Transmigration: Children of The Plane

Chapter 22 Watching A Protagonist Train

Watching A Protagonist Train

After finishing his breakfast, Xue Bai, with nothing on his schedule, decided to go back to spectate Huo Long\'s training. Currently, the two were acquaintances at most, so he thought that he should at least be near him to bring them closer.

"Little Wang, you can go back and cultivate. Besides those three hooligans, I think everyone else in the Huo Clan will know who I am." Xue Bai told his bodyguard.

Little Wang nodded excitedly and left as fast as he entered.

Leaving the cafeteria, Xue Bai made his way back to Huo Long\'s courtyard. And though he didn\'t know his way around the Huo Clan mansion, the protagonist\'s screams made a great guide.

After following the screams, Xue bai finally found the courtyard again. Entering the courtyard, Xue Bai saw the same scene from earlier, except that Huo Long was doing noticeably better than before.

Earlier, he was entirely focused on protecting his life and had to take most blows with his body to protect his weak points. But now, he was actually able to block some of Huo Chen\'s spear strikes.

Realistically though, the only reason Huo Long was able to keep up with Huo Chen was entirely because Huo Chen had suppressed his cultivation completely.

The reason why was currently, the two were fighting using only spear skills. And if Huo Chen had used spiritual Qi to reinforce his body, Huo Long wouldn\'t have stood a chance. So to practice Huo Long\'s skills, he had suppressed his cultivation to the mortal level, and with Huo Long\'s talent, he was visibly getting better.

Giving a whistle of admiration Xue Bai walked over to Huo Ming and asked, "You consented to this?"

Though he was startled a bit, Huo Ming still responded, "Xiao Long is talented, but our situation won\'t allow him to grow peacefully. So I will train him as hard as I can so he can face them head-on when he grows up. A drop of sweat during training is better than a drop of blood in battle."

Though what Huo Ming said was somewhat radical, Xue Bai agreed with it. In the game, the Huo Clan was the center of trouble. As besides, the two Marquis families who were targeting the Huo Clan and wanted nothing more than to exterminate them. They would eventually fight against the Duke, who was their superior.

So Huo Ming throwing his son into spartan training at ten was the right choice. Naturally, though, it wouldn\'t matter in the end. However, Xue Bai wouldn\'t say anything about the future of the timeline. So he merely sat on a chair next to Huo Ming and watched the spar with interest.

From what Xue Bai could see from the spar, though Huo Long\'s plot hadn\'t started yet, his talents were still here. And he was absorbing skills like a sponge from Huo Chen.

In the game, Huo Long\'s rise came from Feng Huang, his master, teaching him how to cultivate without Martial Veins. Through the method they used, Huo Long was given a talent equal to a Low Heaven Grade Martial Vein. And adding along the Martial and Alchemy teaching from a God in the Immortal World, his rise was inevitable.

But something that his teacher always praised him for was his combat talent and his tenacity. He could absorb skills mid-fight and adapt to what he was fighting against. He was also a pain to fight in the game because he was one of the only protagonists who would get stronger mid-fight.

And that\'s what he was currently doing against Huo Chen. When Xue Bai had first walked in after hearing screams, Huo Long was merely trying to protect his vitals, unable to counterattack or dodge. But now, he could dodge half of Huo Chen\'s strikes, and though he hadn\'t counterattacked yet, it wouldn\'t take long from what Xue Bai was seeing.

And seemingly being able to see that as well, Huo Chen stopped the duel.

"Nephew, you\'ve done well for the first day. I have two things to say now. What would you like to hear first? Your good aspects or the bad." As he wiped off some sweat, Huo Chen asked.

After getting a break, Huo Long fell to the ground and took a breath.

"The bad Uncle Chen. I don\'t feel like I did very well enough to hear my good side. I didn\'t even get to launch an attack." After thinking for a moment, Huo Long answered.

