Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 454 454 Road Block

Chapter 454 Chapter 454 Road Block

"But this is just a waste of money, Caden." Caden\'s mom argued. Her name was Lea Stone.

"Nothing can be called a waste if it\'s for our family, mom. And besides, I still have much money to spare. Trust me on this."

Our bored gamer replied. If he was the one to choose then he would have picked to buy a ready made mansion in the town.

Alas, he knew how Caden and his family treasured this little piece of land out here in the middle of nowhere since this was one of the rare earthly possessions that they could claim as theirs.

They have the title of this land and this little home has been theirs for 3 generations already. One can easily see how important this place was to the hearts of the Stone Family.

"Okay, Caden." Lea reluctantly agreed.

"Yehey! We are going to expensive rooms again!"

"I\'m going to order room service and buy myself chicken nuggets!"

"I will get some fries and chilled drinks!"




The kids celebrated in full. A few minutes later and they went off towards the town center. Since they had no car of their own yet, the family had to wait for a passing bus on the way.

\'I guess i should buy a family van for us to use. Hmmm...\' Our bored gamer noted in his mind. This would be one of his priorities in the next days ahead.

* * *

Two weeks passed and a huge mansion appeared in a desolate land. There was one luxury car in front and also a top of the line family vehicle that could occupy up to a maximum of 15 people.

But more than that, Clark also bought a hundred hectare rice land properties for his parents.

If before they only had 1 and a half hectare of rice land in their names, our bored gamer multiplied that number in full.

But with such a surprising change and development, this was bound to get the attention of a few envious people. And Mrs. Richards was precisely one of these people.

"Maha Town Empire Police Officer Dolce, how can i help?" A phone line connected and a baritone man answered politely.

"Hello, Officer. I\'m here to report about a suspicion I have. A family just miraculously stumbled onto a huge amount wealth and i believe that..."

Mrs. Richards reported her case and guesses unto the good policeman. She told the name of the family and our bored gamer\'s name was also listed amongst them.

"Wait a moment, ma\'am." Police Officer Dolce ran the names on his computer and it did not take long for his eyes to grow into saucer sized marvels.

The majority came okay but one name was tagged hot red on the files.

Caden D. Stone – Classified! Noble!

Police Officer Dolce immediately closed the search files and went to pick up the phone next.

"I shall send a team of investigators in there, ma\'am."

"Please wait for them." Police Officer Dolce cut the line and dialed a special number in the department.

"Empire Correction Department, how may i help?" A female voice answered this time around. She listened to the request of Police Officer Dolce and sent an able team that would fix this issue.

"BEEP!" The phone line died and Police Officer Dolce took a deep breath thereafter. Mrs. Richards will have her memory altered and this would also befall her family.

They would not bother the Stone Family ever again and this was for certain. Luckily for Police Officer Dolce, he realized that there was a noble in Maha Town.

\'Caden D. Stone.\' The good officer uttered in his mind. He remembered this name well in fear of offending someone he can never afford to offend. Unless if he was suicidal of course.



"RING!" The phone rang again and Police Officer Dolce was back on the job once more.

"Maha Town Empire Police Officer Dolce, how can i help?"

* * *

Three months passed quickly and Clark has enjoyed his vacation well with Caden\'s family.

He has done everything he can to give all the material benefits that this world could bring for them and this was his small recompense and apology for Caden\'s untimely passing.

Although the heavenly treasure clay brick was totally to blame but our bored gamer could not get rid of the guilt inside him.

After all, Caden Stone was an innocent young man who was full of promise and love for his family.

He may have been ambitious but this was a great trait to have especially when one wanted to change their family tree for the better.

This was the reason why Caden studied so well in order to have scholarships granted unto his name. He earned them all in the end.

"I\'m going now, everyone!"

"Take care of mom and dad, okay?" Clark hugged his siblings and kissed his parents next.

"Be a good boy in school, Caden."

"Beware of your friends and stay away from the bad ones."

"They won\'t ever give anything unto you but troubles of every kind." Lea gave her son some valuable lessons in life as she hugged the fat body of our bored gamer.

"Call us anytime, Caden." Hector was briefer than his wife in his farewell.

"I will, father." Clark smiled and embraced his siblings one more time. He has 10 of them and it could be said that Caden\'s parents were rich in this department.

A few minutes more and he was inside his sports car and racing into the wind of nowhere. He was stepping on the gas hard until he broke the 200 miles per hour speed.

Clark would not normally be this crazy but since he learned a great deal inside a very exceptional library, crazy became the name of the game for him.

"Gate Open!" Our good gamer muttered and a huge circle of darkness barred his car\'s way.

Nothing could be seen beyond this portal but that did not stop Clark from going head straight into the abyss.

"DING!" The gate closed and it disappeared along the sports car and our very own protagonist inside it.

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