I Hate Systems

Chapter 210: Is Grass Scary?

Chapter 210: Is Grass Scary?




Quite a few cars crashed into each other and burst into flames. As for the people within, they screamed as their bodies burned. But after some time, they casually got out of the cars and rolled about on the ground, extinguishing the fire.

After that, they got up, uprooted some long grass and tied it around the melted parts of their bodies. They hadn\'t died yet, but whether they were truly alive or not was a question for another day.

Ignoring everything and hopping around was Compass Carburettor, landing on the roofs of one car before jumping onto the other.

He didn\'t recklessly use the ability of the boots, for that would simply waste his Darlac too much. There was still a distance of 70 kilometres left for him to reach Feora city, not to mention the distance he had to travel within.

Unaware of the dangers that might exist, he didn\'t wish to waste all his Darlac. So, to conserve it, he only condensed the boots to give a boost to his agility.

As it was a highway, there wouldn\'t have been that many cars initially. But now, as the grass encroached upon it, the cars had moved towards the centre accordingly while they moved.

And, since it was a weekend, there were more cars on the highway than on weekdays. Thanks to that, there were cars nearby that he was able to jump and reach normally.

After all, he had the Skill of Strength at Level 10. His physique was naturally a lot stronger than a regular human. Until now, the way in which he acted like a regular human was thanks to the training he had gotten from the Money-Making System.

After all, how would he act normally around people if he was a lot stronger than hulking men?

That wasn\'t all. Since he had a wife before, if they were to wrestle in bed as if he was normal, then she could cough up blood and die immediately. So, he had to control his strength.

That is why the Money-Making System trained him in this regard. Though, in actuality, it was just streaming in a bunch of information into his mind that allowed him to gain the experience of martial artists.

This allowed him to control the strength he exercised in his body automatically. Though, all that information had was about controlling the muscles and not martial arts itself. He hadn\'t ever fought a proper fight while on Earth, so there was never a need to learn martial arts.

He had a superior weapon in his hand at that time…


Now that he continued to hop from one car to another, such distracting thoughts flashed in his head for a moment before he cleared them. Thankfully for him, most of the cars were within the distance that he was able to reach through his normal physique\'s power—with the amplification provided by the boots.

And in cases where the cars were farther apart, he used the power in the boots to flash the distance.

And most of the time, he used the divider in the centre of the road to help himself. They were pretty high and was made from cement. As the grass hadn\'t reached such a height yet, he was able to use it to travel.

Though, he noticed that the moment he began to run over it, the grass beside the divider would begin to grow in height to capture him. So, he couldn\'t remain on it for long and would have to flash towards the top of a car and travel for some distance in this way before returning to the divider for another short run.

Thanks to his Darlac, he wasn\'t even in the least tired, constantly running about without the slightest lapse in concentration. It was only thanks to this that he was able to avoid the grass on time and run about.

The grass seemed to be instinctively reaching out for him through a mysterious chemical affinity of sorts. So, he wasn\'t able to perceive any Mental Energy from them.

That was why he had to be alert.

Though, thanks to the Skill of Five Senses, he was aware of the minute changes in his surroundings. Moreover, the cobra too was keeping an eye on things, ready to alert him of any danger.

One kilometre, ten kilometres, thirty kilometres… Compass Carburettor continued to run nonstop as his worries increased. It was because the people within the cars had begun to exit and were roaming the place.

Appearance-wise, they were still human to a certain extent. But, their skin had turned green while the texture was the same as grass. As for their hair, it was like thin, grass strands were hung over them.

They were mostly silent. But upon seeing his flashing figure, they turned around in the direction of the sound, beginning to move to capture him.

It was alarming because the grass-like skin on their bodies wriggled before condensing a large pair of claws on their hands, one that they used to gain a batter range while swiping at him.

To avoid that at times, he had to rely upon the power of his boots. Otherwise, the situation would be too precarious.

And, just to test something, he slammed a bullet of Slave Harem into a female, followed by the bullet with Secret Society, frowning immediately as he realised something.

They weren\'t alive, or rather, they had become one with the grass, one that didn\'t seem like a single entity but billions of entities that had interlinked themselves to form a singular entity.

Even though his Slave Harem and Secret Society were effective, the power was dispersed over billions of grasses, diluting it to the extent nothing changed.

He realised that if he wished to make them members of Secret Society, then he would have to spend decades shooting bullets with the ability of Slave Harem and Secret Society into them. It was like a droplet of ink on a lake.

Even though on the surface, it seemed like these grass-covered humans were individual entities, they weren\'t. They had just become nodes for the collective consciousness of the grass to reside within.

As to how this development would lead towards in the future, he was unaware. But one thing he was sure about, and that was to stop wasting his time and run with everything he had.

Using his paltry Mental Energy, he caused the grass-covered people to move away when they blocked his path, continuing to flash over from one car to another, frowning as the height of the grass continued to increase now.

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