Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 245 Cat Dad’s Enemies Approaching

After Bit Tupeer and his cronies had migrated from this city, fire sprites and flame fairies occupied the entire city and the peninsula. Because of the nature of the sprites, everything in this area was in flame. The entire province became a paradise for newborn creatures.



A massive ice spike emerged from the heart of the city, extinguishing the fire and freezing the entire town at the same time. In the sky, a small girl in a magical girl\'s uniform stood on her magical broom. She crossed her arms, looking down on the flame sprites.

"Lowly creatures."

Yuan Hua snapped her fingers. The next moment, a dozen gigantic ice spikes emerged and froze pixies, fairies, and sprites inside. A second later, all ice disintegrated into dust along with the creatures inside.

Just like that, all harmful creatures were purged.

Yuan Shaoqing, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and the high-ranking officials from Siren City had been observing the fight from afar. When they sensed that the fighting ended, they emerged from their hiding spot and traveled to the ruined Bit City.

Upon arrival, Yuan Shaoqing inspected the geography of the peninsula. He wryly laughed as he examined the ash on the ground.

"This place can\'t grow crops, but it\'s the best location to build a trade port. I can\'t believe Bit Tupeer has been hiding this place from me."

Yuan Shaoqing turned around and looked at the burly general behind him. The latter dragged a tied man in a cowboy hat and threw him toward the ground in front of the emperor.

He was Bit Tupeer, who had failed to subjugate both Torrent and the berserking fairies, which was created from the Mazinger Poison.

Yuan Shaoqing squat and stared at Comet. He picked up the cowboy hat and put it on his head.

"Nice hat. Do you mind if I take this?"

"You can have it, your majesty," Comet gnashed his teeth. It was his favorite super rare level-100 equipment, which boosted his intelligence and magic resistance.

"Very well," Yuan Shaoqing snickered. He patted Comet\'s head and slowly stood up. Turning toward the northwest sea, the emperor sighed.

"Had you told me about this place when I was still in Siren City, I would have turned this place into a trade hub. We could have built trade ports here and collected taxes and goods from Midgard and Frozen Union. How unfortunate."

Comet lowered his head, "As I said before – I directly serve her highness Yuan. All money from the Mazinger Poison goes to her pocket."

"I know."

Yuan Shaoqing looked up and gazed at his sister, who slowly regained her immortal power. She had managed to escape from Pangu\'s influence, but she seemed to be affected by a certain abnormal status, which had a two-heart icon, showing at the end of her name.

Love-Struck (Shepherd)

Thinking of Shepherd, Yuan Shaoqing regretted his decisions.

"I should have killed Xiaomao and brainwashed Shepherd. I could have gotten another talented general for my empire. With his help, we could have enough strength to destroy the Pangu Church and conquer Midgard."

Wen Chou shook his head, "We would have been an enemy of Asgard by then. We can\'t fight both gods at the same time, my liege."

"Haha. I know. It was just a fantasy. I won\'t hurt if I daydream from time to time and relieve my stress, right?"

Wen Chou and others were silent while Yuan Shaoqing dryly laughed.

"Haiz. Woe is me. I lost my home. I made so many enemies. Now, we\'re sitting ducks because we have no powerhouse gods to protect us like Midgard, Frozen Union, or Desert Frontier. It\'s not easy to be an atheist in this god-infested world."

"If that\'s the case, why don\'t we pick a god to serve, my liege?" Asked Wen Chou.

"Then, we would go back to square one! We\'ve just escaped from Pangu\'s grasp, now you want us to become slaves of another god? You must be joking!"

"I-I\'m so sorry," Wen Chou shrunk back.


Yuan Shaoqing stared at Wen Chou\'s face. He took a deep breath and turned around, looking at the sea again.

But as soon as the emperor turned around, a large arm of a hell field emerged from the ash-filled ground. It pushed its body up and showed its 10-meter diameter head, revealing its two horns, large jaws, and demonic-like features.

Wen Chou pulled Yuan Shaoqing back and retreated 100 steps. The demon soon got out of the ground and stood up.

The towering height of the demon reached 100 meters. Its body resembled a human, but its long tail, two massive demonic wings, and spikes on its back made it look terrifying.

Yuan Hua in the sky glared at the emerging demon. She frowned when she could read its name and see its level.

Calamity Fiend Diabolos, Level 9999

There were seven calamity fiends in this world.

Taotie, the World Eater

Anglerfish, the Hoarder

Diabolos, the Star Destroyer

Emerald Hopea, the Temptress Queen

Hundun, the Dark Observer

Dandan, the Guardian Beast

Meirong, the Constellation of Corruption

Although they were considered calamity fiends, not all of them had monstrous figures. Some of them looked exactly like humans, such as Meirong, Hopea, and Dandan. As for the others, they each came from a different race, and they had a unique ability that earned them the title.

Out of seven calamity-class fiends, four were freed while three were sealed. Currently, only the Anglerfish, Hundun, and Meirong were trapped in a secret place. As for the rest, they were hiding somewhere in this world.

Yuan Hua was aware of this background and the relationship between gods. She found it surprising to see Diabolos here.

The demon looked down and gazed at Yuan Hua. He chuckled.

"Tiny girl, did you pray or wish for my protection?"

Yuan Hua frowned. She never prayed to any god or immortal since she was once a deity in her previous life. There was no reason for her to beg for another deity\'s protection.

However, Yuan Shaoqing didn\'t have that mindset. He died when he was a mortal, and he didn\'t have all the knowledge or memory from his previous life.

Desperate, Yuan Shaoqing went against his principles to protect everyone.


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