Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 239 Cat Dad Can’t Solo Her

A thousand Einherjars ran on top of the river and charged toward Shepherd. But from below, the newly upgraded mermen grabbed their ankles and pulled them underwater.


A water dragon and a water snake also emerged from the river and devoured the unsuspected Einherjars, who sneakily flew over the river.

The Valkyrie\'s NPCs didn\'t go down without a fight. They unleashed their spells and skills across the river, aiming at the army of mermen underwater.

Several layers of ice suddenly appeared and blocked the projectiles and spells from the valkyrie\'s servants. Some of them bounced off the surface while many explosive spells detonated upon impact.

Shepherd didn\'t stop there. He patted James\' back, and changes occurred to the spearman.


<Shepherd has blessed you.>

<Your class has temporarily changed to Templar Knight!>

<Your level has been temporarily increased to 800!>

James turned around and looked at the man. The former grinned and turned around, following the mermen and skated on top of the frozen river.

As mermen were underwater, James became a clear target for Einherjars. A level-680 elf fighter leaped from the river bank and landed behind James. The male elf turned around and drew two short swords, slashing at James\' back.

As if James had eyes on the back of his head, he leaned forward. The two short swords missed his plate armor by a millimeter.

Without looking back, James stomped on the frozen river. A small magic circle appeared below the elf. Then, an ice spear emerged from the magic circle and impaled the ambusher.

189,033 DAMAGE!

If James compared his damage output with Xiaomao\'s, he seemed weak and insignificant. However, he still used a level-100 weapon and equipment, which was under-leveled.

Although the strike didn\'t kill the elf on the spot, he was not in a good position either. Two fists punched through the ice surface and grabbed the elf\'s ankle. They pulled the poor guy into the freezing river. A few seconds later, countless bubbles came from the depth of blue river. Then, a portion of the river turned red.

James ignored the fighters underwater and continued moving forward.


A beacon of light appeared on top of him, and a system message informed him what it did.


<John has restored your HP by 50 %.>

James raised his eyebrows. He looked up and noticed that his HP bar was half full.

He was puzzled for a moment. Then, he remembered that his level temporarily increased and so did his MAX HP. Unfortunately, the current HP that he had didn\'t go up along with Shepherd\'s spell.


James turned to John, who had been standing behind Shepherd and randomly casting healing spells on everybody. He moved his hands around, sending a sign language to John to heal the mermen, too.

John smirked and shrugged. He pointed at the frozen river.

James frowned and looked down. Then, he noticed several golden lights lit up here and there.


<Merman Templar Knight has restored your HP by 10 %.>

It didn\'t take long for James to figure it out. One of the mermen in the river saw James\' HP bar and healed him with their new healing spell.

James\' expression turned into Obama\'s Not Bad meme. He turned around and looked at the army of Einherjars.

Strangely, these level-600ish warriors pursued the mermen into the freezing river and fought them underwater. Only a few flew or leaped across the river to attack the mermen on the other side, leaving the surface of the river wide open.



​ Explosion sounds came from the back. James then heard Peter and Andrew\'s hoarse shout, followed by the loud noise of a laser beam.

James thought of the previous match when they fought against Hwarang Guild. He witnessed Peter and James\' secret when they smuggled Guild War\'s half-completed buildings and leftover materials, which they had exchanged SP with the game shop. He didn\'t know what they were at first. But after hearing the sound, James knew what they had stolen in the previous match.

It was the sound of a mini-obelisk tower!

Behind John and Shepherd, the two dwarves shouted incomprehensible words "UUU" and "AAH" as they yelled at the mermen not to get in the way of the tower\'s line of fire. Next to the men, a completed obelisk tower that shouldn\'t have existed in this round appeared and already fired a beam at the Einherjar woman, who was riding on a Pegasus. The girl and the horse suffered 9,999,999 Damage and died on the spot.

As James had suspected, these two smuggled buildings from the previous castle war round. They manually constructed it until the buildings were 90% completed. Then, they shoved the unfinished item into their inventory along with the materials, saving them for future matches.

When they noticed that Xiaomao couldn\'t finish off Joan, they brought out one of the unfinished towers and completed it in less than a minute. Then, the defensive building brightened and did its job.

Shepherd and John looked back and saw the grand building. They inwardly laughed.

Rules were meant to be broken!

While both men were smiling, the tower sent out another beam, aiming at the nearest Einherjar in the sky.




Providence Song was the key ultimate skill of Xiaomao, which he had used to tame Lucky before. However, facing an NPC like Joan, Xiaomao wasn\'t confident that it would work.

Nevertheless, he had to try!