Nodding approvingly, Huo Chen explained, "You pay too much attention. Though it might be one of your talents, it can sometimes hurt you more than help you. You can see everything so clearly, that when I move my arm, you\'ll react before I even move. This can be advantageous if you\'re dodging an attack. But if I\'m doing a feint, you\'ll be a sitting duck for my next attack."

Xue Bai also agreed, but he thought it was bad advice. As Huo Long would get stronger, his dynamic vision would also get better. So he would eventually be able to even see through feints.

Huo Long, on the other hand, ignorant of his future, just nodded and noted it down.

"Since you didn\'t think you deserved the good advice, I will not tell you today. When you think you deserve it, I will tell you then." After saying this, Huo Chen then picked up his spear and left the courtyard.

And though he left the courtyard elegantly, his mind was in chaos. \'That kid isn\'t a talent. He\'s a fucking monster! He grew like a weed in the spring. He couldn\'t even see my swing in the beginning, but at the end, he could almost counterattack!\'

Huo Chen, at this point, thought that his cousin underplayed Huo Long\'s talents just to embarrass him. So, annoyed, he vowed to get back at his cousin before he left the Huo Clan.

After Huo Chen left, Xue Bai got up from his seat and walked over to Huo Long.

Acting like a curious child, he asked, "Why do you use the spear? Your father used a sword, and swords are cooler too."

Huo Long, not expecting such a simple question from Xue Bai, was dumbstruck and didn\'t know how to answer for a moment.

But after seeing an angry face from his father, he quickly composed himself and answered, "A spear is the true weapon for a general! And wish to make my family a Duke one day, and to accomplish that, being a general is the quickest way."

Xue Bai, of course, knew what his answer would be but asking it would help start a conversation, so he did it.

"But if Commander Huo hadn\'t decided to teach you, you\'d have to learn the spear yourself. If you used the sword, your father could teach you anytime you wanted." Xue Bai counterargued.

Hearing that, Huo Long swayed for a moment but eventually responded firmly, "Even so, I wish to use the spear!"

Seeing that firm look reminded Xue Bai of Huo Long\'s many fan-favorite scenes in the game. Personally speaking, Huo Long was his second favorite of the five protagonists. And seeing him up close gave Xue Bai a surreal feeling. He had spent thousands of hours playing "Children of The Plane," and each of the protagonists gave him a special feeling. And the feeling Huo Long gave him was hope.

Huo Long had the harshest life of the five. While the rest of the protagonists were looked down upon at one point, they didn\'t spend their lives on the edge of a blade and had relatively smooth growth periods. But Huo Long was stuck as a cripple for a whole year while enemies constantly attacked his family. And yet he still powered through and ended up winning. While it might\'ve been through plot armor or luck that he was allowed to win. The sheer tenacity that Huo Long was something to admire.

And watching that gave Xue Bai hope when he was in his hospital bed. Making him want to live longer and maybe be the first to beat his disease.

On the other hand, while Xue Bai was reminiscing, Huo Long was confused. The Young Duke asked him two odd questions and then went silent. And just as he was about to say something, the Young Duke suddenly gained a melancholy look on his face as if he had faced endless sadness.

\'Did I say the wrong answer? Why does he look so sad?\' Though Huo Long had thought of dozens of questions, he didn\'t dare ask any of them and only waited for Xue Bai to finish thinking.

Then, coming back to his senses, Xue Bai said, "Oh, my bad, I was lost in thought."

"Well, if you like the spear, you\'ll have to continue to use it forever. It\'s a hard weapon to use, Huo Long." Finishing his sentence, Xue Bai turned and started to leave.

But before he stepped out of the courtyard, he looked back, "If you think the training with Commander Huo is good enough, you can follow us back to the Dukedom. It\'ll be great for your growth."

After finishing his sentence, Xue Bai left, leaving behind the shocked Father and Son.

\'Step 1 complete! Now we just gotta become closer friends.\'

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