the door before he opened it.

"Hererra, you can come in."

Tristan didn\'t wait for her response nor gave a glance to Serene. Hence, the two women walked into an extremely awkward atmosphere. 

Hererra, of course, would not let this opportunity go. Entirely ignoring the situation, she stepped into the room with confidence, took a glance at Serene before walking closer to the blood elf who had decided to sit on the chair inside the room.

At the moment, Tristan was looking at the two gorgeous ladies with a deep gaze. One was an elf princess with silky skin and delicate beauty, while the other was an exotic beauty that exuded a certain aura that was certainly no less attractive.

The room was silent, as the three individuals inside stared at each other. Eventually, it was Serene who broke the silence as she spoke, "Why are you letting her.."

Before the elf princess could finish what she wanted to say, Tristan cut her off and said, 

"To be completely honest, I don\'t have time for drama. So, you two can say what you want with me directly."

The words spoken by Tristan quickly sent Serene to another round of stun as she found herself unable to say anything. 

Meanwhile, Hererra got closer to Tristan and said, "My Lord, I believe you know exactly what I want. I have been following you for months, helping you during the battle in Chaotic Plains, taking care of the orcs on your behalf, completing the tasks you ordered for me, and teaching you fire magic. All I ask is that you will give me another unforgettable night."

Upon hearing Hererra\'s words, Serene immediately muttered in a low voice. "You shameless whore!"

Tristan, on the other hand, was touched by her words. Her actions and behavior of being direct and clear on what she wanted somehow moved his heart.

For a short moment, he went into trance. He found it surprising that he would think this way toward Hererra. He was sure his old self would find such a woman to be undesirable, but not the current him.

Tristan gave her a slight nod before turning his eyes to the fidgeting Serene.

"What about you, Serene? Tell me, how do you really feel about what she said earlier?"

She was obviously annoyed by his direct, shameless question, but Tristan definitely wanted to hear it clearly from her. 

"..No! This woman really doesn\'t know her place, especially being a human! Besides, you.. You are married to me! I can\'t even imagine that you would consider… whatever this is you are planning on doing!" said Serene quickly, while looking at Tristan and gasping in the border of unsettling and rage.

Tristan closed his eyes for a second after he heard her words. There were just words in there that were too disappointing to hear.

A second later, he looked at Serene and said, "I am only going to say this one more time. We married because of obligation, out of duty that was imposed on us. I\'m sure you\'re pretty clear on that because you\'re the one who vehemently refuses to go through with it in the first place. So, don\'t tell me what I should and shouldn\'t do"

Serene was quickly shocked by Tristan\'s outburst, and certainly Hererra as well.

Tristan stood up and approached Serene, which made her unconsciously walk backward until her back hit the wall. His fingers went through her silky golden hair as he said, "However, I told you we are family and I will take care of you.. You know that right?"

The situation Serene was currently in was quite intense, making her subconsciously nod her head.

Then, Tristan went closer until his mouth stopped right near her ear. "But.. As I said before, I will never force anything that you don\'t want. If this marriage is such a burden to you, I won\'t stop you if you want to dissolve it." He whispered.

All the words coming out of Tristan\'s mouth made Serene\'s body tremble. She was really surprised because she didn\'t expect him to say such words. She wanted to say that it was no longer the same as before, that she had now changed; but she couldn\'t because she was too proud. 

The words she genuinely wanted to say were unable to leave her mouth, and instead, a single tear fell down her cheek. Not wanting to appear weak, she quickly turned around and walked out of the room.

Seeing her disappearing back, Tristan let out a long sigh. He was actually quite surprised that he could say such words. Apparently, he now had less patience when dealing about this kind of matter.

Shaking his head, Tristan turned and looked at the purple-haired beauty who was still waiting for him.

"So, do you still want to continue?"

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