Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 134 134

Chapter 134 Chapter 134

Clark felt like something very tangible and real inside him was about to go into a catastrophic explosion and he could neither do anything to stop what was about to happen.


"BOOM!" A handsome teen\'s figure broke into the distant space in search of something, anything that he could vent his interest on. He arrived at a world teeming with hapless mortals.

The boy was about to unleash true fire into these pitiful humans but a timely rescue has woken at least a part of the slumbering ghost from within him.

"FUCK ME! STOP, YOU FOOL!" Clark was practically screaming inside him as he had no control over his faculties at the moment.

He tried doing all that he could possibly think of but alas, he failed over and over again in his endeavors.

Our good gamer was akin to a noisy passenger to his own body as his True Body was moving without a will. On auto pilot and like a mindless zombie in the apocalypse.

Luckily for our helpless protagonist, the zombie body that was already out of his control heeded his call somehow. This has of course sparked some hopes from within our bored gamer\'s heart.

"GO THERE INSTEAD!" Clark roared once more and without another question or pause, his body disappeared swiftly into the void once more.

* * *

In a secret realm, hidden deep in the folds of reality, a crippled man nursed his torn limb unto his body.

At one glance, it could be seen that he had already connected the tissues, bones and flesh into its proper place but how can a damage that was inflicted by a True Immortal be that easy to cure.

There would be unseen dangers indeed and at an instant scrutiny, it would render the damaged arm at least half of the power that it used to have when it was still healthy and in one piece.

"It seems that i really can\'t catch up with you just yet, Twilight Moon." The crippled man uttered and this was of course none other than the old and ugly Daoist Drunken Monarch.

He was seated in a lotus position and was focusing on getting rid of any spiritual essence that ran amok inside his body.

This was not of his own doing but an insidious parting gift from the little loli from before.

"Someday i will have you under me and ride you until i get tired of your..."

"BANG!" The old man was not able to finish what he had to say because a blatant visitor had come to break into his refuge and used no subtlety at all in his advent.

He was about to do his usual tricks of clever evasion techniques but how could he match the peerless agility of our bored gamer?

A long dark spear was brought into the fray and without ado, motioned to skewer Daoist Drunken Monarch like a pig for the occasion.

Deep inside, Clark could only gather a silent conclusion in how this entire crazy event would result for him.

\'This is the end! I\'m definitely gonna die!\' Clark cried inside when he felt the familiar focus of another god or goddess somewhere in this vast universe.

He could only assume that this was probably one of that hateful god\'s allies and was about to prevent him, or his unresponsive body for that matter, from slaughtering the carrier of a god\'s Soul Fragment today.

"PUCHI!" One ugly old man was bisected in two after a single breath.

"I LIVED?!" Clark could not believe his luck.

He was pretty sure that an unparalleled divine awareness that had locked him in place would strike him dead where he stood but surprisingly enough, the fatal blow did not come as expected.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Our good gamer exclaimed as he realized that he could finally control his body once more.

* * *

Somewhere in the Divine Realm, two old gods were talking amidst the vast distances that separated them.

"Why have you not acted to save my mortal body, Yu Jin?!" One asked in a heaven frightening fury.

This god has not been able to see what happened in the Mortal Realm because of the intervention that he had done earlier.

But he knew that Yu Jin could have easily distracted any assailants on his mortal toy.

"You can still get another ant to carry a fragment of your soul, Mo Yang." Yu Jin, the other god in the conversation, replied.

"And start all over again?! I will not wait for that long in order to punish this blasphemy in my name!"

Mo Yang shouted and the lands cracked in response to his ire. One breath later and he was gone to someplace else.

"You remain ever stupid, Mo Yang. Sadly, I can foresee no escape in your fate today. Farewell!" Yu Jin said into the wind but a smile could be seen hanging greedily on his handsome face right now.

* * *

"BREAK!" Space and time stagnated to welcome the arrival of one being that did not belong to this current reality.

The secret realm imploded into pieces as a man that took the stance of the heavens itself together with his descent and he was indeed a pretty amazing sight to behold.

"You dare to kill my mortal body and lay claim to my Soul Fragment! You are seeking for an early death, boy! I will take your soul and burn it for a trillion years as punishment for your impude..."

"PUCHI!" A second body was sliced into a thousand pieces that also stopped the presence of sound in the chaotic secret realm somewhere in the mortal universe.

"What was that again?" Clark smiled and not a moment later, blood rain has washed every scenery of this secret realm.

But this was also not exclusive in this place alone because everywhere else were raining the same blood fog which denoted quite clearly what had transpired in this very memorable day.

That is, A True God has fallen!

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