Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 943 943 Beginning and The End

Chapter 943 Chapter 943 Beginning and The End

"Well… that ended quite abruptly." Our bored gamer commented wryly at somebody\'s expense.

He did not feel very bad unlike the past bodies that he possessed since this particular author had already lived well beyond his golden years back on his original world.

He was rich and led a happy successfully life.

This was more than any of the others could have hoped to achieve in their short lived existence.

"Is my cheat only the memory of this author\'s novel, Nancy?" Clark asked after a time.

"Affirmative, host." And the system Nancy replied.

"I see. It\'s good that I begin early then." Our bored gamer took a deep breath and continued on his trek back to the village.

* * *

"It should be here. Yes. This should be the place indeed." Clark mused the moment he reached a nearby natural spring from the village.

Normally, there would have been many people here at most times of the day.

The villagers would get their supply of water here, take a bath, wash their clothes, and even get their meals from the big fishes in the area.

It was obvious that this natural spring was indeed popular and important to the villages nearby. Luckily for our good gamer, night time was already soon coming and this was definitely not a safe place to be.

Not for any mortal for that matter. But Clark was not any mortal in the truest sense of the world. Even as he was, he could face a legion of warriors and go unscathed in the aftermath.

"There you are." Clark smiled the moment he found a heavy boulder of rock. He did not need to pry anything hard but only at a very specific spot of this obvious landmark.

"Left side portion and dig about 1 foot from the ground." Our good gamer recalled the details in the book with absolute clarity. The mc of the novel found his first treasure by luck.

The main character had just been rejected by the one he adored and so he buried his parting gift here towards a girl named Lang Yu. It was then that the mc first changed his fate for the better.

One could only imagine that this first treasure of the mc was simply too op.

"DING!" Our bored gamer found a perfect diamond. It was not just any normal diamond but a crimson diamond.

The mc would know several chapters into the book that this was a droplet of blood from a supreme being that had died several epochs in the past.

What the mc did in the book was sleep with this thing near his body. He got several cultivation manuals and legendary techniques from that he used in order to carve his myth into the future.

Alas, our avid gamer knew from the memory that he assimilated from the original author of the book about the most effective use of this thing.

"In you go." Clark opened his mouth and almost chocked on the thing for a precious breath or two. After that, the blood diamond melted in his mouth and the rest was a prelude to a violent takeover.

"Your body is mine!" A deafening voiced reverberated inside our good gamer\'s skull. Any lesser person would have simply died outright but not our very own protagonist.

This was a battle of wills and Clark would not be left behind in this particular aspect.

"Is that all that you bring? This pain is not enough to satisfy me at all." Our avid gamer challenged. His body was now bleeding from every orifice but he maintained his composure.

It did not take long for that dead supreme existence to note of this horrible detail.

"This can\'t be! You\'re just a mere mortal but how can you resist me? Who are you?!" The soul in that blood diamond was shocked. In the book, the mc almost died while battling this phantom from the past.

He was lucky that he got the ever op protagonist halo that made him receive rescue in that moment of near death. Alas, the same could not be said to our very own protagonist at all.

His mind was made of myriad tribulations. A fight between souls then took place.

"I don\'t talk to dead meat. I eat it." Clark replied and an avatar of a round ravenous thing. This cute fat thing opened its mouth and gobbled up flesh and blood thereafter.

The fragment of soul inside the blood diamond also fought back. It embodied a gargantuan man with 3 heads and 6 arms.

The man was so huge that our bored gamer\'s incarnation appeared like a speck of sand on its feet. With a great stomp, it squashed away the ball like creature that represented our avid gamer.

But Clark had a million lives and more.

"Pain. This is what I long for." Our bored gamer cherished this rare experience. It had been so long since he felt this way.

No amount of pain in the world could break him but still, this was a treat that he would never waste a minute of.



"BANG!" An unseen immortal battle inside the body of a mortal continued just like that. Trillions of years passed until time had lost its meaning between these two stubborn combatants.

In the end, a winner was needed to be announced.

"You have fought well. It\'s a pity that you have to die in my hands." Clark said in peace. The tall giant before him was no more.

Only a shred of its consciousness remained and this too would soon fall into the kiss of nihility.

"It is not a shame to die in the hands of a fellow immortal. At least you have challenged me fairly. This is more than I can say to those that had betrayed me in the past." The dying supreme existence replied.

This blood diamond was the last of his will. Without this, he would have to taste true death at last.

"Betrayal, huh? It is the most poetic yet venomous of schemes. Sadly, most of us only experience it once." Clark uttered but only silence came after his words.

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