Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 127 Cat Dad and Mimir

Chapter 127 – Cat Dad and Mimir

‘Mao Miaomiao again. Is he really my father in my previous life or what?!’

Xiaomao didn’t know what to think of this mysterious relationship between him and Mao Miaomiao. Moreover, the detail of the crystal revealed that Mao Miaomiao was the Chaos Seraphim, who was the master of all Chaos Demon Gods and Chaos Demon Goddesses!

The Chaos Demon God Tlaloc wanted to destroy Earth in the future, which made Mao Miaomiao his future enemy by default. However, the followers of Chang’e, the Mermaid Kingdom, and Cernun didn’t cooperate with Tlaloc even though they served the same master.

The whole relationship between them didn’t make any sense.

‘Am I Luke Skywalker or what? What the hell is going on here?!’

This convoluted backstory and the mysterious dream gave Xiaomao a headache. He took several deep breaths and recollected his thought.

‘I need to simplify this entire mess. First, let’s just say Mao Miaomiao is my father, and I’m his son in my previous life. Second, the game worlds are real, and some NPCs can recognize me as Mao Miaomiao’s son for whatever reason. Third, Mao Miaomiao is the Chaos Seraphim, but he looked different from the trailer movies on the official site.’

At that point, Xiaomao came up with a theory by using the connections between Tlaloc and Chang’e as a base. They both served a Chaos Seraphim, but they had different goals.


‘Is there more than one Chaos Seraphim? Are chaos demons working for a different master all along?!’

Xiaomao felt like he had discovered another important clue in the game world’s backstory. He didn’t notice that his tail was wagging left and right in excitement.

“Your father must have left you a good heirloom, I see.”

Mimir waved his hand, and Xiaomao’s body descended and landed on the desk in front of the elder.

Xiaomao came back to his senses. He bowed to the elder once again.

“Senior, thank you for your guidance, munya!”.

“Don’t mention it. I’m just one of the bad people in this world with an ulterior motive.”

“Oh?” Xiaomao thought so. After all, nothing is free in the universe. “Is there something you want me to do for you, munya?”

“Hahaha! You’re too weak to be useful to me. Actually, I hope that the people behind you can notice my plea and help me. As I said, I have an ulterior motive, and I’ve already sowed good karma by giving you a hand. Now, you can just simply go back to your backers, and they will find my message.”

This old man was too honest. Xiaomao couldn’t hate honest people, such as Brad and Mimir.

“So, you want me to tell my bosses that you want their help, munya?”

“Exactly! I’m tired of being Pangu’s slave. If they can remove my curse, I’ll gladly work for them!”

Xiaomao gulped. He glanced at one of the items in his inventory, wondering if he should lend it to Mimir.

The Refined Entity Crystal could automatically neutralize all curses and bless the item owner with curse immunity. By holding on to it, Mimir might be able to break free from Pangu’s curse.


As soon as Xiaomao thought of lending the item, his right eyebrow hurt. It repeatedly twitched as if it warned Xiaomao not to follow through with his idea.

Because of the twitching, Xiaomao had a second thought.

There were too many risk factors in this idea as many things could have gone wrong – Mimir could easily steal the item. He could have been lying all along, or he might escape from the church and freed Taotie, which might result in unpredictable consequences and irreversible damage to the third game world.

Furthermore, a four-digit boss like Mimir might be closely monitored by other galactic monsters. Had Xiaomao forcefully removed the curse, the big boss of the church would have noticed and hunted him to the end of the earth.

The matter between level-thousand monsters should be left for the fellow monsters to handle. Xiaomao decided not to intervene in their businesses for now.

“I’ll definitely relay your words to my bosses, munya.”

“Alright. Take your time. Oh, I’ll dispel the petrification curse on the priests now. Go hiding and follow those scums. Do what you need to do.”

Xiaomao bid Mimir farewell and rushed to the third floor, where the 3F aisle was located.


After Xiaomao left, Mimir let out a long sigh and reopened the novel book in his hand, continuing reading.

As Mimir was about to resume reading, the voice of Taotie sounded in his mind.

‘You should have taken that cat’s artifact. That thing can probably remove your curse.’

Mimir muttered, “I’m not shameless enough to steal candies from children. Had I borrowed it from him, Pangu and others would have come down here and searched for the child themselves. I don’t want to alert them.”

‘But that cat is a regressor. Shouldn’t you kill him?’

“Don’t pretend, Taotie. I know you want to jump ships like me! You also didn’t harm him. I even saw you gave him a blessing.”