The loud voice of Xiaomao stunned Joan. It sounded strangely charming, and her vision was warped.

When Joan tried to focus on Xiaomao, she began seeing strange things. For an unknown reason, the catopus seemed so cute that she wanted to cuddle him forever.

A heart icon appeared next to her name. She suffered from an abnormal status [Charmed].

Upon noticing the icon, Xiaomao didn\'t waste this golden oppportunity. He rushed toward her and used his Slavemaster skill on her.

An illusion of chains manifested from thin air and wrapped around Joan. Then, strange Qi entered her forehead.



The Qi strand was instantly destroyed upon entering Joan\'s forehead. However, the abnormal status remained.


<Saintess Joan is protected by Odin\'s Blessing and Freya\'s Blessing. She is immune to enslavement!>

Once again, Joan managed to counter Xiaomao\'s trump card.

However, Xiaomao didn\'t give up. As the tribulation lightning hadn\'t ended yet, Xiaomao decided to get rid of the source of her lightning immunity. The instinct Senpai told Xiaomao that she might have eaten something. Therefore, Xiaomao believed that he might cancel that effect if he could get rid of the THING in her stomach.

Although this action was against his principle, Xiaomao didn\'t have a choice. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, baring the natural fangs of a catopus.

His adorable appearance turned savage. Originally, Xiaomao\'s cat teeth were small and harmless. But after practicing the NIHIL arts of Taotie, his fangs could be extended and sharpened, enabling him to chew and tear the hardest rocks and tree barks with ease.

The 3 centimeters fangs sank into Joan\'s enchanted breastplate armor and crushed it to pieces! The teeth tore through her charred skin and bit off a chunk of her flesh!

Xiaomao swallowed thick skin of Joan. He opened his mouth and bit deeper into the stomach area. Then, he pulled the sticky innards of Joan out.


The heart icon next to Joan\'s name disappeared. Her eye pupils regained light, and she got back to her senses. However, half of her guts were missing!

Xiaomao\'s expression turned dark as the raw iron-salty flesh of Joan almost made him puke. His stomach churned as the thought of cannibalism disgusted him.

He vomited and spat all the innards that he had eaten earlier. All pieces of meat fell into the frozen river down below.


Joan was enraged. She screamed and grabbed one of Xiaomao\'s tentacles while she grabbed a flying bastard sword next to her. She raised the sword up.

Xiaomao bore his fangs once again.



Xiaomao bit the hand that held his tentacle. In one bite, his fang cut through Joan\'s gauntlet and her left hand.

Without the hand, Xiaomao was freed. His tentacles grabbed the flame sword and flew down toward the frozen river while his mouth was still holding Joan\'s left hand.


Another tribulation lightning hit the back of Joan. The leaking innards and her blood were burnt.


21,144,239 DAMAGE!


Xiaomao briefly saw the total damage point and was surprised that she got hit harder. However, it wasn\'t enough to threaten her life.

<strong>*[Cathulhu Instinct]:</strong> Good job canceling her lightning resistance! I couldn\'t do it better!

<strong>*[Foresight]:</strong> This is your limit. Stop soloing her and regroup with Shepherd before the second phase, NOW!

<strong>*[Cathulhu Instinct]:</strong> That\'s right. Unless your IGN is not LET ME SOLO HER, you can\'t possibly solo a demi-god on your first try!

"… Second phase, munya?!"

While Xiaomao was free-falling, he looked at Joan, who was being bombarded by tribulation lightning bolts. At first, her HP bar was down by 60%, but it suddenly returned to full. Moreover, bright white light shone, and white feathers were shredded from the angelic wings behind her.

The beautiful face of Joan turned savage. Her appearance was no longer pretty or attractive. Instead, it looked like something from Junji Ito\'s manga.

The long smooth silky hair of Joan was gone. The entire skin on her face was peeled, revealing her lipless teeth and muscle tissues under the skin. The two eyes merged with the skull and brain, turning the upper half of the head into one giant eyeball with seven pupils. The slender body bulked and became muscular while her spine expanded, increasing her height and body size.

While bracing for the lightning tribulation, Joan transformed into a monster hulk without a layer of skin. Her muscle mass and enlarged physique destroyed her equipment and clothes, revealing her naked body without genitalia. Even her chest area looked the same as a male bodybuilder now.

"Is that really Valkyrie, munya?!"

Xiaomao was taken aback. His fantasy was shattered.

<strong>*[Foresight]:</strong> That\'s the power of Freya. She can briefly possess any her subordinates with a fragment of her consciousness. From now on, you\'ll be fighting Freya\'s consciousness that is controlling Joan!


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