I Hate Systems

Chapter 334: Full Nerf

Chapter 334: Full Nerf

Compass Carburettor watched the figures of every System plaguing his mind be destroyed, watching eight balls of needles hover before him in the end, "…coordinates."

But, he didn\'t have the mood to care about them for the time being, noticing his vision turn blurry as tears slowly streamed out of his eyes. He knew what he had done but was unable to endure the result.

Through System Punishment, he permanently killed all the Systems in him, including the System Fragments. And among them was…Young Master.

Arriving in reality, he hurriedly summoned the figure of Stencil, enveloping her in a hug, lacking the strength to look at her as he gazed at the sky, tears streaming down his eyes.

The hand of Stencil slowly moved up, wiping his tears before vanishing.

"Haah…ahhh…heuk…cough…" Compass Carburettor collapsed to the ground, clutching his face as he was unable to control it anymore, "Did I kill her?"

He was aware that she wasn\'t the real Stencil and was just a product of a Core Skill. But, she was real in a sense in that she was able to affect his emotions to the extent that he would rather take a bullet for her and die than let her suffer, even though she wasn\'t real.

And now, she had vanished as Young Master System had been killed. That wasn\'t all, the Night Ranger System too was killed. So, there was nothing in his Dimensional Space now, just a flat energy blade ground, with a pile of orbs at one side.

Carburettor Island was no more, same for the night sky.

"Was this worth it…?" He trembled, feeling bouts of anger, indecisiveness, regret and self-deprecation. The powers of all Systems that he possessed until now had vanished. And most of all, the Stencil he was admiring in the safety of his Dimensional Space too had vanished.

He felt abandoned, alone, cast out into nothingness.

"Ahh…why didn\'t I just remain in danger? I could have still seen her." He felt weak, having lost all the Skills related to his physique. At present, his body was only as strong as a normal human, requiring regular human level nutrition and rest.

It was not to mention that his mind felt blank all of a sudden, having lost the Skill of Intelligence at Level 10.

At present, he had reverted to his original self, completely nerfed.

He gazed at his hands, still able to feel the lingering warmth from when he had hugged Stencil, trembling in sadness, wondering if everything was worth it.

He was aware of the risks, the consequences that he had to face if he let it fester within his mind any longer. But now, he felt weak without Stencil\'s presence.

"No, Stencil is still out there. She needs my assistance." Compass Carburettor wiped his tears, \'The Money-Making System is unaware of the fact that its body part in my mind has been killed. Now, I should think of something to save her.\'

"I can\'t waste any more time." He slapped himself awake, feeling difficulty in concocting a plan after losing the Skill of Intelligence that had been boosting him all along. But, even if his intelligence had been nerfed, he still had his experience to rely upon.

Everything that he had experienced would now become his strength as Compass Carburettor spent more time than usual, thinking up a plan as he understood his current state of things, \'Now that I\'ve let go of my status as a Slayer and have become the Main Character, it\'s safe to say all the Systems would be coming for my neck.\'

Until now, even though he was a System Slayer, he wasn\'t actually killing any Systems. They still comfortably lived in his mind and had hope for revival as long as they existed in him long enough.

Eventually, his Core Skills would regain their strength and escape his control, killing him in the process as all the respective Systems would perfectly revive. That was his fate as a System Slayer.

Even though Hatchling Systems hated System Slayers, that was because System Slayers were obstacles that hindered their growth. Moreover, if the System Slayers were killed by a System that fell in the same genre as one of the Slayer\'s Core Skills, it was the end for the respective System. It would never be able to revive and would instead be digested by the System that killed the Slayer.

This was the true reason Hatchling Systems hated System Slayers.

But now, Compass Carburettor had directly become the Main Character, no longer polluted by any Systems. He was wholly a fragment of the Main Character System now. So, he became an enemy to every System that was in existence.

And…this also included the Coincidental Luck System, a behemoth from the luck genre. Basically, this meant that he could forget about getting lucky ever again. From here on, every moment he wasted would push him closer to death.

After all, it had to be noted that even without any proper contact, the Coincidental Luck System had determined that he was Secret Society. Using its powers, it could easily gain information.

All the Coincidental Luck System needed was a bucket of letters that it could casually spill over. And coincidentally, the letters would group up into words and sentences, providing it the information it needed to know.

Coincidence and Luck, two terrifying authorities when combined resulted in such a terrifying entity. So, the Coincidental Luck System would coincidentally come to know of the change in his existence and hunt him down.

He could feel that when this happens, all the luck-based Systems would directly set aside their conflict and join hands to deal with him. \'Maybe the True System Slayers that reach Level 50 too would attain my state. That\'s why even Grade 2 Systems would make a move just to deal with them.\'

\'Thankfully, I still cannot level up. So, I shouldn\'t fall under their radar yet.\' He sighed before informing Grisha and Gana through telepathy, "Enter my Dimensional Space. If you have any farewells, say them now."

"We\'re leaving this world."

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