‘A-Ahem! Screw Pangu and Nian! I wish Mao Miaomiao and Mu-Nyang caught and killed them both!’

“He-he! Same here. Anyway, you should have given him a stronger blessing.”

‘I-I don’t have enough strength to move! I’m trapped here, dammit!’


Meanwhile, Xiaomao found what he was looking for. But before he pressed the mechanical button, he checked his inventory, which highlighted the newest item.

It was a chalice, which looked the same as the mysterious artifact that Xiaomao had seen in his dream.


Holy Grail of Mao Miaomiao

This chalice was once the holy artifact of the Forbidden Forest, inherited by Mao Xueyan, the queen of beast tribes. Later on, Mao Xueyan offered the chalice to Mao Miaomiao in exchange for his protection.

Mao Miaomiao sacrificed his blood and Qi to activate the chalice. Afterward, the grail ceaselessly produced clear water, which contained Mao Miaomiao’s blood and Qi. Because of its unique trait and its usefulness, Mao Miaomiao used it to produce drinking water for the population of Siren City.

Beastmen and cultivators who drank the water from the grail soon found themselves getting stronger because of the residual Qi. All wounds and injuries were healed, and their cultivation bottlenecks were removed. Since then, everybody in Siren City nicknamed it the Holy Grail.

Item Type: Artifact, Continuous Effect, Boon

Item Restriction: None

Rarity: Myth

Cooldown: One Second

Effect (1): By keeping the item in your inventory, you will obtain the following effects;

– Obtain one cubic centimeter worth of Sacred Water every second. The water will be added to one of your available inventory slots until it reaches one cubic meter.

– If no inventory slot is available, all produced Sacred Water will be stored in a random container in your inventory slot.

– If no container is available, the produced water will be ejected from your body.

Effect (2): By placing the item near a water source, the artifact will produce double the amount of Sacred Water.

Effect (3): By placing the item next to the dungeon core with Chaos Seraphim OS, the Holy Grail of Mao Miaomiao will merge with the dungeon core, and the dungeon will be able to produce Sacred Water and construct a Sacred Water Shrine.


Sacred Water

Known as Sacred Unified Element Water, which originated from Mao Miaomiao’s blood and Qi. The sacred water can restore limbs and heal all injuries, as long as it isn’t fatal. Because of its effectiveness, cultivators can kill to get their hands on it.

However, overconsumption may cause a disastrous effect as it contains condensed elemental energy of the Chaos Seraphim. Never drink more than 100 CCs per day if you don’t want to die.

Item Type:


Rarity: Myth

Cooldown: None

Effect: By drinking 100cc of Sacred Water, you will obtain the following effects;

– Heal 10,000 HP and MP instantly.

– Restore all lost limbs and internal organs.

– Remove [Poison], [Charmed], [Petrified], [Stun], [Numb], [Bleeding], and [Sickness] abnormal status effects.

– Inflict a new abnormal status, [Estrus], to self for 12 hours.

– Your stamina is double for 12 hours.

– Increase Max HP and MP by 100.

– Increase a random status attribute by 10.

– Increase a random spiritual root by 10.

Note: Drinking more than 100cc per day may lead to death.


Xiaomao gulped. Because of the long text and the urgency, he chose not to waste time rereading it for now. He closed the menu and put the matter to the back of his head for now. He remembered that he needed to meet up with Meng Xin on the B5 floor, but he was on the 3rd floor.

Afraid that he might be short on time, Xiaomao turned to the figurine.


Xiaomao pressed the left breast of the figurine on the 3F shelf. The button caved in, and something seemed to be unlocked.

The shelf in front of Xiaomao slid to the side, revealing a staircase, leading to a dark section of the library. Xiaomao climbed the square staircase down.

At first, Xiaomao didn’t feel anything. But after descending to the B1 floor, the system gave him a warning message.


<You have entered Pangu Cult Dungeon.>

‘It has begun!’

After getting to the B1 floor, the staircase passage ended. From this point, he had to explore the dungeon and find the stairs to the lower level.

The B1 floor was a dark place with long hallways, similar to the school building on the west wing. However, there was no side room or any place to visit.

Seeing the dark long corridor, Xiaomao summoned a flying sword and rode it. He rushed forward, using his instinct to navigate through the dark.

As Xiaomao flew through the long corridor, he soon came across an intersection. There were three other paths in front of Xiaomao.

Xiaomao sniffed. As a catopus, his sense of smell was stronger than others. He narrowed his eyes.

‘I smell rotting corpses and beasts.’

Xiaomao turned to the central passageway and proceeded further, ignoring the side paths.

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