The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 688 Nightmare Fuel


With all of her targets already dead, it usually wouldn\'t be very wise to stick around to fight the security guards in a meaningless battle. But since there was only a single point of entry and exit to the meeting room, avoiding them was easier said than done.

Of course, for someone like Emilia who could change their form at will… she definitely could do it, but it would be at the cost of putting her ability on an eight-hour cooldown.

Emilia sighed. "It\'s a bit troublesome, but if possible… I really don\'t want anyone to figure out what happened."

Since she was being forced to put her ability on cooldown anyway… might as well make the most out of it.


Because of the urgency of the situation and the secrecy required, none of the Federation\'s ex-leaders had actually brought in too many bodyguards. The highest count was only sixteen. But that didn\'t mean they were easy to handle.

After all, to be assigned to protect the \'most important\' person in their country, these people were naturally the best of the best.

If they really all worked together to take Emilia down, even with all her advantages… the crimson-haired girl felt that her best bet would be to simply flee.

Luckily… they were more of a hindrance to each other than anything, thanks to their suspicion of the \'assassins\' being sent by one of their \'allies\'.

After all, no one else would even know of such a highly secretive meeting in the middle of nowhere, right? It wasn\'t like any of their bosses had been careless or dared take any chances. Not with the empire of Blue Dawn and Phoenix watching their movements like starving hawks.

When they burst in through the door of the meeting hall and hurriedly scanned their surroundings, they couldn\'t help but gasp at the horrific bloodstains all over the table that had been flipped over to its side, the floor, and even the walls.

But what shocked them the most was that… despite the horrific screams earlier… there was no dead body to be seen, and none of the people who were supposed to be there were present.

"Shit! What the fuck is going on?!"

Although a few of them were agitated and even turned their guns to the people from other factions, making the situation rather tense for a moment, Emilia was disappointed to see that things were quickly returned to order by someone else.

"Check behind the table, and look for any hidden exits that we might have missed earlier. We have to rescue the hostages quickly, before it\'s too late."

From her spot on the ceiling, Emilia smiled wryly as she watched them circle around the large table slowly, knowing that a violent confrontation was unavoidable, but she still waited patiently for the rest of them to enter the room first.

It would be best to deal with as many of them at once as she could while she still had the element of surprise on her side, after all.

She had no idea that if the people below really saw the \'wry smile\' of the horrifying creature above them, maybe a few would directly faint from sheer terror.

Emilia had mentally debated just using her \'tunnel digging\' form with flexible and multi-purpose long hair, but soon realized it wouldn\'t nearly be \'efficient enough\' for her current situation. Plus, her original form was clearly discernible, and if someone managed to take a picture or something from afar, it posed the risk of people figuring out that she had slaughtered all of the Federation\'s leaders.

Unfortunately, even Cynthia couldn\'t find a good enough reason to dissuade Emilia, and could only light a candle for the doomed soldiers. \'It\'s a pity that you can\'t even see the gorgeous face of my villainess before you die, and have to look at this instead.\'

Unaware of the fate that awaited them, just as some of the soldiers were about to see what was behind the table… something large dropped softly in the center of their back line.

Of course, Emilia knew that they would instinctively shoot the moment they saw her, so she made her move first.

Dark, sharp organic spikes barely two millimeters in diameter and ten inches in length shot right through the whole room and embedded themselves on the solid wall deeply, with trails of blood and gore following behind them.

Only a few managed to survive unscathed, several sustained severe wounds, while the rest… instantly died.

"W-What the hell is that thing?!"

It was only then that they got a clear look at the giant crimson spider with hundreds of holes in both its cephalothorax and abdomen… but it was still for only an instant before it started scuttling around all over the place with a speed that was truly terrifying for a monster of its size.


Emilia found it a bit amusing that their reaction was so similar to that of their \'bosses\', even though the form she used before was so pretty, while this one was so ugly.

Cynthia couldn\'t help but roll her eyes in exasperation. "I doubt they care very much what you look like while you\'re slaughtering them."


"Kill it!"

Unfortunately, even though many of them were aware of the desperate situation and tried to shoot her down… it was futile.

Most regular people would be too terrified to think rationally when faced with such nightmare fuel, and instinctively fled for their lives.

Meanwhile, with Emilia-spider\'s incredible speed, most of the panicked shots meant to take her down simply ended up hitting other \'allies\' instead.

Numbers weren\'t always an advantage, after all.

A few lucky shots did manage to get to her, and one even completely tore off a leg, but Emilia-spider still had seven left, so it barely slowed her down before she adjusted herself.

She had to admit, the ease with which she could tear down \'prey\' was really something else when she used this form, even though she didn\'t really like using her \'fangs\' so much directly.

They tasted disgusting, after all, even if she immediately spat them out after tearing them apart.

Obviously, she targeted the ones who were shooting at her first. The ones fleeing could always be taken down later.

The few of her opponents who dared to stand against such an unreasonable monstrosity were actually quite clever and brave, and tried their best to spread out and take cover behind the dead bodies and the table… but sadly their efforts were still in vain.

With the passage of time, many of the organic spikes that had been deeply embedded all over the place simply vanished and reappeared on the nightmare\'s body… and the moment it screeched, they knew it was over.

With so few of their comrades standing around to act as meat shields this time, most of them ended up being shot right through by the spider spikes, and even the rest realized that they were doomed.

Their final desperate shots mostly ended up hitting nothing as the spider scuttled around finishing their companions off, and aside from cursing at their fate for being dealt such a fucked up hand, they could do little else as the light faded away from their eyes.

Of course, even after she finished the last of them, Emilia didn\'t dare relax for a moment as she scuttled out of the meeting hall.

\'I can\'t let them flee…!\'


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